6 common misconceptions, in which you will surely believe
Dispelling the next portion of the popular mifovNe everything that we were told the school teachers, we are to believe. Of course, in general, they were right, but the curriculum is created with the simplification and involuntary distortion of certain facts, which allows interest to children and to make it not too boring. Here are some common myths and misconceptions that many believe at school.
1. Whirlpool in effect subject to the toilet Koriolisa
There is a common misconception that the so-called Coriolis effect, resulting from the Earth's rotation around its own axis, affect the direction of the whirlpool flushed down the toilet in the water: that in the Southern Hemisphere, the rotation is in a clockwise direction, and in the North - against.
This is not quite true: the Coriolis force does exist, but that it is determined by the rotation of the object, it should be large enough - such as meteorological cyclones or hurricanes that really rotate clockwise or counterclockwise, depending on the hemisphere.
2. Diamonds are formed from uglya
Many more schools to "know" that the diamonds - nothing but coal, which is hundreds of millions of years crystallized and turned into the hardest mineral on the planet. The compilers of textbooks in the natural sciences seek to apply the material as much as possible accessible and understandable, moreover, not all, and in adulthood can understand all the intricacies of geological and mineralogical process, during which there are diamonds, so the majority still believes that diamonds once were coal.
According to experts, the likelihood that the diamonds formed from the fossilized remains of plants is extremely low - carbon, of which the vast majority of natural diamonds, older than the first known to science plants appeared on land. It should be noted that scientists still can not say exactly what are the conditions necessary for the emergence of diamonds - artificially created diamonds differ in their properties from the natural, for example, can not boast the same strength.
3. Dogs are not poteyut
Surely all dog owners have noticed that their pets in hot weather is almost always sticks out his tongue - it allows them to effectively reduce body temperature. For this reason, many people believe that dogs have sweat glands are located on the tongue, but it is fundamentally wrong.
The fact that in mammals, the body of which is covered with hair, sweat gland responsible for the temperature regulation of the body, mainly located on the nose and paws - namely their hydration can be judged that the hot animal. Under the coat dogs are hiding a large sweat glands, the main function is excretion of harmful metabolic products.
The myth that dogs are not able to sweat, scattered back in the first half of the XIX-th century - scientists shaved guinea dog fur and provoke sweating, during which it was found that most of the sebaceous glands in dogs allocates thick, smelly sweat, which is not to cool the body, and as a grease lubricant for the skin and hair.
4. Bats slepy
Due to the fact that the majority of bats living in the almost complete absence of light, some mistakenly believe that the sight of these animals is absent or poorly developed. In fact, many bats, vision is much sharper than humans, with different species structure of the eye is different. As a rule, these single flying mammals there are two types of view: first, they are in daylight, and the other allows them to navigate at night.
It is not true and that the bats in flight rely mainly on echolocation: the largest species, such as fruit bats, it did not use - to search for fruits and edible plants they just ordinary vision. Ultrasound is used only predatory species that prey on insects.
5. Why planes letayut
A few words of explanation of this phenomenon goes something like this: the wings are designed so that when the pressure difference occurs, which raises the car up the catch.
The effect of the fall of fluid pressure with an increase in the flow rate of this medium was opened in 1738, the year the Swiss physicist and naturalist Daniel Bernoulli. Although this law it is taken into account in the design of aircraft, more important for the lift is Newton's third law: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction force.
To move the plane forward and up, you need to make the air flow in the opposite direction, and control opening and closing force by means of flaps. With regard to the Bernoulli law, which is a consequence of Newton's second law, the Swiss physicist, took into account only one option geometry wings - flat bottom portion and a convex top, but the wings of modern aircraft are much more complicated to change shape.
6. Milk is useful for kostey
The fact that you need every day to drink milk, we repeat from childhood, with the main argument usually is that the 'milk and dairy products are good for the bones of the skeleton, as they have a lot of calcium ».
Employees of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine decided to check this statement in the course of their studies found no convincing evidence that increased consumption of dairy or other foods high in calcium has a beneficial effect on bone health. Moreover, a statistically residents of countries with high consumption of milk per capita on average have more problems with the musculoskeletal system. This does not mean that milk is harmful, however, and use it for the bones is greatly exaggerated - there are a lot of products with an equally high content of calcium.
via factroom.ru
1. Whirlpool in effect subject to the toilet Koriolisa

There is a common misconception that the so-called Coriolis effect, resulting from the Earth's rotation around its own axis, affect the direction of the whirlpool flushed down the toilet in the water: that in the Southern Hemisphere, the rotation is in a clockwise direction, and in the North - against.
This is not quite true: the Coriolis force does exist, but that it is determined by the rotation of the object, it should be large enough - such as meteorological cyclones or hurricanes that really rotate clockwise or counterclockwise, depending on the hemisphere.
2. Diamonds are formed from uglya

Many more schools to "know" that the diamonds - nothing but coal, which is hundreds of millions of years crystallized and turned into the hardest mineral on the planet. The compilers of textbooks in the natural sciences seek to apply the material as much as possible accessible and understandable, moreover, not all, and in adulthood can understand all the intricacies of geological and mineralogical process, during which there are diamonds, so the majority still believes that diamonds once were coal.
According to experts, the likelihood that the diamonds formed from the fossilized remains of plants is extremely low - carbon, of which the vast majority of natural diamonds, older than the first known to science plants appeared on land. It should be noted that scientists still can not say exactly what are the conditions necessary for the emergence of diamonds - artificially created diamonds differ in their properties from the natural, for example, can not boast the same strength.
3. Dogs are not poteyut

Surely all dog owners have noticed that their pets in hot weather is almost always sticks out his tongue - it allows them to effectively reduce body temperature. For this reason, many people believe that dogs have sweat glands are located on the tongue, but it is fundamentally wrong.
The fact that in mammals, the body of which is covered with hair, sweat gland responsible for the temperature regulation of the body, mainly located on the nose and paws - namely their hydration can be judged that the hot animal. Under the coat dogs are hiding a large sweat glands, the main function is excretion of harmful metabolic products.
The myth that dogs are not able to sweat, scattered back in the first half of the XIX-th century - scientists shaved guinea dog fur and provoke sweating, during which it was found that most of the sebaceous glands in dogs allocates thick, smelly sweat, which is not to cool the body, and as a grease lubricant for the skin and hair.
4. Bats slepy

Due to the fact that the majority of bats living in the almost complete absence of light, some mistakenly believe that the sight of these animals is absent or poorly developed. In fact, many bats, vision is much sharper than humans, with different species structure of the eye is different. As a rule, these single flying mammals there are two types of view: first, they are in daylight, and the other allows them to navigate at night.
It is not true and that the bats in flight rely mainly on echolocation: the largest species, such as fruit bats, it did not use - to search for fruits and edible plants they just ordinary vision. Ultrasound is used only predatory species that prey on insects.
5. Why planes letayut

A few words of explanation of this phenomenon goes something like this: the wings are designed so that when the pressure difference occurs, which raises the car up the catch.

The effect of the fall of fluid pressure with an increase in the flow rate of this medium was opened in 1738, the year the Swiss physicist and naturalist Daniel Bernoulli. Although this law it is taken into account in the design of aircraft, more important for the lift is Newton's third law: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction force.
To move the plane forward and up, you need to make the air flow in the opposite direction, and control opening and closing force by means of flaps. With regard to the Bernoulli law, which is a consequence of Newton's second law, the Swiss physicist, took into account only one option geometry wings - flat bottom portion and a convex top, but the wings of modern aircraft are much more complicated to change shape.
6. Milk is useful for kostey

The fact that you need every day to drink milk, we repeat from childhood, with the main argument usually is that the 'milk and dairy products are good for the bones of the skeleton, as they have a lot of calcium ».
Employees of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine decided to check this statement in the course of their studies found no convincing evidence that increased consumption of dairy or other foods high in calcium has a beneficial effect on bone health. Moreover, a statistically residents of countries with high consumption of milk per capita on average have more problems with the musculoskeletal system. This does not mean that milk is harmful, however, and use it for the bones is greatly exaggerated - there are a lot of products with an equally high content of calcium.
via factroom.ru
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