The dangerous high cholesterol and why his level should follow
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Cholesterol - a natural fat (lipophilic) alcohol, spreads throughout the body via the blood and stored in cell membranes. Cholesterol is vital for normal functioning of cells, provided that it is sufficient in the body. Cholesterol helps the body in the production of various hormones and vitamin D, as well as salts and acids required for the digestion of fats.
Generally our liver cholesterol is produced, with how much fatty foods we eat, on the amount of cholesterol in the body is almost not affected. If we consume more fatty foods, the liver produces a slightly less cholesterol. However, unbalanced diet you consume too many "empty" calories and trans fats, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.
The risk of this has more to do with certain particles that carry blood cholesterol than cholesterol itself. However, to reduce the risk should exercise, as well as to include in your diet more foods high in fiber (such as raspberries, peas and brown rice), and omega-3 (salmon, spinach and walnuts). < br />
Generally, there are two kinds of cholesterol: High density lipoprotein (HDL) or "good" cholesterol and low density lipoproteins (LDL), or "bad" cholesterol. Simply put, for the body is better to have higher blood levels of HDL and lower LDL. Too much "bad" cholesterol causes blood clots in the blood vessels, and the more the body's "good" cholesterol, the easier it is to him to get rid of excess "bad" cholesterol.
via factroom.ru

Cholesterol - a natural fat (lipophilic) alcohol, spreads throughout the body via the blood and stored in cell membranes. Cholesterol is vital for normal functioning of cells, provided that it is sufficient in the body. Cholesterol helps the body in the production of various hormones and vitamin D, as well as salts and acids required for the digestion of fats.
Generally our liver cholesterol is produced, with how much fatty foods we eat, on the amount of cholesterol in the body is almost not affected. If we consume more fatty foods, the liver produces a slightly less cholesterol. However, unbalanced diet you consume too many "empty" calories and trans fats, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.
The risk of this has more to do with certain particles that carry blood cholesterol than cholesterol itself. However, to reduce the risk should exercise, as well as to include in your diet more foods high in fiber (such as raspberries, peas and brown rice), and omega-3 (salmon, spinach and walnuts). < br />
Generally, there are two kinds of cholesterol: High density lipoprotein (HDL) or "good" cholesterol and low density lipoproteins (LDL), or "bad" cholesterol. Simply put, for the body is better to have higher blood levels of HDL and lower LDL. Too much "bad" cholesterol causes blood clots in the blood vessels, and the more the body's "good" cholesterol, the easier it is to him to get rid of excess "bad" cholesterol.
via factroom.ru
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