10 things I realized after watching "Interstellar"
The film "Interstellar" by director Christopher Nolan recently just blew the world community. The film carried intergalactic travel, the earth is living its last moments, the ships absorbed the black holes were jumping through time and much more. Watch this movie, apart from the mass of impressions and emotions, I did for myself 10 simple conclusions:
1) I absolutely do not know anything about science. 1,401,199
Even despite the fact that I am a person with a higher education and consider myself pretty knowledgeable when I come face to the laws of physics theories and mathematical formulas - they just blow my mind. And despite the fact that the film director did their best to chew and put me in my mouth the whole story, I still did not understand much. And to be honest, I felt this a bit silly.
2) I do not want to live at the end sveta.
I have always believed that the end of the world, though the event and sad, but at least exciting. Zombie Apocalypse, meteorites, people living in shelters and fighting with terrible monsters. All this is of course good. But Nolan has shown perhaps the most prosaic and yet terrible end. Hopelessness - that's the word I can describe it.
3) Space travel is very pugayuschie.
Every minute of the film with major actors in space there was something unpleasant. A thousand things that could go wrong. Get at least '23 expectations. In place of this guy I would have just gone crazy. Do you remember the moment when McConaughey says, "all that separates us from the black space - a couple of millimeters of steel." Brrrr ....
4) Despite its hardness, I can still be emotional while watching movie. 26,486,088
Yes, I still admitted
Some moments of the film really takes the soul. "Interstellar" - is not only a powerful sci-fi film, but also very deep drama. The story about a father and daughter and the entire family as a whole. The story of the disappearance of the human race. The story of the struggle.
5) I could never become astronaut. 38,099,145
Many children want to become astronauts. Of course, as a child there is nothing cooler this dream. Now, when I look at this through the eyes of an adult perspective, one idea that I could be in place Team "Interstellar" scares me to shiver. For me - so it's torture. And so I have great respect for the astronauts.
6) Extension of time.
One of the highlights of the plot of the film is the theory of time dilation. In short - the astronauts were aging much more slowly than people on Earth. This theory was put forward at the time by Albert Einstein. She says that when traveling at the speed of light (or as close as possible to this speed), time flows more slowly. This was partly shown in the world. In fact, while people age in the world, you can even stay in the same age for many years to come.
7) Krotov nory.
The theory underlying the wormhole physics, is simply amazing. After explaining the theory in the film, I'm not quite sure what they had in mind and went for help to the almighty Google. So, imagine the universe in the form of a flat sheet of paper. You can move it in a straight line. But if you bend the paper so that the point of the sheet touch and make this place a hole - that's you and wormhole. You will be able to travel through it to the other side of the sheet without having to do it in a straight line (which probably would have taken millions of years). In theory, wormholes exist, but no one knows how they appear and how long are active. In general, she is still a mystery.
8) universe - really great place.
I will not try to describe how the vast universe. It would also be useless as, say, to come up with a new color. I will say this: even the scientists who know about the universe is millions of times more than we do to you, do not know how it is huge, and how far away its borders.
9) There are thousands of obscure, creepy scientific teoriy.
There is an official scientific term "spaghettification." And also there is a "Theory of Everything." Why are we not taught this at school ?! It would interest me much more than any abstruse theories of physics. In any case, viewing the "Interstellar", you will be able to catch up. In the film, there is an abundance of the coolest scientific theories.
10) There are a lot of things in the cosmos, which scientists do not ponimayut.
We do not know whether we are alone in the universe or not. Is there life or at least the possibility of life (development of life) on other planets. What could create wormholes and what is actually hidden in the black holes. In other words, we know that we know nothing. I hope that someday our technology, space ships and thousands of theories, led by the inquisitive human mind will be able to reveal these secrets. And I hope that even live to see this ...
1) I absolutely do not know anything about science. 1,401,199
Even despite the fact that I am a person with a higher education and consider myself pretty knowledgeable when I come face to the laws of physics theories and mathematical formulas - they just blow my mind. And despite the fact that the film director did their best to chew and put me in my mouth the whole story, I still did not understand much. And to be honest, I felt this a bit silly.
2) I do not want to live at the end sveta.

I have always believed that the end of the world, though the event and sad, but at least exciting. Zombie Apocalypse, meteorites, people living in shelters and fighting with terrible monsters. All this is of course good. But Nolan has shown perhaps the most prosaic and yet terrible end. Hopelessness - that's the word I can describe it.
3) Space travel is very pugayuschie.

Every minute of the film with major actors in space there was something unpleasant. A thousand things that could go wrong. Get at least '23 expectations. In place of this guy I would have just gone crazy. Do you remember the moment when McConaughey says, "all that separates us from the black space - a couple of millimeters of steel." Brrrr ....
4) Despite its hardness, I can still be emotional while watching movie. 26,486,088
Yes, I still admitted

Some moments of the film really takes the soul. "Interstellar" - is not only a powerful sci-fi film, but also very deep drama. The story about a father and daughter and the entire family as a whole. The story of the disappearance of the human race. The story of the struggle.
5) I could never become astronaut. 38,099,145
Many children want to become astronauts. Of course, as a child there is nothing cooler this dream. Now, when I look at this through the eyes of an adult perspective, one idea that I could be in place Team "Interstellar" scares me to shiver. For me - so it's torture. And so I have great respect for the astronauts.
6) Extension of time.

One of the highlights of the plot of the film is the theory of time dilation. In short - the astronauts were aging much more slowly than people on Earth. This theory was put forward at the time by Albert Einstein. She says that when traveling at the speed of light (or as close as possible to this speed), time flows more slowly. This was partly shown in the world. In fact, while people age in the world, you can even stay in the same age for many years to come.
7) Krotov nory.

The theory underlying the wormhole physics, is simply amazing. After explaining the theory in the film, I'm not quite sure what they had in mind and went for help to the almighty Google. So, imagine the universe in the form of a flat sheet of paper. You can move it in a straight line. But if you bend the paper so that the point of the sheet touch and make this place a hole - that's you and wormhole. You will be able to travel through it to the other side of the sheet without having to do it in a straight line (which probably would have taken millions of years). In theory, wormholes exist, but no one knows how they appear and how long are active. In general, she is still a mystery.
8) universe - really great place.

I will not try to describe how the vast universe. It would also be useless as, say, to come up with a new color. I will say this: even the scientists who know about the universe is millions of times more than we do to you, do not know how it is huge, and how far away its borders.
9) There are thousands of obscure, creepy scientific teoriy.

There is an official scientific term "spaghettification." And also there is a "Theory of Everything." Why are we not taught this at school ?! It would interest me much more than any abstruse theories of physics. In any case, viewing the "Interstellar", you will be able to catch up. In the film, there is an abundance of the coolest scientific theories.
10) There are a lot of things in the cosmos, which scientists do not ponimayut.

We do not know whether we are alone in the universe or not. Is there life or at least the possibility of life (development of life) on other planets. What could create wormholes and what is actually hidden in the black holes. In other words, we know that we know nothing. I hope that someday our technology, space ships and thousands of theories, led by the inquisitive human mind will be able to reveal these secrets. And I hope that even live to see this ...
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