He found a secret door in the House, but did not even suspect where it leads ...

During normal repair at his home in 1963, one of the Turks made an incredible discovery. It turned out that the dismantled wall hiding a secret room, which led to the lost underground city called Derinkuyu. After studies have shown that space consists of 8 tiers and it reaches a depth of 60 meters under the ground. The tunnels of the city were carved from soft volcanic rock - tuff.

Historians believe that Derinkuyu was built in the I-II millennium BC. e. He served as a refuge for a great protection against enemy armies. B>

The tunnels were all the amenities needed for a comfortable stay of those times: living quarters, kitchens, wells, bakeries, workshops, stables and even a crib.

The city could accommodate about 20 000 people with things and pripasami.

It is believed that Derinkuyu was even kladbische.

Just imagine the process of creating these tunnels! Fresh air enters the city through the ventilation shaft. Now this place is open for tourists, and everyone can enjoy. The city is still a real find. B>

What about Derinkuyu did not know for so many years - it is simply unthinkable. Just imagine the feeling of people who always lived on the ancient lost city without having the faintest predstavleniya.


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