Here's How to emerging human life
The photographer Lennart Nilsson spent 10 years of his life on it to remove the evolution of the embryo from conception to birth Nilsson got international fame in 1965 when LIFE magazine published a 16-page photo of a human embryo. These photos are immediately replicated in Stern, Paris Match, The Sunday Times and other journals, bringing the photographer Lennart Nilsson international fame.
Since childhood, the microscope and the camera were the main hobbies Nilsson, who wanted to show the world the beauty of the human body at the cellular level. Photos human fetus Nilsson managed to get in 1957, but they were not yet sufficiently spectacular to show them to the public.
Get the most accurate and colorful pictures helped him a cystoscope - a medical device by means of which examine the bladder from the inside. Nilsson attach the camera and the light guide and made thousands of images of baby's life inside the uterus.
So skillful hands Lennart Nilsson created a miracle showed the world the mystery of the origin of human life.
The sperm in the fallopian tube moves toward yaytsekletke
Fateful vstre
One of the 200 million sperm his father broke the shell yaytsekletki
Sperm in the section. The head contains the entire genetic material.
A week later, the embryo, sliding down the fallopian tube, moves to matku
A week later the embryo attaches to the mucosa matki
On the 18th day of the embryo begins to pulsate serdtse
22 day embryo development. Gray matter - is the future head mozg
The 28th day after oplodotvoreniya
5 weeks, the length of 9 mm, have guessed the face with holes for mouth, nostrils and eyes
40 days. Outside the cell nucleus fused with a loose surface of the uterus and form platsentu
8 nedel
10 weeks. Eyelids are already half open. Within a few days, they will form polnostyu.
10 weeks. The kid is already using his hands to study okrestnostey
16 nedel.
Through the thin skin is visible network of blood sosudov
18 weeks. The fetus can perceive sounds from the external mira
19 weeks - he has already appeared nogti.
20 weeks. Height about 20 cm. At the head begin to appear volosy
24 nedeli
6 mesyatsev
36 weeks. A month later, the baby will be born.
In 1965 he published a book of photos Nilsson «A Child is Born», sold out in a few days. The book has stood the many editions and still remains one of the best selling books in the history of this kind of photo albums.
Now medical pioneer photos Lennart Nilsson '91. Science and photography, he has been until now.
Since childhood, the microscope and the camera were the main hobbies Nilsson, who wanted to show the world the beauty of the human body at the cellular level. Photos human fetus Nilsson managed to get in 1957, but they were not yet sufficiently spectacular to show them to the public.
Get the most accurate and colorful pictures helped him a cystoscope - a medical device by means of which examine the bladder from the inside. Nilsson attach the camera and the light guide and made thousands of images of baby's life inside the uterus.
So skillful hands Lennart Nilsson created a miracle showed the world the mystery of the origin of human life.
The sperm in the fallopian tube moves toward yaytsekletke
Fateful vstre
One of the 200 million sperm his father broke the shell yaytsekletki
Sperm in the section. The head contains the entire genetic material.
A week later, the embryo, sliding down the fallopian tube, moves to matku
A week later the embryo attaches to the mucosa matki
On the 18th day of the embryo begins to pulsate serdtse
22 day embryo development. Gray matter - is the future head mozg
The 28th day after oplodotvoreniya
5 weeks, the length of 9 mm, have guessed the face with holes for mouth, nostrils and eyes
40 days. Outside the cell nucleus fused with a loose surface of the uterus and form platsentu
8 nedel
10 weeks. Eyelids are already half open. Within a few days, they will form polnostyu.
10 weeks. The kid is already using his hands to study okrestnostey
16 nedel.
Through the thin skin is visible network of blood sosudov
18 weeks. The fetus can perceive sounds from the external mira
19 weeks - he has already appeared nogti.
20 weeks. Height about 20 cm. At the head begin to appear volosy
24 nedeli
6 mesyatsev
36 weeks. A month later, the baby will be born.
In 1965 he published a book of photos Nilsson «A Child is Born», sold out in a few days. The book has stood the many editions and still remains one of the best selling books in the history of this kind of photo albums.
Now medical pioneer photos Lennart Nilsson '91. Science and photography, he has been until now.