Chicken rolls at home. Juicy taste that is difficult to forget.
Chicken rolls - a wonderful dish that can be served as the main course or as a snack. They can be prepared with various fillings, but we have prepared for you a versatile recipe. He has to appeal to the majority, try it. Prepare the dish quite simple. The ingredients you will be enough for 8 servings, so I think, to call someone a visit.
You will need:
8 chicken breasts (about 1, 3-1, 5 kg); 200 g of hard cheese; 4 tooth. garlic; 150 g herbs (parsley, dill, celery, coriander); 100 g butter; 50 g mayonnaise; < 60 g of vegetable oil; salt and pepper. Cooking:
1. For the filling: Grate half of the cheese, mix with finely chopped herbs, passed through the press garlic and butter. Ambassador.
2. otbey chicken, salt and pepper to taste.
3. At the edge of the fillet lay out the filling, roll wrap and fry a few minutes in sunflower oil on both sides.
4. Peremazh fillet with mayonnaise, sprinkle the remaining grated cheese and send it in the oven heated up to 150 ° C for about 10 minutes.
Garnish the dish can be cherry tomatoes or peppers. And serve with pasta or potatoes.
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via takprosto.cc

You will need:
8 chicken breasts (about 1, 3-1, 5 kg); 200 g of hard cheese; 4 tooth. garlic; 150 g herbs (parsley, dill, celery, coriander); 100 g butter; 50 g mayonnaise; < 60 g of vegetable oil; salt and pepper. Cooking:
1. For the filling: Grate half of the cheese, mix with finely chopped herbs, passed through the press garlic and butter. Ambassador.
2. otbey chicken, salt and pepper to taste.
3. At the edge of the fillet lay out the filling, roll wrap and fry a few minutes in sunflower oil on both sides.
4. Peremazh fillet with mayonnaise, sprinkle the remaining grated cheese and send it in the oven heated up to 150 ° C for about 10 minutes.
Garnish the dish can be cherry tomatoes or peppers. And serve with pasta or potatoes.
Share with your friends this wonderful recipe for Chicken rolls at home!
via takprosto.cc