TOP 8 "magic" fruit that will help you burn fat. The result did not take long!
Fat burning foods really help to lose weight. But it should be noted that you can not eat a big piece of cake, and then seize it all "magical" product and the fat will disappear instantly. It does not happen. Nothing can replace the correct approach to healthy eating and exercise. The extra calories will be lost only if regular physical activity and restrictions in food. Healthy foods can help improve digestion and metabolism. To do this, include in your diet more fruit. Some eat immediately after the main meal, in small quantities.
1. Blueberries
Blueberries are actively struggling with fatty deposits, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. In use a small quantity of blueberry fat is burned each day for 2% efficient. At the blueberry contains a high percentage of antioxidants that rids the body of toxins. Add the berries to yogurt or muesli!
2. Pineapple
Pineapple - a popular fat burner. It contains an enzyme such as bromelain. It helps break down proteins. Pineapple helps to improve the digestion of meat, fish and dairy products. Also it has a large amount of fiber and organic acids. Pineapple is rich in potassium, iron, calcium and iodine. Also in the fruit contains valuable B vitamins and vitamin A.
3. Avocado
Avocado has a strong fat burning effect, as it contains a natural amino acid L-carnitine. It helps burn fat and speed up metabolism. Moreover, carnitine is capable of improving blood circulation. Bear in mind that this fruit contains a lot of calories, so should not consume more than half of the fruit per day. Add a slice of avocado to a salad or two. You can also try to cook tasty meals with him.
4. Raspberry
Raspberry relieve cells from fat due to the high content of vitamins. And yet it is a diuretic, and it helps to speed up metabolism and excretion of toxins. Incidentally, raspberries practically does not lose its beneficial properties when heat treated.
5. Apples and Pears
Eating apples and pears can help you lose weight. Both fruits contain fibers that accelerate metabolism, and they are rich in pectin, which stimulates the digestive tract, helps to eliminate toxins and excess cholesterol from the body. Take an apple and a pear with a job as a useful snack.
6. Grapefruit
Grapefruit - one of the most affordable fruit for weight loss. Get rid of the unwanted fat stores will use half a grapefruit after a meal. This fruit also help speed up the metabolism. Similar properties, by the way, have all citrus fruits. In addition, they relieve the body of toxins and strengthen the immune system.
7. Banana
Bananas contain prebiotic fiber, which helps to reduce appetite and are also present in resistant starch, which blocks the digestion of some carbohydrates and causes the body to use the accumulated fat for energy. Potassium, which is found in bananas, helps build muscle. Prepare a simple mix of yogurt, milk, bananas and ice.
8. Pomegranate
Pomegranate juice contains polyphenols, which relieve our bodies of toxins. They improve the body's metabolism. Drink a glass of pomegranate juice after a meal. It is best to dilute with water.
Try to include this delicious fruit in your daily diet, and soon you will notice results.
Share this interesting article about the fruit, which helps burn fat, with friends.
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1. Blueberries
Blueberries are actively struggling with fatty deposits, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. In use a small quantity of blueberry fat is burned each day for 2% efficient. At the blueberry contains a high percentage of antioxidants that rids the body of toxins. Add the berries to yogurt or muesli!

2. Pineapple
Pineapple - a popular fat burner. It contains an enzyme such as bromelain. It helps break down proteins. Pineapple helps to improve the digestion of meat, fish and dairy products. Also it has a large amount of fiber and organic acids. Pineapple is rich in potassium, iron, calcium and iodine. Also in the fruit contains valuable B vitamins and vitamin A.

3. Avocado
Avocado has a strong fat burning effect, as it contains a natural amino acid L-carnitine. It helps burn fat and speed up metabolism. Moreover, carnitine is capable of improving blood circulation. Bear in mind that this fruit contains a lot of calories, so should not consume more than half of the fruit per day. Add a slice of avocado to a salad or two. You can also try to cook tasty meals with him.

4. Raspberry
Raspberry relieve cells from fat due to the high content of vitamins. And yet it is a diuretic, and it helps to speed up metabolism and excretion of toxins. Incidentally, raspberries practically does not lose its beneficial properties when heat treated.

5. Apples and Pears
Eating apples and pears can help you lose weight. Both fruits contain fibers that accelerate metabolism, and they are rich in pectin, which stimulates the digestive tract, helps to eliminate toxins and excess cholesterol from the body. Take an apple and a pear with a job as a useful snack.

6. Grapefruit
Grapefruit - one of the most affordable fruit for weight loss. Get rid of the unwanted fat stores will use half a grapefruit after a meal. This fruit also help speed up the metabolism. Similar properties, by the way, have all citrus fruits. In addition, they relieve the body of toxins and strengthen the immune system.

7. Banana
Bananas contain prebiotic fiber, which helps to reduce appetite and are also present in resistant starch, which blocks the digestion of some carbohydrates and causes the body to use the accumulated fat for energy. Potassium, which is found in bananas, helps build muscle. Prepare a simple mix of yogurt, milk, bananas and ice.

8. Pomegranate
Pomegranate juice contains polyphenols, which relieve our bodies of toxins. They improve the body's metabolism. Drink a glass of pomegranate juice after a meal. It is best to dilute with water.

Try to include this delicious fruit in your daily diet, and soon you will notice results.
Share this interesting article about the fruit, which helps burn fat, with friends.
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