A simple morning exercise of Tibetan lamas. Find harmony with 10 exercises!

The modern pace of life is often the cause of stress and irritability. To achieve inner harmony, you should perform gymnastics of Tibetan lamas every morning. This is a simple charge, which does not require special devices and special training.
This mini-workout takes only 7 minutes a day, but the effect of it is colossal: you will get a charge of cheerfulness and positiveness for the whole day. Do not forget to do every exercise with pleasure.
Charging consists of 10 small blocks:
1. After waking up, lie down with your eyes closed for 5 minutes. Then rub your hands to make them hot. Then massage the ears by putting the index, thumb and middle finger together (the thumb should be behind the ear). Walk them down the ear 30 times.
2. Place your right hand on your forehead so it's on the eyebrow line. Cover it with your left palm and focus on the point of the third eye (between your eyebrows). Now move your forehead skin to the right and left 30 times. This exercise will also help relieve the headache.
3. Put your hand in your fist and massage your closed eyes with your thumbs, from nose to ears. Do 15 repetitions. This exercise improves vision and blood supply to the brain.
4. Put your right palm on the thyroid gland, your left on top and move your hands, pressing slightly, from top to bottom from the throat to the solar plexus 30 times.
5. Retract and inflate your stomach as much as possible 30 times. Breathing can be arbitrary. Thanks to this exercise, all stagnant phenomena in the digestive tract go away.
6. Lying on your back, slowly, on inhalation, pull the right knee to your chest first 15 times. Then the same number of times left.
7. Put the right hand on the solar plexus, the left on top, make circles in the stomach with a clockwise press 30 times.
8. Legs stretched, arms on the back of the head. Raise your legs on your head inhale, lower your legs on your exhale. Do the exercise 10 times. It improves male potency, digestion and is very useful for the spine.
9. Sit on the edge of the bed, eyes open, put your left leg on your right knee, rub the notch on your foot 30 times with your knuckles. Same with the right leg. It stimulates all the organs.
10. In the sitting position, place the right hand on the back of the head, the left on top and, pressing, move your hands to the right and left 15 times.
After gymnastics, drink half a glass of warm water (and preferably 1-2 cups of room temperature).
Get in the habit of doing these exercises in the morning, and you will see changes in your life: you will always have a good mood and well-being, and stress will bother much less!
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