This tool can save even cancer! New word in medicine.
Brine - a strong antiseptic. This became known during the Second World War. When the doctors did not have medicines and disinfectants, saline solution has been successfully used to treat serious wounds. I. Shcheglov - the surgeon who pioneered the use of hydrochloric bandage for treating wounded soldiers. In extensive wounds deposited cloth soaked in hypertonic saline, and after a couple of days, they were transformed: getting clean and tighten the new connective tissue. Salt has the effect of absorbing pulling all pathogens from damaged tissues. Salt also promotes healing and rapid cell regeneration. And these amazing properties of salt can be used to treat a variety of diseases!
Saline helps heal cholecystitis, nephritis, chronic appendicitis, inflammation of the lungs, rheumatoid arthritis, osteomyelitis, complications arising after allergic reactions, abscesses and bruises. With saline dressings can be treated with cough - is enough to put a bandage on the back, and after a few hours of the patient's condition improves. Runny nose, headache and bronchitis are, if we impose saline dressing on the head, nose and neck. There are cases of healing from cancer using this method: skin cancer and breast took place in patients who have used the miraculous salt to their advantage.
The saline solution can be used in a sling, but in any case not in compression. To prepare the brine, put in 1 liter of water 90 g of table salt - about 3 tablespoons. spoon. Stir the mixture. You get 9 percent saline solution. Take the 8 layers of cotton gauze, otley part of the solution, they are impregnated gauze. Impose a gauze on the problem area, bandage her up. Best of all these dressings do at night.
Salt bandage pulls toxins from the body and kills various infections. By acting locally, it effectively absorbs fluid from the subcutaneous layer and the deeper tissue layers, removing bacteria, viruses and other pathogens. During the term bandages is updated fabrics, improves blood circulation and lymph flow. So it is possible to eliminate virtually any disease!
Share with your loved ones this proven tool. Pharmacists unprofitable advertising of such treatments, but that does not mean they do not work!
via takprosto cc

Saline helps heal cholecystitis, nephritis, chronic appendicitis, inflammation of the lungs, rheumatoid arthritis, osteomyelitis, complications arising after allergic reactions, abscesses and bruises. With saline dressings can be treated with cough - is enough to put a bandage on the back, and after a few hours of the patient's condition improves. Runny nose, headache and bronchitis are, if we impose saline dressing on the head, nose and neck. There are cases of healing from cancer using this method: skin cancer and breast took place in patients who have used the miraculous salt to their advantage.

The saline solution can be used in a sling, but in any case not in compression. To prepare the brine, put in 1 liter of water 90 g of table salt - about 3 tablespoons. spoon. Stir the mixture. You get 9 percent saline solution. Take the 8 layers of cotton gauze, otley part of the solution, they are impregnated gauze. Impose a gauze on the problem area, bandage her up. Best of all these dressings do at night.
Salt bandage pulls toxins from the body and kills various infections. By acting locally, it effectively absorbs fluid from the subcutaneous layer and the deeper tissue layers, removing bacteria, viruses and other pathogens. During the term bandages is updated fabrics, improves blood circulation and lymph flow. So it is possible to eliminate virtually any disease!
Share with your loved ones this proven tool. Pharmacists unprofitable advertising of such treatments, but that does not mean they do not work!
via takprosto cc
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