11 proven ways to combat sleepiness in the workplace and outside working hours.
Man is able to feel that his sleepy at any time and at any time of the year. In winter, the light may not be enough, and the body gets tired quickly. In the summer - stifling heat and the exhausting heat contributed to the fact that we were so sleepy closer to the dinner. But time has not been canceled! If you do not know any other method to overcome drowsiness, except for the coffee, but tired of endless consumption of this beverage - offer to your attention the 11 simple ways that will help you cheer up anywhere!
What helps to overcome sleepiness?
1. Water
Ironically, dehydration is a major cause of sleepiness. Wash your face with cold water. This will help relieve eye fatigue after long hours spent at the computer.
2. Sunlight
If possible, go outdoors into the sunlight. The more your body exposed to the sun, the more active and focused you become. Sun energizes and contributes to the development of vitamin D. If you do not have the possibility to get out of the room, remember that the same effect has artificial lighting near the workplace.
3. Physical activity
Just a few push-ups or jumping on the spot every 30 minutes, fill the body with energy and vigor. If possible arrange fizkultminutku not, then mash in place. Stir feet, stretch your arms and legs, bend your knees, do some vigorous strides hands.
4. Active mental work
If you will occupy something to your brain, it will not let you fall asleep. Watching other people or a normal conversation with a colleague well stimulate brain activity. If there is no one - listen to music. Such musical genres like hip-hop, hard rock or rap, will not let you sleep. Also you can sing any tune.
5. Moderate consumption of food
Eating hearty can induce sleep even the most cheerful and energetic person. Give preference to light food, such as salad dressing, and you will be much easier to endure a tense time.
6. Caffeine
Caffeine, of course, helps to relieve sleepiness, but addictive. Also, be careful with energy. They help to overcome the craving for sleep only for a while (like coffee), and when their effect is over, you can feel even more tired and depressed than I was before.
7. Stimulation of smell
Quickly you can cheer up by stimulating the sense of smell, for example, inhaling the scent of citrus and mint.
8. Acupressure
To put himself in tone, massage your earlobes clockwise and rub back of his hand between the thumb and forefinger.
9. Laugh
Oddly enough, but the laughter from the heart not only stimulates brain activity, but also helps to keep fit.
10. Nuts
Snacks high in protein and low in sugar (such as cashews or almonds) will give you a quick boost of energy.
11. Shifting attention
If you are in such conditions when there is no possibility of any snack nuts or stand up from his seat (for example, at the meeting), try as often as possible to switch their attention. Suffice minor new impetus to even change the handle to the brain remained active.
We think that is not superfluous to recall that all of the above methods help only for a while to overcome the upcoming drowsiness. Therefore, do not give up recreation and 8 hours of sleep a night. Share this article with your friends and colleagues and stay awake during the working day!
via takprosto cc
What helps to overcome sleepiness?
1. Water
Ironically, dehydration is a major cause of sleepiness. Wash your face with cold water. This will help relieve eye fatigue after long hours spent at the computer.
2. Sunlight
If possible, go outdoors into the sunlight. The more your body exposed to the sun, the more active and focused you become. Sun energizes and contributes to the development of vitamin D. If you do not have the possibility to get out of the room, remember that the same effect has artificial lighting near the workplace.
3. Physical activity
Just a few push-ups or jumping on the spot every 30 minutes, fill the body with energy and vigor. If possible arrange fizkultminutku not, then mash in place. Stir feet, stretch your arms and legs, bend your knees, do some vigorous strides hands.
4. Active mental work
If you will occupy something to your brain, it will not let you fall asleep. Watching other people or a normal conversation with a colleague well stimulate brain activity. If there is no one - listen to music. Such musical genres like hip-hop, hard rock or rap, will not let you sleep. Also you can sing any tune.
5. Moderate consumption of food
Eating hearty can induce sleep even the most cheerful and energetic person. Give preference to light food, such as salad dressing, and you will be much easier to endure a tense time.
6. Caffeine
Caffeine, of course, helps to relieve sleepiness, but addictive. Also, be careful with energy. They help to overcome the craving for sleep only for a while (like coffee), and when their effect is over, you can feel even more tired and depressed than I was before.
7. Stimulation of smell
Quickly you can cheer up by stimulating the sense of smell, for example, inhaling the scent of citrus and mint.
8. Acupressure
To put himself in tone, massage your earlobes clockwise and rub back of his hand between the thumb and forefinger.
9. Laugh
Oddly enough, but the laughter from the heart not only stimulates brain activity, but also helps to keep fit.
10. Nuts
Snacks high in protein and low in sugar (such as cashews or almonds) will give you a quick boost of energy.
11. Shifting attention
If you are in such conditions when there is no possibility of any snack nuts or stand up from his seat (for example, at the meeting), try as often as possible to switch their attention. Suffice minor new impetus to even change the handle to the brain remained active.
We think that is not superfluous to recall that all of the above methods help only for a while to overcome the upcoming drowsiness. Therefore, do not give up recreation and 8 hours of sleep a night. Share this article with your friends and colleagues and stay awake during the working day!
via takprosto cc
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