Senegalese wrestling
It is difficult to imagine, but the story of a Senegalese struggle extends far into the century. In the language of Wolof people of this kind of fighting is called «Lamb». In Senegal, nearly 40% of the population belongs to the Wolof. The winner of this fight is the one who hold out longer on the legs and dropped to the ground the opponent. Thus, revealed the strongest men and champions of each village.
During the French colonization of Senegal, residents tried to secretly conduct battles that others know as little as possible about them. Whatever it was, but it was the Frenchman became the organizer of the first official competition in the Senegalese wrestling, which took place in 1920 in his theater «El Malik» in Dakar. Fighters receive a percentage of ticket sales. After the independence of Senegal, the sport moved into the category of professional.
48 photo + letter
via bigpicture
Competitions were held in major cities. Then, during the fight allowed all kinds of attacks: punches, elbows, feet, head, and even bites. Many fighters specially grew their fingernails, to use them during the battle and dazzle an opponent, which is not forbidden rules. One of the fighters even specially sharpened teeth to bite during the fight ears rivals and then make them into a necklace.
Over time, the rules have become more stringent. Senegalese wrestling is still the only type of martial arts, in which strikes are bare fists, and there is no protection.
Nowadays there are two kinds of Senegalese fight: first, the traditional view, which does not clump. This species is quite common in Niger, Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast. The second type, in which a strike is practiced only in Senegal.
The meaning of the traditional wrestling (sometimes called "just fighting" or "grosso modo") is to drop an opponent and he touched the whole body, or all 4 extremities of the earth. Participants of the second kind of struggle can weigh up to 145 kg., Their goal is also to drop an opponent, but they can use the blows to the head and face, sometimes these fights end in knockouts. The battle can last from 10 seconds to 3-4 minutes, the first fallen losing battle.
The fight was one of the national sports in Senegal. It can even be called a part of the lives of Africans, tradition and culture.
In the arena / stadium fighter comes along with other wrestlers of his school, coaches, as well as «thimoukays» - most people approached, usually a brother or cousin. «Thimoukays» mediate between the fighter and marabouts who made amulets, holy water and other items mystic fighter. «Thimoukays» bought for a certain price at a friend's holy water marabouts. The composition of the liquid in the Wolof language which bears the name "sarafas" includes such strange ingredients like lions and hyenas wool, milk gazelle, the roots of secret and sacred trees. During the preparation of holy water marabouts also read through the Quran about 1000-2000 times to deliver fighters of courage, skill and protection. Depending on the instructions received from the marabouts, fighters pour this liquid arms, legs, or even taken orally. Each individual has a special elixir the composition and to the use of special purpose. For example, if a fighter Elixir pour milk on the head of a pig, it will cancel a conspiracy imposed marabouts opponent.
Thousands of teenagers hoping to become the "King of the arena," train hard on the beaches and venues across the country. Often they begin a career of fighters in the so-called informal competitions «mbapatts». They are usually held at night in deserted places. Seats are not provided, so the audience form a kind of arena fighters standing around.
There is no village in which it would not be his arena.
Gradually the young fighters gain experience and physical strength, and can already take part in one of the official tournaments of the country. For the victory in the tournament, you can get a cow, a taxi, or a significant cash prize. This is an incentive for the fighters for further professional growth and performance in a more serious form of the struggle in which strikes are allowed. At this level wrestlers gain weight and build muscle mass, due to the long and grueling daily workouts.
Champions are becoming popular across the country, and receive stage names. For example, "Bombardier", "Tyson", "Manga II», «Tiger Fassa", "Elton", "Bazooka", "Superstar».
Season fights lasts 11 months a year, except in August, when it held special tournaments called "Fight of the Century!". These events follow everything, including radio, television and the press. The organizers of these tournaments are big businessmen Luke Nicholas and Gaston Mbenga. Prize winner in the tournament can be 150 000, taking into account the fact that the average monthly salary in the country is equal to 35 Euros. The winner is treated as a demigod, about the same until recently belonged to a sumo wrestler in Japan.
In the past few years, the title of "King of the Arena" is a wrestler Yekini (real name Yahiya Diop). The list of his accomplishments is astonishing. Besides the fact that he won more than 60 tournaments in the struggle in the period from 1992 to 1997. He is also 3 times champion of Africa in the heavyweight division of Greco-Roman wrestling (1998, 1999, 2000), and and he has twice been awarded the title of "Best fighter of Africa" (2000, 2001).
Since 1997, he has never lost in fights to combat attacks.
The son of a fisherman, the man devotedly loves blue-Saloum, a place where he came from. He is a bright personality and noble man. Growth 1m.92 cm, weight 135 kg. This man spends his life in constant training and prayer. He puts his opponents on the ground with incredible ease. So far it is the only fighter who managed to win three generations of fighters: the older, her, and the young generation. It was officially proclaimed "King of the Arena" in 2009 after beating Gris Bordeaux.
2. The wrestler Yekini knocks down his opponent "Balla Bayeux II» during their third match at the stadium "Demba Diop" in Dakar.
3. (left to right), the participants fight with punches' Super Etoile "and" Tiger de Yoff. "
4. (left to right), the participants fight with blows "Falaye Balde II» and «Yes Ngudiane."
5. Wrestler Khadim (right) fulfills the capture during a workout in the Medina, in one of the districts of Dakar.
6. People are watching the broadcast of the tournament on the fight that Senegal is one of the national sports.
7. fight fans watching Wrestling Tournament, which takes place at the stadium "Demba Diop" in Dakar.
8 bottles of holy water, "safari", which is prepared marabouts (shamans, manufactured amulets and other magical things).
9. Fighter Diasso pours "Safari" before the fight.
10. One of the «Thimoukays» fighter Issa Pouyer II, surrounded by bottles of "safari".
11. The wrestler Yekini near his «Thimoukays».
12. The wrestler takes a shower from the milk of pigs and gazelle. This ritual is part of the preparation for the fight.
13. Fighter pour "Safari" before the start of the match.
14. Amulet on the back of a fighter.
15. Fight between Malala Ndiaye and "Ben Laden" (Gabriel Toure) in Dakar.
16. The wrestler Osman Tiaou surrounded by their marabouts, «Thimoukays» and coaches before the match, he will finish his career.
17. Training of young fighters.
18. Young wrestlers.
19. Cash arena "Adrian Senghor" in Dakar, where several times a week there are fights. The winner can get a bull, a taxi or a large sum of money.
21. Arena "Adrian Senghor" in Dakar, where several times a week there are fights.
23. Wrestler Chris during a workout on the beach.
24. Yekini surrounded by fighters of his school during the performance of a ritual dance.
25. Yekini surrounded «Thimoukays» and his younger receiver Yekini ml.
26. The Group of «Thimoukays».
28. "Tiger de Yoff" performs a ritual dance before the fight with "Super Etoile."
29. One of the musicians hit the drum during the match.
30. Yekini during a workout on the beach.
32. Yekini training in the gym. Height athlete is 1 places 92 cm. And weighs 138 kg.
33. Yekini training in the gym.
34. Yekini during training with Assane Faye, former Olympic champion African boxer and silver medalist of African-French championship boxing. During training closely watching Joseph Diouf (right), technical director of the national team of Senegal boxing.
35. Yekini and all the fighters of his school.
36. Yekini (left) with young wrestlers practicing their ritual dance school.
37. Training and Yekini Yekini ml. (Pope Ngai) on the beach.
38. Training and Yekini Mbaknika Ndiaye on the beach.
42. Train Yekini on the beach.
43. Wrestlers Gabu and Bismil during a workout on the beach.
44. The Crown, which was awarded the title of Yekini with the "King of the Arena."
45. A live webcast of the Senegalese channel «RTS1» coronation wrestler Yekini (right) and his proclamation of the "King of the Arena."
46. The crowd Yekini honors in his hometown, where he came to visit his mother. Yekini shows his sporting idol - Jamaican athlete Usain Bolt.
47. Yekini surrounded by other fighters from his school practices a ritual dance.
48. A huge crowd gathered at the home of coach Yekini Katie Diop before a serious fight. A fan holds a T-shirt on which were written the phrase in support Yekini.
During the French colonization of Senegal, residents tried to secretly conduct battles that others know as little as possible about them. Whatever it was, but it was the Frenchman became the organizer of the first official competition in the Senegalese wrestling, which took place in 1920 in his theater «El Malik» in Dakar. Fighters receive a percentage of ticket sales. After the independence of Senegal, the sport moved into the category of professional.
48 photo + letter
via bigpicture

Competitions were held in major cities. Then, during the fight allowed all kinds of attacks: punches, elbows, feet, head, and even bites. Many fighters specially grew their fingernails, to use them during the battle and dazzle an opponent, which is not forbidden rules. One of the fighters even specially sharpened teeth to bite during the fight ears rivals and then make them into a necklace.
Over time, the rules have become more stringent. Senegalese wrestling is still the only type of martial arts, in which strikes are bare fists, and there is no protection.
Nowadays there are two kinds of Senegalese fight: first, the traditional view, which does not clump. This species is quite common in Niger, Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast. The second type, in which a strike is practiced only in Senegal.
The meaning of the traditional wrestling (sometimes called "just fighting" or "grosso modo") is to drop an opponent and he touched the whole body, or all 4 extremities of the earth. Participants of the second kind of struggle can weigh up to 145 kg., Their goal is also to drop an opponent, but they can use the blows to the head and face, sometimes these fights end in knockouts. The battle can last from 10 seconds to 3-4 minutes, the first fallen losing battle.
The fight was one of the national sports in Senegal. It can even be called a part of the lives of Africans, tradition and culture.
In the arena / stadium fighter comes along with other wrestlers of his school, coaches, as well as «thimoukays» - most people approached, usually a brother or cousin. «Thimoukays» mediate between the fighter and marabouts who made amulets, holy water and other items mystic fighter. «Thimoukays» bought for a certain price at a friend's holy water marabouts. The composition of the liquid in the Wolof language which bears the name "sarafas" includes such strange ingredients like lions and hyenas wool, milk gazelle, the roots of secret and sacred trees. During the preparation of holy water marabouts also read through the Quran about 1000-2000 times to deliver fighters of courage, skill and protection. Depending on the instructions received from the marabouts, fighters pour this liquid arms, legs, or even taken orally. Each individual has a special elixir the composition and to the use of special purpose. For example, if a fighter Elixir pour milk on the head of a pig, it will cancel a conspiracy imposed marabouts opponent.
Thousands of teenagers hoping to become the "King of the arena," train hard on the beaches and venues across the country. Often they begin a career of fighters in the so-called informal competitions «mbapatts». They are usually held at night in deserted places. Seats are not provided, so the audience form a kind of arena fighters standing around.
There is no village in which it would not be his arena.
Gradually the young fighters gain experience and physical strength, and can already take part in one of the official tournaments of the country. For the victory in the tournament, you can get a cow, a taxi, or a significant cash prize. This is an incentive for the fighters for further professional growth and performance in a more serious form of the struggle in which strikes are allowed. At this level wrestlers gain weight and build muscle mass, due to the long and grueling daily workouts.
Champions are becoming popular across the country, and receive stage names. For example, "Bombardier", "Tyson", "Manga II», «Tiger Fassa", "Elton", "Bazooka", "Superstar».
Season fights lasts 11 months a year, except in August, when it held special tournaments called "Fight of the Century!". These events follow everything, including radio, television and the press. The organizers of these tournaments are big businessmen Luke Nicholas and Gaston Mbenga. Prize winner in the tournament can be 150 000, taking into account the fact that the average monthly salary in the country is equal to 35 Euros. The winner is treated as a demigod, about the same until recently belonged to a sumo wrestler in Japan.
In the past few years, the title of "King of the Arena" is a wrestler Yekini (real name Yahiya Diop). The list of his accomplishments is astonishing. Besides the fact that he won more than 60 tournaments in the struggle in the period from 1992 to 1997. He is also 3 times champion of Africa in the heavyweight division of Greco-Roman wrestling (1998, 1999, 2000), and and he has twice been awarded the title of "Best fighter of Africa" (2000, 2001).
Since 1997, he has never lost in fights to combat attacks.
The son of a fisherman, the man devotedly loves blue-Saloum, a place where he came from. He is a bright personality and noble man. Growth 1m.92 cm, weight 135 kg. This man spends his life in constant training and prayer. He puts his opponents on the ground with incredible ease. So far it is the only fighter who managed to win three generations of fighters: the older, her, and the young generation. It was officially proclaimed "King of the Arena" in 2009 after beating Gris Bordeaux.
2. The wrestler Yekini knocks down his opponent "Balla Bayeux II» during their third match at the stadium "Demba Diop" in Dakar.

3. (left to right), the participants fight with punches' Super Etoile "and" Tiger de Yoff. "

4. (left to right), the participants fight with blows "Falaye Balde II» and «Yes Ngudiane."

5. Wrestler Khadim (right) fulfills the capture during a workout in the Medina, in one of the districts of Dakar.

6. People are watching the broadcast of the tournament on the fight that Senegal is one of the national sports.

7. fight fans watching Wrestling Tournament, which takes place at the stadium "Demba Diop" in Dakar.

8 bottles of holy water, "safari", which is prepared marabouts (shamans, manufactured amulets and other magical things).

9. Fighter Diasso pours "Safari" before the fight.

10. One of the «Thimoukays» fighter Issa Pouyer II, surrounded by bottles of "safari".

11. The wrestler Yekini near his «Thimoukays».

12. The wrestler takes a shower from the milk of pigs and gazelle. This ritual is part of the preparation for the fight.

13. Fighter pour "Safari" before the start of the match.

14. Amulet on the back of a fighter.

15. Fight between Malala Ndiaye and "Ben Laden" (Gabriel Toure) in Dakar.

16. The wrestler Osman Tiaou surrounded by their marabouts, «Thimoukays» and coaches before the match, he will finish his career.

17. Training of young fighters.

18. Young wrestlers.

19. Cash arena "Adrian Senghor" in Dakar, where several times a week there are fights. The winner can get a bull, a taxi or a large sum of money.


21. Arena "Adrian Senghor" in Dakar, where several times a week there are fights.


23. Wrestler Chris during a workout on the beach.

24. Yekini surrounded by fighters of his school during the performance of a ritual dance.

25. Yekini surrounded «Thimoukays» and his younger receiver Yekini ml.

26. The Group of «Thimoukays».


28. "Tiger de Yoff" performs a ritual dance before the fight with "Super Etoile."

29. One of the musicians hit the drum during the match.

30. Yekini during a workout on the beach.


32. Yekini training in the gym. Height athlete is 1 places 92 cm. And weighs 138 kg.

33. Yekini training in the gym.

34. Yekini during training with Assane Faye, former Olympic champion African boxer and silver medalist of African-French championship boxing. During training closely watching Joseph Diouf (right), technical director of the national team of Senegal boxing.

35. Yekini and all the fighters of his school.

36. Yekini (left) with young wrestlers practicing their ritual dance school.

37. Training and Yekini Yekini ml. (Pope Ngai) on the beach.

38. Training and Yekini Mbaknika Ndiaye on the beach.




42. Train Yekini on the beach.

43. Wrestlers Gabu and Bismil during a workout on the beach.

44. The Crown, which was awarded the title of Yekini with the "King of the Arena."

45. A live webcast of the Senegalese channel «RTS1» coronation wrestler Yekini (right) and his proclamation of the "King of the Arena."

46. The crowd Yekini honors in his hometown, where he came to visit his mother. Yekini shows his sporting idol - Jamaican athlete Usain Bolt.

47. Yekini surrounded by other fighters from his school practices a ritual dance.

48. A huge crowd gathered at the home of coach Yekini Katie Diop before a serious fight. A fan holds a T-shirt on which were written the phrase in support Yekini.
