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There are days when you don’t want to do anything, and that’s okay. If you work hard, sometimes being lazy is even useful. But what happens when a person procrastinates for a long time? Combating procrastination - serious work. And before you start it, you need to understand what is at the origins of this state. In this article, the editorial board "Site" He'll try to figure it out.
Procrastination is not a lack of character and should not cause shame or guilt in a person. People often procrastinate because of their human needs.
Monotonous work and constant deadlines exhaust. Feeling physical and mental exhaustion, each of us needs rest. However, it is only a little to give a slack, somewhere something does not have time and do not perform, a person begins to gnaw at himself from the inside.
You probably know what we mean if you've ever asked yourself, "Why am I so lazy and disorganized?" Why is nothing motivating me? In such moments, we tend to blame and devalue ourselves.
But you should not be ashamed and ashamed to be lazy. To understand this, you need to understand how dynamic motivation works. How can you be 100% motivated, regardless of your physical or mental state? We're not robots, remember that.
In general, there are different theories why people tend to procrastinate and postpone important things for later. For example, this is often due to an inability to deal with your emotions. Not everyone manages to live them, especially when it is associated with negative feelings.
Other researchers believe that the root of evil lies in poor time management and perfectionism. It is also believed that in their desire to establish themselves in some area, people often sacrifice other needs. Therefore, it is not the fight against procrastination that is so important, but the understanding of why it appeared.
Another interesting thought concerns our self-esteem and criticism from others. When a person is lazy and puts things off until tomorrow, he is used to equating the effectiveness of his actions with his abilities. And that entails the same self-esteem.
When we delay a task, we sometimes feel like it’s the ceiling of our ability. That is our value. Inaction will never lead to a bad result. So, a person will not have to worry that he did not cope with something, did not meet his expectations.
Achieving goals and fear of failure - loyal comrades. And when the second prevails over the first, we go back, look for excuses not to do something. Soon, however, another fear emerges: “What happens if I don’t do it at all?” Then you have to fight procrastination and work on the task under your own pressure.
Editorial Board: Combating Procrastination
Even the most avid lazy person came to his lifestyle for a specific reason. Its realization and rethinking sooner or later will lead a person to change. Understanding the motivation of your actions is very interesting. It helps to better understand yourself and even open up new facets of your own character and personality.
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Procrastination is not a lack of character and should not cause shame or guilt in a person. People often procrastinate because of their human needs.
Monotonous work and constant deadlines exhaust. Feeling physical and mental exhaustion, each of us needs rest. However, it is only a little to give a slack, somewhere something does not have time and do not perform, a person begins to gnaw at himself from the inside.

You probably know what we mean if you've ever asked yourself, "Why am I so lazy and disorganized?" Why is nothing motivating me? In such moments, we tend to blame and devalue ourselves.
But you should not be ashamed and ashamed to be lazy. To understand this, you need to understand how dynamic motivation works. How can you be 100% motivated, regardless of your physical or mental state? We're not robots, remember that.
In general, there are different theories why people tend to procrastinate and postpone important things for later. For example, this is often due to an inability to deal with your emotions. Not everyone manages to live them, especially when it is associated with negative feelings.
Other researchers believe that the root of evil lies in poor time management and perfectionism. It is also believed that in their desire to establish themselves in some area, people often sacrifice other needs. Therefore, it is not the fight against procrastination that is so important, but the understanding of why it appeared.

Another interesting thought concerns our self-esteem and criticism from others. When a person is lazy and puts things off until tomorrow, he is used to equating the effectiveness of his actions with his abilities. And that entails the same self-esteem.
When we delay a task, we sometimes feel like it’s the ceiling of our ability. That is our value. Inaction will never lead to a bad result. So, a person will not have to worry that he did not cope with something, did not meet his expectations.

Achieving goals and fear of failure - loyal comrades. And when the second prevails over the first, we go back, look for excuses not to do something. Soon, however, another fear emerges: “What happens if I don’t do it at all?” Then you have to fight procrastination and work on the task under your own pressure.
Editorial Board: Combating Procrastination
- Learn to recognize your procrastination. For example, you need to write a work report. You sit at the computer, but instead of doing business, you start deleting unnecessary files from your desktop or cleaning your mail. Such small and unnecessary actions are signals. They're all different. Someone goes on social media, someone starts cleaning.
- Find a balance in motivation. There are always clear reasons why we want and don’t want to do something. We don’t usually want to because we’re afraid of something. When fear prevails over desire, a person begins to procrastinate. In such moments, it is very important to remember what you work for and what you aspire to. And then try to break the task into small parts.
- Challenge your beliefs. You are a person whose value is not determined by your abilities or abilities. Do not equate your importance with the work you do and the results. Everyone misses sometimes, and that’s okay. The more you fear being wrong, the more you will procrastinate.
Even the most avid lazy person came to his lifestyle for a specific reason. Its realization and rethinking sooner or later will lead a person to change. Understanding the motivation of your actions is very interesting. It helps to better understand yourself and even open up new facets of your own character and personality.

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