How to walk to lose weight: precise instructions. Practical way to lose weight does not exist!
Walking - so comfortable exercise! To walk, do not need any additional equipment. It is enough to just walk instead of riding a bus, and calories will be spent! The main thing - to know the basic principles of walking to weight loss took place as efficiently as possible. In just 5 months of continuous daily walk overweight people managed to lose up to 10 kg, not really restricting your diet. Having learned these simple truths walking for weight loss, you can lose weight while walking!
The two main factors that affect weight loss during the walks: the mass of the human body and the speed that he has chosen to walk. You do not need to go too fast - you're tired, but too slow walking does not give good results. Stick to the average rate of movement. 400 calories an hour you'll burn at walking speed of 5 km / h. Pinpoint the walk, choose the way in which happen climbs up, walk briskly. It is important to monitor your breathing: breathe evenly and deeply, hold your breath.
Simple math distance: 1 km traveled per day = approximately 1200-1300 steps and 300 calories burned. To lose 500 grams of excess weight, you need to burn 3500 calories. For the loss of excess weight of 500 g per week is required to burn 500 calories every day. To lose a pound of weight per week, you need to pass 2 km on foot every day! Impressive.
A few tips for those who do not want to turn a pleasant stroll into the routine:
1. Do not be afraid of change! Invite a walk of friends and acquaintances, hanging out with pets, go to places where other people are walking. Em>
2. Change the location, go to unfamiliar places! The music in the player will give you a boost, while walking to your favorite songs is very appropriate. Will be useful pedometer - measuring the number of steps passed, it will motivate you to keep walking. Em>
3. Car park near the destination and passes this leg of the journey on foot. Em>
4. Walk walk to work and back home. Em>
5. Walk walk up the stairs! Legs are surprisingly slim through the steps. Em>
6. Walk with the children. Em>
7. Choose a walk instead of public transportation whenever possible. Em>
Walk with your back straight, keep your stomach tightened. Start with a walk 3 times a week for 20 minutes, gradually increase the time. Walking strengthens your health and helps to keep the muscles toned. If the time at the gym is very difficult to identify, try walking as a method of weight loss. Enjoy the walks with health and appearance!
via takprosto cc

The two main factors that affect weight loss during the walks: the mass of the human body and the speed that he has chosen to walk. You do not need to go too fast - you're tired, but too slow walking does not give good results. Stick to the average rate of movement. 400 calories an hour you'll burn at walking speed of 5 km / h. Pinpoint the walk, choose the way in which happen climbs up, walk briskly. It is important to monitor your breathing: breathe evenly and deeply, hold your breath.

Simple math distance: 1 km traveled per day = approximately 1200-1300 steps and 300 calories burned. To lose 500 grams of excess weight, you need to burn 3500 calories. For the loss of excess weight of 500 g per week is required to burn 500 calories every day. To lose a pound of weight per week, you need to pass 2 km on foot every day! Impressive.
A few tips for those who do not want to turn a pleasant stroll into the routine:
1. Do not be afraid of change! Invite a walk of friends and acquaintances, hanging out with pets, go to places where other people are walking. Em>
2. Change the location, go to unfamiliar places! The music in the player will give you a boost, while walking to your favorite songs is very appropriate. Will be useful pedometer - measuring the number of steps passed, it will motivate you to keep walking. Em>
3. Car park near the destination and passes this leg of the journey on foot. Em>
4. Walk walk to work and back home. Em>
5. Walk walk up the stairs! Legs are surprisingly slim through the steps. Em>
6. Walk with the children. Em>
7. Choose a walk instead of public transportation whenever possible. Em>
Walk with your back straight, keep your stomach tightened. Start with a walk 3 times a week for 20 minutes, gradually increase the time. Walking strengthens your health and helps to keep the muscles toned. If the time at the gym is very difficult to identify, try walking as a method of weight loss. Enjoy the walks with health and appearance!
via takprosto cc
60 minutes, after which your life will not be the same as before.
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