Ambulance at saggy cheeks: these 4 exercises to give them back the elasticity and glow!
Women of all ages will look irresistible, if it is a clear oval face and fit, elastic cheeks with a blush. How is it possible? First you need to understand what factors contribute to sagging cheeks and premature aging. With age, the skin is not as elastic due to a lack of collagen, a natural process. Even nature can outwit, if you drink plenty of fluids, exercise and do not expose the delicate skin of the scorching sun. In addition, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle. It is important to monitor their weight to his cheeks looked neat. And then there are special exercises for the face, resulting in skin tone! They give a great effect in the home, especially if you approach the issue comprehensively and to fulfill all the above conditions. Prepared for what to look younger!
1. Do not forget about nutrition
Give up salt and sugar in their diet almost completely. Use spices, lemon juice instead of salt and honey instead of sugar. You will not only improve the shape, but also take care of their skin. She look younger, shine, there will be no unpleasant edema and swelling. This will enhance the effect of massage and exercises for the face!
2. Magic Mask
Egg mask em>
Protein vzbey into foam. For dry skin - add honey mask for oily skin - add oatmeal. Keep the mask on your face for 10 minutes, wash off first with warm, then - with cold water. Washing water temperature contrast improves blood circulation and stimulates lymphatic drainage. The mask will help to make the face oval clearer. Do it 2-3 times a week for best results.
The mask effect scrub em>
Pour boiling water over 2 tablespoons. l. oatmeal. Give them a little brew, then add 1 ch. L. yogurt, 1 hr. l. honey and 1 hour. L. finely crushed almond nuts. Massage the cheeks in a circular motion, wash off the mask with warm water. Scrub improves skin tone and helps to get rid of specific "bulldog" cheeks.
3. Massage
It is best to massage your face in the morning, it will give the skin a charge of vivacity for the whole day. There are several ways to do toning massage. You can use honey, making honey massage with a light tingling of the face. A good way - massage towel soaked in herbal teas. Squeeze accordion wet towel, put it to the lower part of the face. Strife towel, flip it on the chin. Similarly, flip them on the bottom of the cheeks. You can use a decoction of chamomile, succession and mint for herbal massage. Another option - a saline solution. Massage hands cheeks is performed in a certain sequence: first lightly stroking the face - a circle, slightly off the skin. Then knead the problem areas, lightly tapping his cheeks, makes a move similar to the vibration. If you perform a massage every day, do not be lazy, the services of a plastic surgeon you are not exactly useful. There are plenty of special massage for face complexes, pick your favorite and spend on it 10 minutes a day. The result is worth it ...
4. Gymnastics for cheeks!
The effect of the massage is necessary to reinforce the exercises that train the muscles of the cheeks. Perform exercises with zeal and faith in success!
1. Raise your head up and turn left. Feel the tension in your neck. Hold this position for 2 minutes, repeat with the other side. Em>
2. Vigorously twisting your neck from side to side. Repeat this 10 times. Em>
3. Type in your mouth as much as possible the air, straining his cheeks, hold your breath for 10 seconds. Let the air dramatically. Repeat the exercise several times, rolling the air on the inside of the cheeks. Em>
4. Place the palms on the face so that they cover the lips. Lock the fingers on the cheeks. Create resistance fingers, smile. Relax your cheeks and so repeat several times. Em>
5. Exercises for the neck of Bodyflex
Bodyflex - an easy method to clean up the muscles of the entire body, including the face. These two positions - a miracle, they quickly change the look of your cheeks and face a whole for the better.
1. Borrow crouch position, the emphasis hands on his knees. Look forward, keep your neck muscles tense. Take a deep breath and exhale all the air. Holding his breath, put forward the lower jaw forward and open your mouth and feel a strong tension in the muscles of the neck. Lift your head up, take your hands back. How can you raise your head up, look at the ceiling. Hold this position for 6-8 accounts. em> After the first Razov perform this position can hurt badly neck, muscles of the lower part of the face. Do not be alarmed, this is normal - these muscles usually little fitness, immediately raises muscle pain. It takes practice to do this the correct posture, but its effectiveness is proven by thousands of women.
2. Collect the lips into a tight circle, looking up, eyes wide. Lips keeps in suspense while his tongue. Count to 8. Em> Do you feel like stretching and working the muscles of the cheeks!
If you follow our advice, the saggy cheeks you never will. And if there is such a problem, it will be less noticeable! Smart, healthy and rejuvenated face justifies the effort spent to work on themselves. Show all her friends, these miraculous exercise, and do not forget to train itself!
via takprosto cc
1. Do not forget about nutrition
Give up salt and sugar in their diet almost completely. Use spices, lemon juice instead of salt and honey instead of sugar. You will not only improve the shape, but also take care of their skin. She look younger, shine, there will be no unpleasant edema and swelling. This will enhance the effect of massage and exercises for the face!
2. Magic Mask
Egg mask em>
Protein vzbey into foam. For dry skin - add honey mask for oily skin - add oatmeal. Keep the mask on your face for 10 minutes, wash off first with warm, then - with cold water. Washing water temperature contrast improves blood circulation and stimulates lymphatic drainage. The mask will help to make the face oval clearer. Do it 2-3 times a week for best results.
The mask effect scrub em>
Pour boiling water over 2 tablespoons. l. oatmeal. Give them a little brew, then add 1 ch. L. yogurt, 1 hr. l. honey and 1 hour. L. finely crushed almond nuts. Massage the cheeks in a circular motion, wash off the mask with warm water. Scrub improves skin tone and helps to get rid of specific "bulldog" cheeks.
3. Massage
It is best to massage your face in the morning, it will give the skin a charge of vivacity for the whole day. There are several ways to do toning massage. You can use honey, making honey massage with a light tingling of the face. A good way - massage towel soaked in herbal teas. Squeeze accordion wet towel, put it to the lower part of the face. Strife towel, flip it on the chin. Similarly, flip them on the bottom of the cheeks. You can use a decoction of chamomile, succession and mint for herbal massage. Another option - a saline solution. Massage hands cheeks is performed in a certain sequence: first lightly stroking the face - a circle, slightly off the skin. Then knead the problem areas, lightly tapping his cheeks, makes a move similar to the vibration. If you perform a massage every day, do not be lazy, the services of a plastic surgeon you are not exactly useful. There are plenty of special massage for face complexes, pick your favorite and spend on it 10 minutes a day. The result is worth it ...

4. Gymnastics for cheeks!
The effect of the massage is necessary to reinforce the exercises that train the muscles of the cheeks. Perform exercises with zeal and faith in success!
1. Raise your head up and turn left. Feel the tension in your neck. Hold this position for 2 minutes, repeat with the other side. Em>
2. Vigorously twisting your neck from side to side. Repeat this 10 times. Em>
3. Type in your mouth as much as possible the air, straining his cheeks, hold your breath for 10 seconds. Let the air dramatically. Repeat the exercise several times, rolling the air on the inside of the cheeks. Em>
4. Place the palms on the face so that they cover the lips. Lock the fingers on the cheeks. Create resistance fingers, smile. Relax your cheeks and so repeat several times. Em>

5. Exercises for the neck of Bodyflex
Bodyflex - an easy method to clean up the muscles of the entire body, including the face. These two positions - a miracle, they quickly change the look of your cheeks and face a whole for the better.
1. Borrow crouch position, the emphasis hands on his knees. Look forward, keep your neck muscles tense. Take a deep breath and exhale all the air. Holding his breath, put forward the lower jaw forward and open your mouth and feel a strong tension in the muscles of the neck. Lift your head up, take your hands back. How can you raise your head up, look at the ceiling. Hold this position for 6-8 accounts. em> After the first Razov perform this position can hurt badly neck, muscles of the lower part of the face. Do not be alarmed, this is normal - these muscles usually little fitness, immediately raises muscle pain. It takes practice to do this the correct posture, but its effectiveness is proven by thousands of women.
2. Collect the lips into a tight circle, looking up, eyes wide. Lips keeps in suspense while his tongue. Count to 8. Em> Do you feel like stretching and working the muscles of the cheeks!
If you follow our advice, the saggy cheeks you never will. And if there is such a problem, it will be less noticeable! Smart, healthy and rejuvenated face justifies the effort spent to work on themselves. Show all her friends, these miraculous exercise, and do not forget to train itself!
via takprosto cc
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