How to cook a legendary French fricassee of chicken: simple and very tasty.
Fricassee translated from French means "jambalaya." This stew of white meat in white sauce. Preparing usually veal, chicken or rabbit, but this dish is also common pigeon meat, lamb and pork. As a side dish to a stew often served boiled rice. Today zhepredlagaet you cook stew chicken with a side dish of potatoes. Preparing it is easy and will be a wonderful option for a hearty dinner.
100 g chicken thighs; 1 tbsp. l. flour; 30 g mushrooms; 5 g onion; 3 tbsp + 3 tablespoons cream (38%, for the fricassee + to garnish); 10 ml of vegetable oil; 2 g Worcestershire sauce; 130 g boiled potatoes; salt and pepper - to taste. 15 g of cheese; 10 g pickled cherry tomatoes; a sprig of parsley for decoration. Preparation:
1. we will cut the chicken thighs into cubes, mushrooms - sliced, onions - diced. Boiled potatoes cleaned and we shall cut into slices the thickness of 0, 5 cm.
2. Sliced chicken sprinkle with salt and pepper, flour zapaniruy.
3. In a frying pan with vegetable oil to fry breaded chicken on all sides until half. Then add the mushrooms, onions. All together fire away until cooked meat.
4. Add the cream and sauce. Stirring constantly, until thickened warming up. After Remove the pan from the heat.
5. For the garnish of sliced potatoes in a frying pan fry until golden brown.
6. Add salt, pepper and cream.
7. Bring to a boil and evaporate until thick.
8. Fried potatoes pass on iron frying pan, sprinkle grated cheese on a coarse grater and send in a preheated oven.
9. Bake until golden brown at 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes.
10. Next to the potatoes in a cast iron skillet ready laid out fricassee.
11. Decorate pickled cherry tomatoes, pickled cucumbers and parsley.
Though it belongs to the dish and gourmet French cuisine in its preparation no big deal. Preparing it is very fast! Share this great recipe with your friends.
via takprosto cc
100 g chicken thighs; 1 tbsp. l. flour; 30 g mushrooms; 5 g onion; 3 tbsp + 3 tablespoons cream (38%, for the fricassee + to garnish); 10 ml of vegetable oil; 2 g Worcestershire sauce; 130 g boiled potatoes; salt and pepper - to taste. 15 g of cheese; 10 g pickled cherry tomatoes; a sprig of parsley for decoration. Preparation:
1. we will cut the chicken thighs into cubes, mushrooms - sliced, onions - diced. Boiled potatoes cleaned and we shall cut into slices the thickness of 0, 5 cm.

2. Sliced chicken sprinkle with salt and pepper, flour zapaniruy.

3. In a frying pan with vegetable oil to fry breaded chicken on all sides until half. Then add the mushrooms, onions. All together fire away until cooked meat.

4. Add the cream and sauce. Stirring constantly, until thickened warming up. After Remove the pan from the heat.

5. For the garnish of sliced potatoes in a frying pan fry until golden brown.

6. Add salt, pepper and cream.

7. Bring to a boil and evaporate until thick.

8. Fried potatoes pass on iron frying pan, sprinkle grated cheese on a coarse grater and send in a preheated oven.

9. Bake until golden brown at 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes.

10. Next to the potatoes in a cast iron skillet ready laid out fricassee.
11. Decorate pickled cherry tomatoes, pickled cucumbers and parsley.

Though it belongs to the dish and gourmet French cuisine in its preparation no big deal. Preparing it is very fast! Share this great recipe with your friends.
via takprosto cc
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