A basic set of products for the daily menu
Often this happens: the refrigerator is full of different goodies, and dinner to cook, no matter how you turn, nothing from... So it turns out that you come from work hungry and sweep away everything forbidden that is in the fridge.
Here you can draw an interesting parallel with the world of fashion: when compiling an ideal wardrobe, there are basic things on the basis of which clothing sets are built. If you have a good and competent base, it is enough to buy 1-2 things a year to always look fashionable.
It should be in your refrigerator as well. basicsOn the basis of which you can make a menu for a few days, only occasionally buying the rest.
In each family, depending on individual tastes and budget, the list of these products can be different, and we offer a minimum set of 7 products, which will easily allow you to prepare at least three dishes: soup, second and dessert.
Ironically, most basic foods can be stored outside the refrigerator. It is sunflower or olive oil, flour, cereals, salt, pepper, onions and garlic.
Well, reader, I hope you have a basic set of foods in your fridge. If not, remember to add it when you leave work. And try from all the variety of products in the supermarket to choose only the highest quality and fresh products.

Here you can draw an interesting parallel with the world of fashion: when compiling an ideal wardrobe, there are basic things on the basis of which clothing sets are built. If you have a good and competent base, it is enough to buy 1-2 things a year to always look fashionable.
It should be in your refrigerator as well. basicsOn the basis of which you can make a menu for a few days, only occasionally buying the rest.

In each family, depending on individual tastes and budget, the list of these products can be different, and we offer a minimum set of 7 products, which will easily allow you to prepare at least three dishes: soup, second and dessert.
Ironically, most basic foods can be stored outside the refrigerator. It is sunflower or olive oil, flour, cereals, salt, pepper, onions and garlic.
- Chicken
Meat should always be in the refrigerator – it is an important source of protein and energy. Many people believe that meat is purely male food. Yes, it gives the stronger sex endurance and perfectly saturates, but fragile women without meat nowhere!
Inadequate consumption of fats, cholesterol and valuable trace elements, which are rich in meat, increases the risk of getting allergies, depression and even cancer, not to mention women’s health!
Pork and goose are fatty. Beef is popular because of its low calorie content, minimal fat and high iron content, but is stiff. Chicken meat is the basis of many dietary dishes and, in my opinion, the most versatile ingredient.
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From chicken, we can always make a universal soup base - chicken broth, which, as you know, "even the dead will raise to their feet." You can fill it with carrot-onion roast, cereal and spices, pebbles (flour + egg).
If time is running out, you can simply add instant noodles to chicken broth - quickly, simply and tasty. The leftover chicken can be used to make a salad. Fortunately, chicken salads are a lot, even with grapes and oranges. - Cabbage
Without cabbage, it will not be possible to cook either borscht or our traditional sows, about the exceptional advantages of which we have already once written. “If you are good, do not look for other food.”
On the second you can stew cabbage with chicken, tomato sauce and spices. Hearty cabbage And meat is a great dining dish for the whole family.
Good cabbage salads with tomatoes, greens or boiled eggs and pickles. And in general, young cabbage can be delicious not only in salad! And this recipe for cabbage schnitzels confirms that. - Canned fish
Fast soup from canned fish "Dachny" is eaten by everyone - even those who do not particularly like the first dishes. It is suitable for any fish in oil or its own juice.
Without salad "Mimosa" still managed a rare holiday in most Russian families. At first glance, it seems that the recipe for a fluffy beauty is simple, but, as in any dish, Mimoz has its own subtleties and secrets, which "Site" He is willing to share with readers. - Eggs.
Eggs invariably and deservedly appear in the lists of products for the perfect breakfast. After all, their use at the beginning of the day helps us to maintain mental and physical activity for as long as possible.
Without eggs, it is impossible to imagine baking and most multi-layered salads. From eggs you can prepare a variety of very delicious dishes. To prove this, we have compiled 30 egg recipes that are definitely worth trying. - Cheese cheese.
Cotton cheese is a universal product from which you can prepare many delicious dishes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Cheese, salads and snacks with cottage cheese, rosy pastries with cheese for tea. With cottage cheese, not only delicious desserts are obtained, but also wonderful second dishes.
For example, potatoes in princely style - thin potato slices filled with a mixture of salted cottage cheese, mayonnaise and raw eggs. On top is grated cheese. We bake it all in the oven and get a nice dinner for the whole family. Not a recipe, but a real find for the hostess! - Salted cucumbers
Many people think that pickles can only be added to olives. In fact, this is the basis for an excellent sodium or brine.
And on the brine left from cucumbers, you can prepare lean, without eggs, crispy ... cookies. The recipe for biscuits on brine helps with its cheapness, conquers the taste and evokes the warmest memories of the grandmother, who carefully kneaded the dough with her hands in wrinkles, turned on the old oven, and then brewed hot tea. - Cheese
Cheese helps in any situation: you can just put a slice on a bun and drink tea, make croutons, grate cheese into a salad, cook with it an omelet, pancakes, casserole, chicken ... It's just not a list.
Well, reader, I hope you have a basic set of foods in your fridge. If not, remember to add it when you leave work. And try from all the variety of products in the supermarket to choose only the highest quality and fresh products.