How to establish friendly relations with neighbors
Good relations with neighbors This is almost as rare as a complete understanding with your mother-in-law or mother-in-law. It does not matter if you live in an apartment or in the private sector, because the neighbors in any case can cause you problems, sometimes in the most unexpected ways.
One of our subscribers complained that her neighbors at the country house are too kind, and therefore, of the best intentions, they constantly share plants, although she does not ask for this. But how to refuse when you insistently offer to plant unnecessary shrubs or flowers on the site?
My mother and grandmother grew up in times of total scarcity, and therefore they could not refuse even unnecessary things. And I understand them, because I hardly say “no” when I see that a person is trying for me. After all, refusal can be inadvertently offended, Albina shares.
“You plan a garden and a flower garden, and then they bring you unnecessary plants and just oblige you to find a place for them. You also need to water, take care of...
“The first time, I remember, one of the neighbors overdosed with cabbage seedlings, and then went down the street to build it. Then the mother was confronted with the fact that this seedling must be planted, otherwise good will be lost.”
“My mother gave me the job by pointing to a rough piece of the plot. I dug up the ground, planted... As a result, the cabbage turned out to be frail, even the headdresses did not tie. Maybe it was the sandy soil, or maybe it was that we didn’t need it very much, almost didn’t water it. But the neighbors were happy that their seedlings did not disappear, the woman resented.
“But most often, flowers were brought as such “gifts”. Most likely, neighbors simply have nowhere to go overgrown perennials, so they immediately brought them, without asking whether we need this “happiness”. So we got a brown-yellow helenium, an orange-red gravitas, some sour currant of an incomprehensible variety ...”
“As a result, almost everything that was given to us and that we cared for so much ended up in the trash, if not immediately, then after a couple of years. And if the same neighbor asked how the “flowers” are doing there, she also had to lie, Albina complains.
Yeah, being a good neighbor isn't easy. Even if you try to do more good to the person living next to you, he may not only not appreciate, but also dislike you for it.
On the other hand, why would a woman want something she doesn’t need? Do I have to thank you for that? It's twofold.
So the problem here is rather that compulsive He simply does not fully realize that his plant is not a gift for a person, but a burden, and the main thing is to politely clarify this situation to the recipient.
You can delicately but firmly explain that you already have enough necessary plants, but this “gift” is not needed, or you have nowhere to plant it, or no time to care. An adequate person will accept rejection and will not impose or be offended. You will be honest with yourself and your neighbors. Why take what sooner or later you will send to the garbage? Wrong somehow...
One of our subscribers complained that her neighbors at the country house are too kind, and therefore, of the best intentions, they constantly share plants, although she does not ask for this. But how to refuse when you insistently offer to plant unnecessary shrubs or flowers on the site?

My mother and grandmother grew up in times of total scarcity, and therefore they could not refuse even unnecessary things. And I understand them, because I hardly say “no” when I see that a person is trying for me. After all, refusal can be inadvertently offended, Albina shares.

“You plan a garden and a flower garden, and then they bring you unnecessary plants and just oblige you to find a place for them. You also need to water, take care of...
“The first time, I remember, one of the neighbors overdosed with cabbage seedlings, and then went down the street to build it. Then the mother was confronted with the fact that this seedling must be planted, otherwise good will be lost.”

“My mother gave me the job by pointing to a rough piece of the plot. I dug up the ground, planted... As a result, the cabbage turned out to be frail, even the headdresses did not tie. Maybe it was the sandy soil, or maybe it was that we didn’t need it very much, almost didn’t water it. But the neighbors were happy that their seedlings did not disappear, the woman resented.

“But most often, flowers were brought as such “gifts”. Most likely, neighbors simply have nowhere to go overgrown perennials, so they immediately brought them, without asking whether we need this “happiness”. So we got a brown-yellow helenium, an orange-red gravitas, some sour currant of an incomprehensible variety ...”
“As a result, almost everything that was given to us and that we cared for so much ended up in the trash, if not immediately, then after a couple of years. And if the same neighbor asked how the “flowers” are doing there, she also had to lie, Albina complains.

Yeah, being a good neighbor isn't easy. Even if you try to do more good to the person living next to you, he may not only not appreciate, but also dislike you for it.
On the other hand, why would a woman want something she doesn’t need? Do I have to thank you for that? It's twofold.
So the problem here is rather that compulsive He simply does not fully realize that his plant is not a gift for a person, but a burden, and the main thing is to politely clarify this situation to the recipient.

You can delicately but firmly explain that you already have enough necessary plants, but this “gift” is not needed, or you have nowhere to plant it, or no time to care. An adequate person will accept rejection and will not impose or be offended. You will be honest with yourself and your neighbors. Why take what sooner or later you will send to the garbage? Wrong somehow...