That's what they make out of you in 60 seconds! And how distorted your idea of beauty?
The advertising campaign "Evolution" brand Dove has not lost relevance to the present day.
Thanks to the digital processing of almost all the pictures on posters and in magazines for young people imposes an unrealistic and unattainable ideal of beauty.
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Thanks to the digital processing of almost all the pictures on posters and in magazines for young people imposes an unrealistic and unattainable ideal of beauty.
//player.vimeo.com/video/4097606?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=1eabd8Это Advertise with profound social implications. Share this video with your friends topical.
You go to bed the next morning? Congratulations, your level of intelligence to be envied.
Happy family: a male and a female terrier Rottweiler. Look how gorgeous they have puppies!