You go to bed the next morning? Congratulations, your level of intelligence to be envied.
It has long been no secret that the intelligence people, who like to stay up late, much higher than the fans to go early. Since it is believed that the night owls, deriving energy from the moon, it is more creative and open to everything new personality than the people receiving it only from sunlight.
According to statistics «Psychology Today», IQ scores in humans, nocturnal, indeed higher. The studies were conducted on the American students. The experimental results showed that people with higher levels of intellectual development go to bed much later than their less gifted peers. Renowned psychologist from the London School of Economics and Political Science Satoshi Kanazawa confirms the link between an average level of intelligence and sleep.
Here are some compelling arguments in favor of regime change day to night:
1. Lovers lie later more time to dream and then implement carefully laid plans in life. B>
It is unlikely that you will be able to dream in the daytime: family, friends, work, and so do not give you no chance to concentrate on the cherished dream.
2. Sleep for wimps. B>
People nocturnal, are to some extent by the insurgents. Among the so-called "night owls" can meet a lot of scientists, discoverers, revolutionaries, poets, musicians and people with well-developed leadership instincts.
3. They are always open to everything new. B>
It is natural that those who go to bed early, never experiencing psychological and emotional experience that brings the night cover. This is the time when the bars open all night for poets condescends inspiration from artists imagination begins to revive, to the teachings of the most brilliant ideas come, and by night the musicians playing a muse. According to «Esquire», it is also the best time for sex.
4. "Night Owl" more enterprising than the "early birds». B>
The early bird catches the worm. Perhaps, but night owls get so much more. There are things that you will not have the opportunity to experience, if you go to bed early. It was at a later time to see you often come to the most amazing ideas. That is, overstayer late, you will be able to perform long-planned tasks, which would seem to you will never be able to finish. Only at night you can decide on a fateful and fatal actions, which do not have the courage to day. Perhaps we should still think about changing the mode of the day?
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According to statistics «Psychology Today», IQ scores in humans, nocturnal, indeed higher. The studies were conducted on the American students. The experimental results showed that people with higher levels of intellectual development go to bed much later than their less gifted peers. Renowned psychologist from the London School of Economics and Political Science Satoshi Kanazawa confirms the link between an average level of intelligence and sleep.
Here are some compelling arguments in favor of regime change day to night:
1. Lovers lie later more time to dream and then implement carefully laid plans in life. B>
It is unlikely that you will be able to dream in the daytime: family, friends, work, and so do not give you no chance to concentrate on the cherished dream.
2. Sleep for wimps. B>
People nocturnal, are to some extent by the insurgents. Among the so-called "night owls" can meet a lot of scientists, discoverers, revolutionaries, poets, musicians and people with well-developed leadership instincts.
3. They are always open to everything new. B>
It is natural that those who go to bed early, never experiencing psychological and emotional experience that brings the night cover. This is the time when the bars open all night for poets condescends inspiration from artists imagination begins to revive, to the teachings of the most brilliant ideas come, and by night the musicians playing a muse. According to «Esquire», it is also the best time for sex.
4. "Night Owl" more enterprising than the "early birds». B>
The early bird catches the worm. Perhaps, but night owls get so much more. There are things that you will not have the opportunity to experience, if you go to bed early. It was at a later time to see you often come to the most amazing ideas. That is, overstayer late, you will be able to perform long-planned tasks, which would seem to you will never be able to finish. Only at night you can decide on a fateful and fatal actions, which do not have the courage to day. Perhaps we should still think about changing the mode of the day?
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