Causes bad luck to smart people
Sixty million two hundred thirty five thousand seven hundred ninety four
© Adam Voorhes
Everyone is wrong sometimes. Moreover, it is doubtful that we would be able to learn something, if not mistakes. The sign of intelligence is not the absence of mistakes but rather the ability, once having made the mistake not to repeat it again and again. A person with intelligence can forgive a mistake but don't repeat it.
Each of us knows quite reasonable people too often make mistakes and often fail in the cause for which you undertake. It looks like they lose their mind, once they meet face to face with the real-world problems. The conclusion is that one intelligence is not enough to Excel in the real world, no matter how widely we define the concept of intelligence.
People can come into this world with the best intellectual ability, which only can provide them with heredity or to upbringing in a highly intellectual environment, but, nevertheless, not to succeed in everyday life, but to limit the stagnation.
As you read you will undoubtedly become clearer as 20 the above-mentioned obstacles prevent use of the intellect, why the traditional tests of intelligence, even the most committed sense of the breadth of the spectrum covered by the mental capacity reasonably represent only a small fraction of the intellect, acting in the real world.
1. The lack of motivation. Hardly worth the talents of the person, if he has no incentive to use them. Motivation becomes a key source of differences in success among individuals living in a given environment. For some motivation comes from external sources? the approval of peers, the desire for recognition, enrichment etc. For others the motivation may be endemic, arising out of personal satisfaction for a job well done. Usually a person driven by both external and intrinsic motivation in different proportions.
2. The lack of knowledge of their own impulsiveness. There are moments in life when people need to act impulsively. Impulsivity does not allow the person to fully use their mental capabilities. Although endless meditation as well undesirable, a person should not be in the process of solving the problem to fall into the temptation of making the first came to mind solutions. It should be remembered that later may come to mind and the best solutions.
3. Lack of perseverance and assertiveness. Some people, despite all their inherent intelligence, easily. If something goes wrong as they want, or if their first attempts are not successful, they throw the begun business. As a result, they unwittingly lose the ability to bring the case to the end. The other extreme are the people who continue to work on the problem, when it was already time to leave it as hopeless. They persist even when they should realize that to solve the problem most likely will fail at least at the right time.
4. Application? those not? abilities. Many people at some point in their lives come to the conclusion that they had either chosen the wrong profession, or work within their chosen profession does not quite meet its requirements. From the side it looks like the work they undertook to perform, requires one set of abilities and skills, they also perform it using other abilities and skills. The discovery that man makes for himself of the merits is that, despite the presence of good and useful abilities, they are however not suitable for those tasks where the person is currently involved. In such a situation, the act of the mind would be to elect a different direction in education or career or, at least, to think about new strategies in their own study and work.
5. Inability to translate thoughts into deeds. Some demonstrate great progress in the theoretical solution of their problems and the problems of others, creating sometimes the impression of people who have on all occasions ready-made solution. With all of this they are unable to translate the theory into practice. In the words of the psychologist E. R. Tatry (1935), they are? buried in the mind?.. No matter how good was their idea to do something real for their implementation, such people can not. But in order to get out of their own intelligence, we need not only to have good ideas, but to be able to practically implement them? to translate thoughts into deeds.
6. Insufficient attention to results. Some people tend to pay extremely much attention to the direct process, but much less attention to its results. However, it is on the basis of the final result can be judged on our achievements, whether in school or in adult life.
7. Failure to communicate the decision task to the end. A good saying about people who are unable to bring it started to end, says that once started, they can not get to the finish line. Nothing in their lives, it seems, can not be called completely finished.
8. Failure to make the first move. Some people show no desire or ability to start conceived; their actions are limited to theorizing about what steps should be taken. Such people are afraid to devote himself to anything and not doing anything.
9. The fear of failure. Fear not get the desired result, apparently, originates in childhood. You can face a situation when a person abandons a career in the profession, part of his true interest, considering himself? unworthy? her for one reason or another. The same story may take place in interpersonal relationships, when people stop the relationship not because he was not satisfied with their current state, but fear of future deterioration. However, one can cite many examples where risk is necessary because of the unwillingness or inability to take a risk turns into a loss of opportunities as components of success in life.
10. Putting things off from day to day. Putting things off for later are characterized by an enormous mass of people. Almost any of us from time to time do, shifting some work to a later date, realizing that to do it would be better right now. Putting off work for later is a serious drawback when turning to sustainable behaviour.
11. Alienation and assignment of guilt. Some people believe that it is infallible, and constantly looking to blame anyone, sometimes trifling, reason. On the contrary, others always blame themselves, whatever their actual role in the event or set of events leading to a particular failure. Such disposal or, on the contrary, the assignment of guilt can become a serious obstacle to the realization of man's own intellectual capacity.
12. Excessive regret. We all from time to time sorry about their own shortcomings. When things don't go quite as I would like, it's hard not to regret, attributing it to their own account. But this kind of regret taking place on a regular basis, performs a strong antedating function. Regret their shortcomings are not only detrimental to the case, but in some cases contributes to the fact that the people who could provide us with invaluable help, turn away from us.
13. Excessive dependence. In most of the problems faced by the people, it requires a certain degree of independence. However, education often does not result in the person gaining adequate independence necessary later in life, in work, for example where employees must, as a rule, to rely only on own forces and to seek help from others only occasionally. Try to solve out your task yourself, and if you still need someone's help, then at least take full responsibility for the result. Do not shift the responsibility on others, which is actually assigned to you.
14. The exaggeration of personal problems. Every person has personal problems, but their severity varies greatly from person to person. Some have in a lifetime tragedy follow tragedy, other lives seem serene and almost devoid of any difficulties and problems. In the course of their lives everyone should expect as great joys and huge troubles and woes. It is important to be realistic and those and others. Major life crises almost always affect what you do work, you want it or not. It is best to take it for granted, not allowing, however, personal problems entirely absorb your attention to the detriment of the business. Remember that when you have problems with the work and society of people around you can be the solace you need. Incorrect is the attempt to turn away from personal problems that somehow have to be addressed. The same wrong people, allowing their personal problems to absorb all his time.
15. The lack of concentration. You can specify the mass of people with high intelligence, who for a long time not able to focus on one and the same. They are easy to distract, the duration of periods of continuous attention to them is relatively small. As a result, they are difficult to perform more or less considerable amount of work. If you suffer from confusion and have difficulty concentrating, you should think about the proper organization of your workplace to minimize distractions.
16. Too narrow or too wide a distribution of their forces. People are able to concentrate their efforts only on a single activity, you should know about it and to confront it. If you are involved in several projects at the same time, try to allocate your time and attention, and organize projects so that it was possible to complete them within a reasonable time. It is important to ensure proper distribution of various activities for himself. Avoid doing more or less what you can handle in a given period of time.
17. The inability to postpone reward or recognition. People tend to do minor chores to the detriment of more important. Just lay some big things for later, others are not willing to delay the reward. They get satisfaction when others praise and reward them for completing minor cases, and forget about the larger reward, which would correspond to larger cases. Serious work sometimes involves a great amount of time and effort before the results will be obtained. If you are not ready and prefer to take only a small short-term projects, keep in mind that there is a risk to equally fleeting recognition.
18. The inability or unwillingness to see the private entity. In my lifetime I have met students with very high intelligence which, nevertheless, has not been very successful in school because of that? for the trees see the forest?.. They are very take details, and they are not able or do not want to see the big picture behind all the details, and, accordingly, to deal with it. Think also about what the meaning of what you are currently working, and what kind of results are going to come. Otherwise, you risk not only losing their initial objectives, but the strategy that ensures them achievement.
19. A lack of balance between critical, analytical and creative, synthetic thinking. Sometimes in life we need to apply critical and analytical thinking; sometimes you must use creativity and to think synthetically. It is important to know the appropriate time.
20. High or low confidence. Each of us for a normal life need to have a decent supply of self-confidence. Life can be so much blows to the self-esteem of the man and his Outlook on himself that without confidence it would be really difficult in the face of large and small failures, which prepares us for life. Lack of confidence leads some people to the fact that they can't solve the tasks set before them, because projecting their own doubts. Self-confidence is often an important key to success. In the end, if you have no confidence, how can you expect others confidence in you?
At the same time, it is important not to overstate your confidence. People with too high self-confidence lose the ability to recognize when to admit a mistake or to do something for their own improvement. As a result, the progress of such people is much slower than is objectively possible.
This article was described twenty potential pitfalls impeding a person to come into the full realization of their mental faculties. To summarize, I would say that the most important is not the level of intelligence, and what he is able to achieve through intelligence. And the most important task in knowledge and the improvement of intelligence I would call a complete understanding of mental capacity, which is each of us.
© Robert J. Sternberg (Robert J. Sternberg), Professor of psychology and education at Yale University.
Source: www.iteam.ru/publications/human/section_44/article_3784/
© Adam Voorhes
Everyone is wrong sometimes. Moreover, it is doubtful that we would be able to learn something, if not mistakes. The sign of intelligence is not the absence of mistakes but rather the ability, once having made the mistake not to repeat it again and again. A person with intelligence can forgive a mistake but don't repeat it.
Each of us knows quite reasonable people too often make mistakes and often fail in the cause for which you undertake. It looks like they lose their mind, once they meet face to face with the real-world problems. The conclusion is that one intelligence is not enough to Excel in the real world, no matter how widely we define the concept of intelligence.
People can come into this world with the best intellectual ability, which only can provide them with heredity or to upbringing in a highly intellectual environment, but, nevertheless, not to succeed in everyday life, but to limit the stagnation.
As you read you will undoubtedly become clearer as 20 the above-mentioned obstacles prevent use of the intellect, why the traditional tests of intelligence, even the most committed sense of the breadth of the spectrum covered by the mental capacity reasonably represent only a small fraction of the intellect, acting in the real world.
1. The lack of motivation. Hardly worth the talents of the person, if he has no incentive to use them. Motivation becomes a key source of differences in success among individuals living in a given environment. For some motivation comes from external sources? the approval of peers, the desire for recognition, enrichment etc. For others the motivation may be endemic, arising out of personal satisfaction for a job well done. Usually a person driven by both external and intrinsic motivation in different proportions.
2. The lack of knowledge of their own impulsiveness. There are moments in life when people need to act impulsively. Impulsivity does not allow the person to fully use their mental capabilities. Although endless meditation as well undesirable, a person should not be in the process of solving the problem to fall into the temptation of making the first came to mind solutions. It should be remembered that later may come to mind and the best solutions.
3. Lack of perseverance and assertiveness. Some people, despite all their inherent intelligence, easily. If something goes wrong as they want, or if their first attempts are not successful, they throw the begun business. As a result, they unwittingly lose the ability to bring the case to the end. The other extreme are the people who continue to work on the problem, when it was already time to leave it as hopeless. They persist even when they should realize that to solve the problem most likely will fail at least at the right time.
4. Application? those not? abilities. Many people at some point in their lives come to the conclusion that they had either chosen the wrong profession, or work within their chosen profession does not quite meet its requirements. From the side it looks like the work they undertook to perform, requires one set of abilities and skills, they also perform it using other abilities and skills. The discovery that man makes for himself of the merits is that, despite the presence of good and useful abilities, they are however not suitable for those tasks where the person is currently involved. In such a situation, the act of the mind would be to elect a different direction in education or career or, at least, to think about new strategies in their own study and work.
5. Inability to translate thoughts into deeds. Some demonstrate great progress in the theoretical solution of their problems and the problems of others, creating sometimes the impression of people who have on all occasions ready-made solution. With all of this they are unable to translate the theory into practice. In the words of the psychologist E. R. Tatry (1935), they are? buried in the mind?.. No matter how good was their idea to do something real for their implementation, such people can not. But in order to get out of their own intelligence, we need not only to have good ideas, but to be able to practically implement them? to translate thoughts into deeds.
6. Insufficient attention to results. Some people tend to pay extremely much attention to the direct process, but much less attention to its results. However, it is on the basis of the final result can be judged on our achievements, whether in school or in adult life.
7. Failure to communicate the decision task to the end. A good saying about people who are unable to bring it started to end, says that once started, they can not get to the finish line. Nothing in their lives, it seems, can not be called completely finished.
8. Failure to make the first move. Some people show no desire or ability to start conceived; their actions are limited to theorizing about what steps should be taken. Such people are afraid to devote himself to anything and not doing anything.
9. The fear of failure. Fear not get the desired result, apparently, originates in childhood. You can face a situation when a person abandons a career in the profession, part of his true interest, considering himself? unworthy? her for one reason or another. The same story may take place in interpersonal relationships, when people stop the relationship not because he was not satisfied with their current state, but fear of future deterioration. However, one can cite many examples where risk is necessary because of the unwillingness or inability to take a risk turns into a loss of opportunities as components of success in life.
10. Putting things off from day to day. Putting things off for later are characterized by an enormous mass of people. Almost any of us from time to time do, shifting some work to a later date, realizing that to do it would be better right now. Putting off work for later is a serious drawback when turning to sustainable behaviour.
11. Alienation and assignment of guilt. Some people believe that it is infallible, and constantly looking to blame anyone, sometimes trifling, reason. On the contrary, others always blame themselves, whatever their actual role in the event or set of events leading to a particular failure. Such disposal or, on the contrary, the assignment of guilt can become a serious obstacle to the realization of man's own intellectual capacity.
12. Excessive regret. We all from time to time sorry about their own shortcomings. When things don't go quite as I would like, it's hard not to regret, attributing it to their own account. But this kind of regret taking place on a regular basis, performs a strong antedating function. Regret their shortcomings are not only detrimental to the case, but in some cases contributes to the fact that the people who could provide us with invaluable help, turn away from us.
13. Excessive dependence. In most of the problems faced by the people, it requires a certain degree of independence. However, education often does not result in the person gaining adequate independence necessary later in life, in work, for example where employees must, as a rule, to rely only on own forces and to seek help from others only occasionally. Try to solve out your task yourself, and if you still need someone's help, then at least take full responsibility for the result. Do not shift the responsibility on others, which is actually assigned to you.
14. The exaggeration of personal problems. Every person has personal problems, but their severity varies greatly from person to person. Some have in a lifetime tragedy follow tragedy, other lives seem serene and almost devoid of any difficulties and problems. In the course of their lives everyone should expect as great joys and huge troubles and woes. It is important to be realistic and those and others. Major life crises almost always affect what you do work, you want it or not. It is best to take it for granted, not allowing, however, personal problems entirely absorb your attention to the detriment of the business. Remember that when you have problems with the work and society of people around you can be the solace you need. Incorrect is the attempt to turn away from personal problems that somehow have to be addressed. The same wrong people, allowing their personal problems to absorb all his time.
15. The lack of concentration. You can specify the mass of people with high intelligence, who for a long time not able to focus on one and the same. They are easy to distract, the duration of periods of continuous attention to them is relatively small. As a result, they are difficult to perform more or less considerable amount of work. If you suffer from confusion and have difficulty concentrating, you should think about the proper organization of your workplace to minimize distractions.
16. Too narrow or too wide a distribution of their forces. People are able to concentrate their efforts only on a single activity, you should know about it and to confront it. If you are involved in several projects at the same time, try to allocate your time and attention, and organize projects so that it was possible to complete them within a reasonable time. It is important to ensure proper distribution of various activities for himself. Avoid doing more or less what you can handle in a given period of time.
17. The inability to postpone reward or recognition. People tend to do minor chores to the detriment of more important. Just lay some big things for later, others are not willing to delay the reward. They get satisfaction when others praise and reward them for completing minor cases, and forget about the larger reward, which would correspond to larger cases. Serious work sometimes involves a great amount of time and effort before the results will be obtained. If you are not ready and prefer to take only a small short-term projects, keep in mind that there is a risk to equally fleeting recognition.
18. The inability or unwillingness to see the private entity. In my lifetime I have met students with very high intelligence which, nevertheless, has not been very successful in school because of that? for the trees see the forest?.. They are very take details, and they are not able or do not want to see the big picture behind all the details, and, accordingly, to deal with it. Think also about what the meaning of what you are currently working, and what kind of results are going to come. Otherwise, you risk not only losing their initial objectives, but the strategy that ensures them achievement.
19. A lack of balance between critical, analytical and creative, synthetic thinking. Sometimes in life we need to apply critical and analytical thinking; sometimes you must use creativity and to think synthetically. It is important to know the appropriate time.
20. High or low confidence. Each of us for a normal life need to have a decent supply of self-confidence. Life can be so much blows to the self-esteem of the man and his Outlook on himself that without confidence it would be really difficult in the face of large and small failures, which prepares us for life. Lack of confidence leads some people to the fact that they can't solve the tasks set before them, because projecting their own doubts. Self-confidence is often an important key to success. In the end, if you have no confidence, how can you expect others confidence in you?
At the same time, it is important not to overstate your confidence. People with too high self-confidence lose the ability to recognize when to admit a mistake or to do something for their own improvement. As a result, the progress of such people is much slower than is objectively possible.
This article was described twenty potential pitfalls impeding a person to come into the full realization of their mental faculties. To summarize, I would say that the most important is not the level of intelligence, and what he is able to achieve through intelligence. And the most important task in knowledge and the improvement of intelligence I would call a complete understanding of mental capacity, which is each of us.
© Robert J. Sternberg (Robert J. Sternberg), Professor of psychology and education at Yale University.
Source: www.iteam.ru/publications/human/section_44/article_3784/