Happy family: a male and a female terrier Rottweiler. Look how gorgeous they have puppies!
West Highland Terrier Joey managed that hardly ever able representative of his breed - he became the father of a female Rottweiler puppies! I think the kid had to use a ladder ...
Teresa Patterson, owner of Joey and Rottweiler named Zara, from Yorkshire, United Kingdom, was surprised by the fact that they mated she knew nothing about it until such time as there were puppies.
«I was shocked, I did not even think that was possible, but somehow it happened. Puppies excellent character, the same as the parents. They are constantly demanding attention to themselves, they are simply no peace! Puppy named Sparky, who took to my son, constantly haunts me. But again, this does not happen again soon we assign to the vet Joey ». I>
Well, apparently, size does not matter ... Tell your friends about it!
Teresa Patterson, owner of Joey and Rottweiler named Zara, from Yorkshire, United Kingdom, was surprised by the fact that they mated she knew nothing about it until such time as there were puppies.
«I was shocked, I did not even think that was possible, but somehow it happened. Puppies excellent character, the same as the parents. They are constantly demanding attention to themselves, they are simply no peace! Puppy named Sparky, who took to my son, constantly haunts me. But again, this does not happen again soon we assign to the vet Joey ». I>
Well, apparently, size does not matter ... Tell your friends about it!
That's what they make out of you in 60 seconds! And how distorted your idea of beauty?
Become a musical genius in 3 years? This kid has achieved what the professionals and do not dream!