Carefully spiders and scorpions!

This year, employees of the Republican Center of Toxicology has already helped 30 victims of the bite of the Black Widow. All were hospitalized with severe and moderate poisoning. Last year, the doctors say, there have been 16 cases of bites for the whole season - from April to October, while the hospital townspeople mainly accessed after resting on Kapchagai or on the Ili River. Immediately bring the affected areas of the lower Almaty

- The most effective means of treatment in this case - protivokarakurtovaya whey, which is prepared in Tashkent Bacteriological Institute, but we do not have a license to acquire it - says head of the department, doctor of the highest category, the chief toxicologist of Almaty Gulmira freelance Muratovna Toybaeva. - The same good results are obtained intravenous Novocain, calcium chloride and magnesium hydrogen - that's what we use. The main thing - time to make the correct diagnosis

This man was bitten karakurt near Almaty-1.
- I was sitting on the porch of the house, I felt a slight prick in the foot, as if snatched a mosquito, but did not attach any importance to this. After a while there was a sharp pain in the groin and abdomen, headache. It was sick, I began to sweat profusely. They took me to the hospital, and here for five days in the hospital with a defined diagnosis of "Black Widow spider bite,».
Widow Venom 15 times stronger than the venom of a rattlesnake. Spider bites are not painful, but on the site of the bite appears a small red spot, which quickly disappears. Bitten place is not swollen, the pain passes quickly, and in a dream the bite may not be noticed

- But at the time, as we are afraid of spiders, they rarely bite people, few of them are able to bite through human skin - soothes arachnology, researcher at the Laboratory of Entomology of the Institute of Zoology of NAS RK KN Alexander Gromov. - The majority of spider species is not aggressive at all, and poses no threat. Moreover, the spiders bite only in the case of defense.
As suggested by Alexander, this year is the peak, that is, in the next few years will be more cases of outbreak Widow bites in Kazakhstan

- Yes, this year again, a lot of Black Widow, but nothing supernatural here, this happens every 10-15 years, it's nature, - says arachnology. - More recently, an acquaintance brought me a spider, it was a female Black Widow. But the most interesting, she was caught in the streets Timiryazev - Baizakov, almost in the center of the city. Of course, this does not mean that they have occupied the whole city may simply have brought the spider on the bottom of the machine with the same Kapchagai, it is not necessary to arrange a panic. But to be closer still have

In order to somehow deal with the situation and know the opinion of an expert, I asked the scientist to hold for me a tour of Almaty region, and talk about some of the representatives of the class of arachnids. We are mainly interested in the kind of dangerous to human

Web spider Agel. Under the title "spider" There are approximately 34,000 species of arthropods. Spiders belong to the class of arachnid spider or other units in this class include scorpions, phalanges, harvestmen, scorpions and others false.

Generally, spiders are carnivorous and feed only on live prey. They grab their victim pedipalps (nogoschupaltsami) and inject venom through the chelicerae (mouthparts)

Tarantula - a large spider family of wolf spiders. In Kazakhstan, home to several species of tarantulas. He lives in earthen burrows along the banks of rivers, lakes, salt marshes, etc. Tarantula bite is painful, but not lethal, comparable to a bee sting. He met us near the Ili River. The size of the order of 7 cm

Tarantula lives in burrows to a depth of 30-40 cm, lined with cobwebs, when a hole about the insect rapidly jumps and catches it. Spider sensitive to what is happening on the surface, including the movement feels running through insects, which also serves as a pretext for an attack

Alexander collects various representatives of arachnids for further study. Location catch fixed on GPS, detailed written information on the label with the collection site with date and collector's name, in the future, this characteristics of this accomodation is entered into a computer database. This database is used, for example, to map habitats of arachnids

On the banks of the River Kurta. The place where karakurt was recorded more often.
- Some experts on spiders argue that the fact that spiders settled in Almaty, blame chef importing saksaul or suppliers of melons. But this information is not confirmed

Spiders, scorpions phalanx usually hidden from our eyes, and certainly their intention was not to attack the person

The favorite habitat of Black Widow - wormwood virgin land, wasteland, beaches, slopes of ravines. This spider likes to settle in the stone rubble in rodent holes at the base of the walls, in cracks in wood storage areas, in dry piles of old garbage

Common neighbor Widow - a harmless spider Agel, with characteristic stripes on the back. Networks are often woven together and even touching. Experienced observers presence Agel says that somewhere nearby and karakurt lives. Of course, this is true only for the areas where it is found

In Kazakhstan karakurt lives in steppes, deserts and semi-deserts of all regions except North Kazakhstan. In Almaty region can meet the dangerous spider in the desert and steppe, along the long-distance routes Almaty - Bishkek, Almaty - Taldykorgan, Almaty - Astana, on the river Ili, Kapchagai

Last year's nest in the vicinity of the village karakurt Bakbakty

- To poison so quickly spread by blood, man needs rest, - says Alexander Gromov, has experienced the effect of the spider's jaws. - It is necessary to go to a cool place, drink plenty of water - it dilutes the venom and is rapidly excreted from the body naturally. But taken as a cure for alcohol, as many vacationers dangerous. In the first minutes after the bite you need to cauterize the place. Here's how: one should make an unlit match head to the site of the bite. Second set fire and bring to a head the first. There will flash on the surface of the skin. It is painful, but not fatal. The fact that karakurt bites through human skin is not greater than one millimeter. When cauterization match the poison quickly destroyed, and the symptoms of poisoning gradually disappear. But doctors still need to address

When one of them hatched hundreds of spiders

One of the favorite habitats of Black Widow - the base of the rocks

Female Black Widow. The body of the spider is completely black, with red spots with white bordering on the abdomen (only males and immature), legs are thin and smooth. Spider has an average value: 10-20 mm female, male - 4-7 mm.

Immature female. The most poisonous females, males do not present any particular risk to humans and animals, as unable to bite through the skin. Spider bite most often during migration, in July and August

With a special knife-blades scientist digs a burrow

Threatening posture South Russian tarantula. Our tarantulas one of the biggest - up to 15 cm with legs. Spider-toxic, human bites rarely cause local swelling and severe pain. About fatal cases is not known, but the effects of bites in children are very hard, and may not heal for 2-3 days

The main types of arachnids come to the surface at night. At night, spiders become more active, go out of the shelter for a short distance and prey on insects. At night survey Balkhash deserts using an ultraviolet lamp, Alexander can easily find scorpions and phalanges

They simply glow in ultraviolet

In Almaty region the most common three species of scorpions: yellow, Caucasian, less common scorpion Rikmers

- Scorpion bites cause burning pain and especially dangerous for people with allergies, - says the expert. - If a scorpion sting in the neck or the heart area, the consequences can be sad

Yellow scorpion (female) - the most common type in the Almaty region

Caucasian Scorpio (male)

The largest species of scorpions in Kazakhstan: up to 8 cm.

A female tarantula evippy with her cubs on a night walk. Her abdomen placed several dozen spiders. Normal production adult tarantula: locusts, grasshoppers, crickets and beetles different

Just like scorpions phalanx also came under ultraviolet lamp sight. The reason why the spiders of the world - a thin layer of organic matter hialina, chemical composition of which have not yet identified

Tomorrow afternoon we will consider it in the daylight

Phalanx Caspian (pregnant female). Phalanx or solpuga also belong to the order of arachnids. It inhabits the arid region. Phalanx Caspian, for example, reaches a length of 5-7 cm. Her body and limbs are covered with long hairs. Tentacles-pedipalps, located in front, very similar to the limbs and perform their function

All phalanx very mobile and almost all of them - the night predators. Phalanx carnivorous or omnivorous, feeding on termites, darkling beetles, and other small arthropods, but can also eat larger animals, such as lizards. When attacking a phalanx emit hissing or chirping friction cheliceral each other

Day phalanx (female). Small phalanx can not bite through human skin, but large in a position to do so. Bites are very painful phalanges. Often they pass without any consequences

Spider Nest Agel

The female spider Agel. Because of ignorance, it is often confused with a tarantula. Bite it completely painless

To avoid spider bites, the best - do not meet with them. You should not walk around the bush, ravines and hollows, where there may be the nest of spiders, or leave clothing or other objects on the bare ground - they can easily crawl arthropod

Of course, the spider looks scary, and many species of spiders are poisonous and can cause serious injury. But they - very useful animals, exterminating insect pests. We are constantly confronted with them, as it is one of the biggest bands on the planet. People, in general, have a bad habit to disturb the life of the natural world and often unjustly kill these creatures

Source: www.voxpopuli.kz