Formic life
The symbolic gesture after the nuptial flight and fertilization young female Acromyrmex versicolor breaks off his wings.
What do you like to ants, so it is easy decisions.
The composition of the ant, of course, adjustable. Larvae can raskormit in females, and can bring up are soldiers or workers. Watching it is now necessary.
Ways regulation set. A female receives hormonal signals from the entire anthill and lay eggs with an increased probability of formation of these females or workers. But it's a long time ... And suddenly the situation change? How else likely to adjust? Blue-nurse can make larva otovyaschuyusya be female - to develop into a working individual. Workers ignore the requirements of the larva feed vigorously, aggressively and strongly bite her belly (Bryan, 1986). Action. Larvae become workers. If you do not feed, and hard to beat in the belly ... Female Diacamma itself regulates the number of future females. When young samochki
hatch, the mother-queen bite off their external genitalia that
inhibits the development of the reproductive system (Peeters, Higashi, 1989).
Cheap, reliable and practical.
In many species the larvae stop
turn into a soldier when in the nest increases the concentration
pheromones allocated soldiers (Wheeler, Nijhaut, 1984). As much
footcloths smells, the people served somewhere on the side.
And this is just
Household pornography. Female Acropyga epedana keeps jaws larva
mealybug. This bull-producer, from which will go to the new herd
new house. And at the same time ...
(Acanthomyops) claviger: female ant parasites. Look for the nests of other
lazius species, killing there the queen and the rights won by workers
nests grow its detushek
Between a queen Amblyopone pallipes I do not get along ... I'm not sure that these girls will disperse peacefully
Family idyll mother Aphaenogaster occidentalis peacefully carries the eggs, the workers care for them
Queen listorezov Atta texana - well, very much. This solid lady postpone several million eggs. And workers too small ...
Queen Azteca isthmica sniffs - where to build a house?
found mestushko
Females Brachymyrmex patagonicus sent to the mating flight
The young lady Camponotus just returned from a flight. It's time to think about home
Camponotus papago female face of a few. This is not the case: these
ants head carpenters close the entrance to the nest. Well, what should
be a door, everyone knows
The female Myrmecia pyriformis expression is quite another ...
You see emotion on his face - the first daughter? Do not you see? Here I am ...
Mature female Camponotus vicinus - belly rasperto eggs
Princess Solenopsis saevissima on a high tower. Think - or fly it ... well ...
And this figure Cephalotes grandinosus flat. Zhiut in crevices of tree branches, you should be able to squeeze
Children Crematogaster smithi
Pseudomyrmex in twig nest: Right on the female eggs
Trachymyrmex arizonensis mushroom garden: near the front legs - egg white thread - obihazhivat fungal hyphae
Young females are preparing to Forelius maccooki nuptial flight
Queen Monomorium sydneyense with nurses
Female meters in his house - obligate symbiosis with the plant
Inaudible scream Wasmannia auropunctata: the female emits a pheromone that summons the workers gather around it
And this is the important point. The female in a red blouse on the right, the male in a black sweater on the left
The young prince Acromyrmex versicolor. In an anthill, he does nothing, his concern - to catch up with the female in mating flight
Males Aphaenogaster differ in that - poglazastee. They need to see ...
Brachymyrmex patagonicus: Well, yes, yes ...
Males Crematogaster cerasi before flying
Male Formica integroides looks for some lady
The red form - ordinary workers Lasius flavus, and the black - males. Slim ...
To fly well, need to have strong muscles. A wing muscles - chest. It looks like a muscular male Linepithema humile
Workers do not have to be so pumped
I believe that Prenolepis imparis raised a mustache skeptical fly there? ..
Slender Temnothorax males resemble wasps
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