Many people perceive the nettle of a common weed, but in fact this herb has a huge number of useful properties. It can be used as medicinal and cosmetic agents, and as food. And all this thanks to a rare composition. decoction of nettle leaves, nettle contains the K vitamin, ascorbic acid and pantothenic, carotenoids, chlorophyll, tannins, formic acid and other compounds.
Vitamin C in it several times more than lemon. Besides herbs rich in protein and vitamin the K, which is very rare and not found in all fruits and vegetables, nettles it a lot - 334 mg per 100 g of grass. Vitamin involved in blood coagulation, nettles therefore can be used as a wound healing agent. Fresh leaves (or powder of dried leaves) must be applied to the wound. After some time already to see the magical results.
Also, herbs can be used as a diuretic and to strengthen the skeletal system and provide all cells with energy by anabolic effects.
Nettles great help for colds and rhinitis, including allergic. To do this, knead leaf grass and inhale his scent around 5-6 minutes. 5, it should be done once a day. And if you're going to be doing this procedure all summer, you can always get rid of the common cold.
When cold make extract: 500-700 g fresh (or 200 grams dry) nettle pour 5 liters of water and give it brew. Also, this drink helps with coughs and has beneficial effects on the nervous system.
The juice of fresh nettle leaves is recommended to use women suffering from menstrual pain. The drink take 1 tsp 3 times a day for 20 minutes before eating.
The use of nettle in your diet also helps to increase the life expectancy and the preservation of youth for years to come, because together with the greens in the body receives vitamin PP. It is very good for the skin, it determines its status and funktsiya.krapiva
Beneficial nettle affects the condition of the hair. That they were strong, beautiful and brilliant greens do rinse. In general, many insist nettles boiled or with many other useful herbs (burdock, chamomile, etc.), But if you do not want to mess around for a long time and look for a lot of different components, you can do one of nettles. The result will not be worse, believe me. In order to make the rinse aid must boil for 15-20 minutes or herb in water to give a brew time therein. When shampooing, spread the spirit of nettles through the hair. Then rub it into the scalp and hair massage. Wait a few minutes and rinse. The positive effect is noticeable immediately after the first use of natural rinse.
After the article you are likely to arise a great desire to try the gifts of nature for yourself. Remember only that the nettles is better to begin to collect at the end of May, while she is young, not burning and insanely useful. In summer you can enjoy salads and "makeup" of the fresh leaves and the winter to prepare useful stocks to dry nettles.
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Rami Blekt.Syroedenie.Intervyu Kiev.Smotrim!