The most aggressive dog breeds

Any dog can bite. It's a fact. However, some dogs will make it more likely than others. Maybe this sounds like a surprise, but the most aggressive breeds of dogs - it is not necessarily the most dangerous breed. In fact, the present dangerous dogs are less aggressive. Below is a ranking of the 10 most aggressive dog breeds in the world. Taksa

Surprise! According to a recently conducted research, this little dog has been recognized by the Norns most aggressive breed in the world. And despite the fact that the fee can not cause serious harm to humans, no matter how much bite, this little monster is known for his hatred of strangers. As it turned out, one of the 5 taxes once in your life bitten by a stranger, but one of the 12 - attacked his own master. Chihuahua

In second place is another breed that hardly anyone could take seriously. When it comes to aggression, few dogs can outperform Chihuahua. In fact, you are more likely to bite a Chihuahua than a Doberman! Jack Russell terer

Small breed its small size offset aggressiveness. Third on the list of the most aggressive dogs in the world has become another "toy" dog, not a pit bull or a bulldog as expected. Jack Russell Terrier is a terrier ... and that says it all: Terriers do not tolerate abuse and will be desperate to resist. So watch out for children who can play with pretty brutal four-legged pets. Rizenshnautser

Not only that, Giant Schnauzer aggressive (especially with other dogs, but also to strangers, too), it is also a rather large dogs, making them twice as dangerous than any of the above breeds! Moreover, the official breed requires special dressirovkm, and therefore, it needs a special control. Because of its large size and loud barking frightening Schnauzer considered good guard dogs. Rotveyler

Rottweiler - is one of the most popular breeds in the world. These four-legged - truly amazing dogs. However, it should be borne in mind that the Rottweiler may behave aggressively toward other dogs and given its strength, it can sometimes lead to unpleasant consequences. Moreover, the Rottweiler fiercely defends his master, and it can manifest itself in aggressiveness towards strangers, if the dog feels that its owner is in danger. Chow chau

Chow look attractive and pretty. But it is not so. Adult chow is not a dog that can be trusted, especially when it comes to children and strangers: they are very irritable, and their right to food prove aggressive. In addition, they are good defenders on the nature and will not allow anyone to approach the owners or their territory. You may be surprised to see Chow on this list, but the truth is that they are still one of the most aggressive dog breeds in the world. Pitbul

While fans of the breed is often praised in nature, gentleness and friendliness of pit bulls, no one can deny that the pit bulls still contains aggressive instincts. Although the family pit bull can be non-aggressive dog towards other dogs and strangers he can be strong aggression. It is believed that this dog can distinguish friends from enemies, but, nevertheless, small animals (cats and rabbits) are their prey, and it should not be forgotten. If you are an experienced breeder, and are determined to make this dog, you'll be pleasantly surprised. Papilon

This decorative stylish dog actually very bite! Papillon particularly aggressive towards children, because very quickly irritated and will not tolerate any bullying. Moreover, Papillon owners and actively protect their owners, which can lead to an attack on outsiders. Cocker spaniel

Cockers are one of the most beloved family pets. They are good to protect the home, but not so much to call them aggressive. Nevertheless, Cocker Spaniels were in the top ten due to a genetic disease, some dogs of this breed are prone to the "syndrome of rage." This disease is very dangerous and lead to sudden attacks of dogs on their owners. If spaniel developing the disease, the only way, unfortunately, euthanize the animal. Doberman pincher

Doberman has an undeserved bad reputation, but in recent years this negative image gradually melts due to the fact that many people give birth to this dog as a pet, so its traditional role of guard dog takes a back seat. However, Dobermans are not accidentally used as guard dogs. Dobermans - good defenders of their masters, and instinctively know when the owner is really in danger. But Dobermans can be aggressive towards other dogs or strangers, so that behind them to follow closely.
Source: bigpicture.ru/?p=404023