Breeds of dogs that will tear the apartment to dust, they can not live in the house

Smart, successfully trained, with excellent vision, hearing, smell, faithful in friendship, reliable defenders, rare diagnosticians, healers and detectives. It's not from the special agent's resume. It's about dogs. Different breeds of dogs are endowed with these and many other qualities in different ways.

If you have a dog in your pets, you know firsthand: your positive emotions become stronger and deeper, thanks to communication with the dog. Life is better and easier when you have a dog.

But how are different breeds of dogs adapted to life in urban apartments? Cynologists came to the conclusion that not all popular dog breeds are good in standard urban dwellings. And with some it is even dangerous to be in the same room. This warning applies primarily to representatives of potentially aggressive breeds.

List of hazardous breeds
  1. hybrids of wolves and dogs, or wolves;
  2. Turkish akbashis;
  3. Bandogs, as well as American bandogs;
  4. Bulldog species such as Thoroughbred Alapagh (Otto), Brazilian, Ambuldog;


  5. bully kutta;
  6. Gul dong;
  7. North Caucasian dogs;
  8. pit bullmastiffs.

Representatives of these breeds can become dangerous to other animals and to humans due to uncontrolled aggression. It is important to remember that this behavior is inherited and manifests itself in a dog when it is encouraged by its owner. If you decide to get any of these dogs, you first need to learn how to cope with your aggression. Keep the dog in a specially equipped enclosure.

Guards who love space Gullivers among the Lilliputians feel themselves in the cramped apartments such giants as excellent guards Alabai, Caucasian shepherds, Tibetan mastiffs (they also like to sleep during the day, but are awake at night). Outwardly slow, by nature peaceful, friendly St. Bernards also suffer from a lack of space.

Such large dogs can live in a large house, not crowded with furniture and other things. They are sociable, need attention, care. But they need to allocate a part of the yard where they can run freely, play. In addition, distant walks, saturated with motor activity, conquering new spaces and other pleasures, they need.

You will be surprised, but the husky, Malamute, Border Collie and Jack Russell Terriers who have become familiar among high-rise buildings are also not very comfortable in small apartments. And the reason is that they are all real energizers. And with a lack of “mileage” can even experience deep depression.

Different breeds of dogs: especially complex characters Complete the story about how different breeds of dogs are ready to live in urban apartments, representatives of the dog tribe with a particularly complex character. I guess you'll be surprised here. So, it is quite understandable the presence in this list of Staffordshire Terriers, Rottweilers and German Shepherds.

Strong, energetic, smart, loyal, they require regular outdoor training, free space to splash out energy. If they are not given this opportunity, dogs can show aggression, become disobedient, very stubborn.

But there are spaniels, dachshunds, Labradors. Cheerful, affectionate, almost wrote “interesting interlocutors”. What's wrong? It turns out that great hunters, dachshunds are also selfish - in a bad mood they can go through everything and everywhere.

Spaniels react emotionally to loneliness. If you miss the owner, then your howl can inspire longing for all neighbors. We had three spaniels. One of them, Guy, is in his brother's family, already in a high-rise building. Until Guy grew up and was not used to the fact that he is loved, that, having gone somewhere, all household members will surely return, his brother brought him to his mother, already a pensioner, on weekdays, and so the dog learned to wait without suffering. At least he happily met his own, and living behind the wall picky neighbor noted Guy's voice data a couple of times.

Labradors overly mischievous and deliver housing when they do not feel their own need. So, you can play with a Labrador, as if it is he who takes you somewhere on a walk, helps you find something.

A well-known connoisseur of dog behavior Antoine Anjaryan is convinced: “Dogs should not be trained, but educated.” Add to that: always start with yourself. If you want to obey a dog, discipline yourself. If you understand others, the dog will understand you. Talk to her. It's such a miracle of understanding. And love...

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