The development of the discipline over a
Don't need to be Superman, you just have to have the ability to return their focus to what really matters to you.
I really like the title of this conference "Beyond mindfulness." The practice of mindfulness is often seen as "technique du jour" ("technique of the day, by analogy with the "dish of the day") as something that helps in life – leadership, stress reduction, health, good sleep and so on. Actually, the practice of mindfulness is much more – a path of awakening is a release from suffering, this is a very deep and secret practice.
Today we talk about the difficult subject of discipline. I even called her terrible because I feel constant resistance and tension, trying to be more disciplined.
Discipline is a beautiful thing, it helps achieve results in any field. However, I always feel a tendency to self-flagellation when it comes to discipline. To shame myself, to push myself and so on – that's how it often looks. But, most importantly — this approach does not work, alas.
Discipline is the most important thing. It is among the six perfections in Buddhism, the six actions of a bodhisattva, it is important to help others. But I don't think the Buddha had in mind – to constantly stop yourself and straining when he talked about discipline.
Mindfulness meditation teaches us another approach to discipline, another understanding. Instruction on meditation says – place your attention on the breath, breathe and watch. Then your mind starts to wander, distracted by a variety of things. At this point, the statement sounds like – just omit the fact that you are distracted and return to watching the breath. And here is the willingness and ability to return is the alpha and omega of discipline.
The definition of discipline may sound like this is the willingness and ability to go back to the fact that you're distracted, that's all. Don't need to be Superman, you just have to have the ability to return their focus to what really matters to you. Mindfulness meditation develops this very profound skill.
How it looks usually: we turn our attention to something, we begin to do, and then get distracted. It's okay, we living entities, we are people, and the world is full of all that distracting. But when you notice that you are distracted, when you want and can go back – this is discipline.
I want to say a little more about outer, inner and secret level of discipline.
Discipline on the external level
My teacher Sakyong Mipam Rinpoche said that at the external level is important to the environment, the atmosphere. Do not change yourself, do not even need to get into psychology. You are one part, and the second is the environment. It is important to create an environment that will maintain discipline. It does not mean to clean it all up so that you can eat off the floor. Just to put things in order in the room so that the space felt dignity and elegance. If you have chaos around, it is very difficult not to be distracted. So, the first of the five methods of discipline on an external level is a tidy and clean space.
The second tip is to eat good food. This does not mean becoming a vegan, to give up something in General and so on. It means the food is of good quality. Even if you want to eat a hamburger, then let it be from the real meat and good bread. If it's juice, then let it be the organic juice. Pay attention to the quality of the food. May she be as good as you can afford it. Feel the care that you show to yourself, it builds confidence. But if you lose your confidence you lose and discipline.
Wear good clothes. It's not about the latest fashion collections, it is at least – clean clothes that suits you, where you feel happy. If what surrounds you, lifts your mood – and your consciousness is also rising. If you wear clothes in which you feel worthy and confident, then your chance to Wake up, too.
Spend time with people you like to be. We are surrounded by all sorts of people, but if you want to raise the discipline you need to stay with people that rises your dignity, your mood. Just a little more be with them, and a little less with the people from whom your energy is falling. When you see your reflection in the eyes of the right people – it lifts you up, increases confidence, and discipline also increases.
Be more with nature. It is important that you see the sky, the land, the space, even if you just drink coffee in the gazebo. If you live in the city, go for lunch in the Park. Remind yourself that you live on planet Earth, there are cycles of nature, and that's fine. You not only send e-mails from the office, you live in a beautiful world.
Remind yourself about it, and most importantly – do these simple things. In my experience, it gives a huge effect. You literally take the discipline from the outside world.
The inner level of discipline
To raise the discipline at the domestic level, it is important to know how to work with your emotional state. This does not mean that it has to be perfect, you don't necessarily have to be happy or try to make yourself happy.
Discipline in this case means to know that we now feel permission to be with these feelings and taking responsibility for these feelings. We can say that this discipline is not projection. It's your feelings, your heart, and do not turn your feelings into stories about other people, about what the world is like that.
Internal quality discipline is to work with your projections every time. We all periodically fall into the projection, and we can't stop doing the magic, it is a discipline that we practice constantly. I occasionally feel that my mechanism of projection works 24/7, all the time. We like the camera in the head and the lens on his forehead, wherever you look – is projected in the cinema of our mind and we see a projection.
You met someone – okay, I know you, met the next – I love you, you're my boyfriend now met the third – you're the enemy, I don't love you. All this projection, and thus becomes part of the film. In General, the discipline is working with projections, criticism, judgment. We see them, but we don't overlook, since it is important to feel their projections. And then we just let them go – and this is a very deep discipline that can change the world, to reduce suffering and violence, all these terrible things happen because we don't know how to be with our projections.
The secret level of discipline
Can't say much about it, it's almost inconceivable thing, but in General it is about how to create a strong link with a reality, every time. Every smell, every sound, every thought, every seen, and so on. Every moment is a potential moment of awakening. At least check yourself – can I do it right now, in contact with reality?
Discipline at the secret level – is a discipline of awareness, non-confusion, and I want that for you. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.ustinova.info/razvitie-distsipliny-bez-nasiliya-nad-soboj/

I really like the title of this conference "Beyond mindfulness." The practice of mindfulness is often seen as "technique du jour" ("technique of the day, by analogy with the "dish of the day") as something that helps in life – leadership, stress reduction, health, good sleep and so on. Actually, the practice of mindfulness is much more – a path of awakening is a release from suffering, this is a very deep and secret practice.
Today we talk about the difficult subject of discipline. I even called her terrible because I feel constant resistance and tension, trying to be more disciplined.
Discipline is a beautiful thing, it helps achieve results in any field. However, I always feel a tendency to self-flagellation when it comes to discipline. To shame myself, to push myself and so on – that's how it often looks. But, most importantly — this approach does not work, alas.
Discipline is the most important thing. It is among the six perfections in Buddhism, the six actions of a bodhisattva, it is important to help others. But I don't think the Buddha had in mind – to constantly stop yourself and straining when he talked about discipline.
Mindfulness meditation teaches us another approach to discipline, another understanding. Instruction on meditation says – place your attention on the breath, breathe and watch. Then your mind starts to wander, distracted by a variety of things. At this point, the statement sounds like – just omit the fact that you are distracted and return to watching the breath. And here is the willingness and ability to return is the alpha and omega of discipline.
The definition of discipline may sound like this is the willingness and ability to go back to the fact that you're distracted, that's all. Don't need to be Superman, you just have to have the ability to return their focus to what really matters to you. Mindfulness meditation develops this very profound skill.
How it looks usually: we turn our attention to something, we begin to do, and then get distracted. It's okay, we living entities, we are people, and the world is full of all that distracting. But when you notice that you are distracted, when you want and can go back – this is discipline.
I want to say a little more about outer, inner and secret level of discipline.
Discipline on the external level
My teacher Sakyong Mipam Rinpoche said that at the external level is important to the environment, the atmosphere. Do not change yourself, do not even need to get into psychology. You are one part, and the second is the environment. It is important to create an environment that will maintain discipline. It does not mean to clean it all up so that you can eat off the floor. Just to put things in order in the room so that the space felt dignity and elegance. If you have chaos around, it is very difficult not to be distracted. So, the first of the five methods of discipline on an external level is a tidy and clean space.
The second tip is to eat good food. This does not mean becoming a vegan, to give up something in General and so on. It means the food is of good quality. Even if you want to eat a hamburger, then let it be from the real meat and good bread. If it's juice, then let it be the organic juice. Pay attention to the quality of the food. May she be as good as you can afford it. Feel the care that you show to yourself, it builds confidence. But if you lose your confidence you lose and discipline.
Wear good clothes. It's not about the latest fashion collections, it is at least – clean clothes that suits you, where you feel happy. If what surrounds you, lifts your mood – and your consciousness is also rising. If you wear clothes in which you feel worthy and confident, then your chance to Wake up, too.
Spend time with people you like to be. We are surrounded by all sorts of people, but if you want to raise the discipline you need to stay with people that rises your dignity, your mood. Just a little more be with them, and a little less with the people from whom your energy is falling. When you see your reflection in the eyes of the right people – it lifts you up, increases confidence, and discipline also increases.
Be more with nature. It is important that you see the sky, the land, the space, even if you just drink coffee in the gazebo. If you live in the city, go for lunch in the Park. Remind yourself that you live on planet Earth, there are cycles of nature, and that's fine. You not only send e-mails from the office, you live in a beautiful world.
Remind yourself about it, and most importantly – do these simple things. In my experience, it gives a huge effect. You literally take the discipline from the outside world.
The inner level of discipline
To raise the discipline at the domestic level, it is important to know how to work with your emotional state. This does not mean that it has to be perfect, you don't necessarily have to be happy or try to make yourself happy.
Discipline in this case means to know that we now feel permission to be with these feelings and taking responsibility for these feelings. We can say that this discipline is not projection. It's your feelings, your heart, and do not turn your feelings into stories about other people, about what the world is like that.
Internal quality discipline is to work with your projections every time. We all periodically fall into the projection, and we can't stop doing the magic, it is a discipline that we practice constantly. I occasionally feel that my mechanism of projection works 24/7, all the time. We like the camera in the head and the lens on his forehead, wherever you look – is projected in the cinema of our mind and we see a projection.
You met someone – okay, I know you, met the next – I love you, you're my boyfriend now met the third – you're the enemy, I don't love you. All this projection, and thus becomes part of the film. In General, the discipline is working with projections, criticism, judgment. We see them, but we don't overlook, since it is important to feel their projections. And then we just let them go – and this is a very deep discipline that can change the world, to reduce suffering and violence, all these terrible things happen because we don't know how to be with our projections.
The secret level of discipline
Can't say much about it, it's almost inconceivable thing, but in General it is about how to create a strong link with a reality, every time. Every smell, every sound, every thought, every seen, and so on. Every moment is a potential moment of awakening. At least check yourself – can I do it right now, in contact with reality?
Discipline at the secret level – is a discipline of awareness, non-confusion, and I want that for you. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.ustinova.info/razvitie-distsipliny-bez-nasiliya-nad-soboj/
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