Nature is calling! A couple of deer as if nothing had happened went out for an evening stroll on the bridge.
A couple of deer came out for an evening walk on the Golden Gate Bridge.
Just rush hour, at 5:30 pm, the deer came to the bridge.
Fortunately, the car stopped to let the animals.
The deer kept road in Marin, famous for its magnificent forests and influential locals - a great place to spend a memorable weekend!
Deer successfully crossed the bridge at about 6pm.
Even animals want from time to time to get out of town for the weekend. Share this merry trip into the wild with your friends!

Just rush hour, at 5:30 pm, the deer came to the bridge.
Fortunately, the car stopped to let the animals.

The deer kept road in Marin, famous for its magnificent forests and influential locals - a great place to spend a memorable weekend!

Deer successfully crossed the bridge at about 6pm.

Even animals want from time to time to get out of town for the weekend. Share this merry trip into the wild with your friends!
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