This dog loves spa treatments more than anyone else. It seems he was in heaven!
Luxury bath, the sun warm, tepid breeze blowing, playing relaxing music - just an idyll that still need to be completely happy? If you once took spa treatments, you should at least roughly understand what bliss is now experiencing this dog. The dog seems so relaxed. I think he went to heaven ... That looks like a dog's paradise!
has never seen a dog so loved to swim . His friend also can not wait to take a bath. Show your friends what it looks like paradise for dogs.
has never seen a dog so loved to swim . His friend also can not wait to take a bath. Show your friends what it looks like paradise for dogs.
If I saw something in the ocean under your boat, I would be speechless with horror!
He modestly calls himself "the best daddy." Do you agree, when you see these gorgeous pictures!