5 reasons for the catastrophic situation in the modern education. Immediately I need to change something!
It's no secret that modern education is going through the best of times. But what to do? First is to identify the main problems that underlie this catastrophic state. Nanny with 20 years of experience in practice to identify the most vulnerable points of the modern education. Here are the results of her observations:
I'm an optimist and is inclined to believe that everything is done - all the better, even if everything is clearly not good. And anyone who knows me will tell you that I do not tend to dramatize. That's why, if I say that modern education is an enormous hole - it is almost a disaster. I work with children and their parents more than 20 years, and what I have seen in recent years, very much worries me. There are presented 5 most serious problems of modern education: i>
1. We are afraid of our children i>
I spent one very simple observation. During breakfast mom pours milk baby, but baby it says it wants to drink from the cup of pink, not blue. Funky Mama immediately breaks until her child does not throw a tantrum, and randomly looking pink cup, though the milk has been poured into the blue. The question is, Mom, what are you so afraid of? Who's in charge here? Even if your child throw a tantrum - do not pay attention, come to another room. Do not make yourself the hassle, catering to the whims of the baby. Maybe if you had not given him a pink cup, he would have ordered this at least some lesson.
2. Reduced strap i>
When a child misbehaves in public or at home, the parents are usually shrug their shoulders and say, "Well, it's the children ..." I assure you, not all children behave. They are capable of much more than you expect from them. You're not a child for lunch in a restaurant, because worried for bad behavior in public? Nonsense! Do you think that as long as you did not ask, the baby will not be able clean up the table? Even more nonsense! The only reason that they themselves are so, it is simply the fact that you did not show them how to behave properly, you expect from them a completely different behavior. Raise the bar in education and see your child's behavior will change.
3. Loss of control in education i>
It used to be that teachers and parents have unlimited opportunities in the education of the child. It was assumed that all children behave the way and under close supervision of a parent. The main goal of education was - grow diligent and right boys and girls. Now, parents are outraged when someone else is trying to correct the behavior of their child. They wish that the child was born perfect, not in what they do not want to accept comments from teachers and any other outsiders. Parents simply easier to maintain an illusory ideal, because if something is not to your child so that outsiders will say that you are to blame, because it was brought up properly. Parents are terribly afraid of someone else's evaluation. Let's take an example: if the child is comfortable with hysterical eyes of passers-by immediately turning to the mother, who is admitted. Perhaps this woman simply did not poke another whim of her baby. In this case, it would be worth even praise.
4. Selecting the shortest path i>
Modern moms barely have time to deal with all the things at once. We have to use the tools that greatly save your time. Do not have time to cook a complete meal for a child, and he was hungry? Preheat the sandwich in the microwave. No time to play with a toddler? Let him play on the tablet. I agree, sometimes without these funds can not do magic. But when you buy a child iPhone, because it is not worse than someone in class or just to entertain him, this is no good will not. Children must learn to entertain themselves. Food is not always should be prepared using the microwave in a split second. Children need to learn patience. If the child fell, do not immediately run to his aid. Let him learn to stand on their own. Easy ways are very convenient and sometimes even useful, but for your own sake and for the good of the child from time to time in certain situations, or to wait a little effort.
5. Parents put children's needs above their i>
Undoubtedly, there is nothing wrong with someone else will take care of your baby? But sometimes such indulgence go to extremes. So often I see moms who get up late at night from the bed again and again to perform another whim of the child. Or dad who drop everything and randomly search for where to buy water, because his daughter is very thirsty and can no longer tolerate a minute. There is nothing wrong to bring a child a glass of water at night. There is nothing wrong with that dad buys her daughter to drink when they are on the way home will drop to the nearest grocery store, but you have to wait a little longer. There is nothing wrong with using the word "no" or "little later." These magic words discipline your child.
I'm afraid that if we do not fix all of these errors in the near future, our children will grow up selfish, impatient and very rude people. No, it is not their fault - it will be our fault. After all, we never taught them to another behavior, we never expected from them something more. I>
This is a very important word. It is necessary to listen to this revelation and immediately take serious action. Tell us about these observations familiar to parents, teachers and educators.
I'm an optimist and is inclined to believe that everything is done - all the better, even if everything is clearly not good. And anyone who knows me will tell you that I do not tend to dramatize. That's why, if I say that modern education is an enormous hole - it is almost a disaster. I work with children and their parents more than 20 years, and what I have seen in recent years, very much worries me. There are presented 5 most serious problems of modern education: i>
1. We are afraid of our children i>
I spent one very simple observation. During breakfast mom pours milk baby, but baby it says it wants to drink from the cup of pink, not blue. Funky Mama immediately breaks until her child does not throw a tantrum, and randomly looking pink cup, though the milk has been poured into the blue. The question is, Mom, what are you so afraid of? Who's in charge here? Even if your child throw a tantrum - do not pay attention, come to another room. Do not make yourself the hassle, catering to the whims of the baby. Maybe if you had not given him a pink cup, he would have ordered this at least some lesson.
2. Reduced strap i>
When a child misbehaves in public or at home, the parents are usually shrug their shoulders and say, "Well, it's the children ..." I assure you, not all children behave. They are capable of much more than you expect from them. You're not a child for lunch in a restaurant, because worried for bad behavior in public? Nonsense! Do you think that as long as you did not ask, the baby will not be able clean up the table? Even more nonsense! The only reason that they themselves are so, it is simply the fact that you did not show them how to behave properly, you expect from them a completely different behavior. Raise the bar in education and see your child's behavior will change.
3. Loss of control in education i>
It used to be that teachers and parents have unlimited opportunities in the education of the child. It was assumed that all children behave the way and under close supervision of a parent. The main goal of education was - grow diligent and right boys and girls. Now, parents are outraged when someone else is trying to correct the behavior of their child. They wish that the child was born perfect, not in what they do not want to accept comments from teachers and any other outsiders. Parents simply easier to maintain an illusory ideal, because if something is not to your child so that outsiders will say that you are to blame, because it was brought up properly. Parents are terribly afraid of someone else's evaluation. Let's take an example: if the child is comfortable with hysterical eyes of passers-by immediately turning to the mother, who is admitted. Perhaps this woman simply did not poke another whim of her baby. In this case, it would be worth even praise.
4. Selecting the shortest path i>
Modern moms barely have time to deal with all the things at once. We have to use the tools that greatly save your time. Do not have time to cook a complete meal for a child, and he was hungry? Preheat the sandwich in the microwave. No time to play with a toddler? Let him play on the tablet. I agree, sometimes without these funds can not do magic. But when you buy a child iPhone, because it is not worse than someone in class or just to entertain him, this is no good will not. Children must learn to entertain themselves. Food is not always should be prepared using the microwave in a split second. Children need to learn patience. If the child fell, do not immediately run to his aid. Let him learn to stand on their own. Easy ways are very convenient and sometimes even useful, but for your own sake and for the good of the child from time to time in certain situations, or to wait a little effort.
5. Parents put children's needs above their i>
Undoubtedly, there is nothing wrong with someone else will take care of your baby? But sometimes such indulgence go to extremes. So often I see moms who get up late at night from the bed again and again to perform another whim of the child. Or dad who drop everything and randomly search for where to buy water, because his daughter is very thirsty and can no longer tolerate a minute. There is nothing wrong to bring a child a glass of water at night. There is nothing wrong with that dad buys her daughter to drink when they are on the way home will drop to the nearest grocery store, but you have to wait a little longer. There is nothing wrong with using the word "no" or "little later." These magic words discipline your child.
I'm afraid that if we do not fix all of these errors in the near future, our children will grow up selfish, impatient and very rude people. No, it is not their fault - it will be our fault. After all, we never taught them to another behavior, we never expected from them something more. I>
This is a very important word. It is necessary to listen to this revelation and immediately take serious action. Tell us about these observations familiar to parents, teachers and educators.