Spiritual partnership
We offer you to read the excerpt from the book "Spiritual partnership". This book Zvieli Yards and Michael roach, in which are treated the 13 stanzas of the ancient Tibetan teachings "Lo Jong". Below is a small excerpt from the book — the introduction and first verse with the explanation.
This topic is close to each of us. We all want to know how to create a good relationship, not only personal relations, but any other partnership. In fact, we will focus on all forms of relationships.
A spiritual partner is not the person we go down the aisle. We can be in spiritual partnership with any person. It may be child, father, mother, employee, anyone. And the other person does not know about this. A spiritual partnership there are different levels.
In a spiritual partnership needs to be two aspects. The first aspect to approach our relations from the standpoint of our spiritual awareness and use that awareness to take things to the next level. The second aspect is to approach from the other side: to use our relationship to the next level on our spiritual journey.
In this spiritual partnership partners raise each other to higher levels.
We will rely on a very ancient Tibetan doctrine, which is called Lo Jong (Lo Jong). "Lo" translated from Tibetan means "mind", "John" – "training, transformation, cleansing". All together: "the Practice that changes our minds and moves it to the next level."
For a long time the knowledge was passed on from teacher to student or group of students. For a long time the knowledge was not recorded, as the alphabet-it was not. It was transmitted orally in the form of short phrases that we had to memorize and train during the day.
Lo Jong teaches how to change our consciousness, how to open the heart become more soft. If we are going to practice Lo Jong, then that is what we will come.
People who practice Lo Jong, was called the Kadampa (Kadampa). Kadampa was more yogis, that is they are not so much interested in doctrine and philosophy as the practice. They were not tied to specific doctrines or views that we would have to defend. They just practiced.
This wisdom seems absolutely insane one, and perfectly normal to others. It helps to change the direction of our consciousness in which we are stuck, and which, according to yoga, we suffer.
There are many stories about these yogas. In those days there were no monasteries, they lived in the mountains and spent their lives in wandering. There are stories about how they came to somebody overnight, they received shelter, food, respect, and in the morning, before leaving, burned the house. This was their crazy wisdom. They saw that the owner is so attached to his home and to his property that can't move on. From the point of view of spirituality it is stuck in attachment, which will die. And then he did the biggest favor possible – liberated from this attachment. You and the house burn will not, but will do something in this spirit.
The purpose of this exercise is to burn some of our fuses and bring it to the surface, which we, without realizing it, do not move forward. In our culture, in our society there is huge number of failed relationships, so many tragedies connected with it, such a large number of afflicted children and partners that the situation could be corrected only something completely unexpected. Something that seems unusual and even crazy. Lo Jong it is so. It is great wisdom encased in short stanzas. Now we'll take from it what refers to spiritual partnership.
Verse one:
"Turn the situation to workout in the same moment,"
This means the following. When there is a traumatic situation when the partner says or does something that offends us, or hurts, or annoys, we immediately, in the same instant, turn it into a situation in our spiritual growth. We immediately use this opportunity.
What does it mean? Imagine that you go to lunch or dinner and your partner says or does something that you always annoyed or exasperated. For example, get up and don't clean up the dirty dishes. Or something else that you are always angry and you always react negatively.
Now you have only 5 seconds to make this situation something special.
About 5 seconds before you take effect your habitual reaction, you react to words or actions of your partners trained. We have 5 seconds to stay on the hard road, and turn the situation into a training opportunity. If we cut out these 5 seconds, the opportunity is missed. Then we react in a stereotyped way.
If in these 5 seconds, we see in the behavior of the partner issue, we begin to think in the following way: "It's not fair", "It's frustrating" or "She always does". And then begins the usual burst of such thoughts. Even if we opened the mouth, even if you were able to resist and nothing said, we have created hundreds of karmic seeds, because our every thought, our every word, our every action is left in our minds imprint. Even if we said nothing, but we have risen thoughts that judge the other person, or have a resistance of, or contain irritation, we have made the appropriate karmic records. Many such records.
Every second we make a 64 or 65 of the karmic records. If we are irritated at your partner for 5 seconds, how many seeds do we create? Right, 320 or 325. What happens next? If it wasn't something out of the ordinary, then after a couple of hours we certainly will forget about what happened, and the karmic seeds which we have laid to continue to rise in our consciousness, and will one day bear fruit. What are these fruits? They will be similar to the situation described above. These situations are the result of what is in our minds. So we create them. So we invite them.
If in 5 seconds we allow ourselves to react in the usual form of irritation or resentment, then create that future similar situation. They just have to occur.
Our partners simply have no choice but to continue to rattle us, even if they don't want.
They can't piss without being in our consciousness didn't exist for a reason. We have approximately 5 seconds to stop and break this cycle: I react – the situation repeats itself, I react – the situation repeats. To break the vicious circle, you need to stop planting the seeds of this problem. It is difficult, and we have to catch myself very quickly. Very, very quickly. We need to deeply understand how this mechanism works to make a sufficient effort to stop it.
The teaching says, "Without delay".
Immediately, as soon as it happened, we are looking: "Where have directed my thoughts? Where they pull the automatism of my reaction?" And now you have 5 seconds to not give thoughts to go in that direction. How can we begin to control our thoughts and not allow them to perpetuate himself in new problems? It's not easy, is not easy. And to be there is the greatest gift, is to be on the path of liberation from problems. In order for this to happen, we have to go the spiritual road, and constantly train, to the time of the inspection to be prepared to stop wheel problems and suffering.
If we understand that each situation carries for us, we can now turn it into this opportunity. Right now feel grateful to our partner. "You say things that get me off, fine. You drew my attention to the anger that is in me. How else can I get rid of anger, but to see it in himself. And for this to be someone who says or does things that cause my anger."
In our world there are many special people, such as yogi, which is going to burn the house where he was given a bed. These people know how to read the mind of another person, you know, what he needs, and doing the right things for him. We cannot know whether that person is our husband or wife. We can't know it because they don't open, but they know exactly what we need. Therefore, it is a pity to waste time on complaints, dissatisfaction and resentment.
Immediately use this situation to immediately turn it into a promotion on your way.
Immediately, without delay. "This has caused my anger. Well, I close my mouth and look what is happening to me". This is an opportunity to look inside themselves, because the change is there. The thought should be: "What can I learn in this situation? Frustrating means that it is possible to learn something". This is Lo Jong. The wisdom that makes unpleasant things to us to bring us to the question: "How can I turn this into a step lift to a higher level?"
And those who practice Lo Jong, literally thrown into such situations as an opportunity to practice, because he understands that very soon they will disappear from his life. And every person he creates such a situation, is worth its weight in gold.
When we begin to use this approach, life becomes a pleasure, a spiritual game in search of treasure that lifts us up to the next level. "Why did this happen? There is a reason why my partner said or did. And now my task is to find something that I need to learn. Now I have to solve this riddle, to know if there's something deeper".
At the table the problem occurred. There was something said, and there was a problem. But the difficulty of the situation does not exist by itself. We have just seen that it is possible. Situation itself empty. The problem is not a problem in itself, in its own nature. And the possibility is not a possibility in itself. In the present situation both equally. Absolutely equally. If we strive in the direction of problem, it will be a real problem if we go in the direction of the possibility will be the opportunity for you.
Situation itself empty. Situation itself contains neither problems nor opportunities. The difficulty we bring, and the opportunity to also bring to us. Of course, the wisdom is that in any situation to find the opportunity. And then it becomes fun, and then we already can not be upset, we always see the opportunity: "Yes, it is possible!" No need to wait 5 years to say: "Thanks to you, I...". You can do it now.
Yoga, which is practiced Lo Jong, went and looked for trouble to transform their consciousness, and it was not easy. We look for problems, will not, and will train those that appear in our life themselves.published by P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: planetaseminarov.ru/article/165336/

This topic is close to each of us. We all want to know how to create a good relationship, not only personal relations, but any other partnership. In fact, we will focus on all forms of relationships.
A spiritual partner is not the person we go down the aisle. We can be in spiritual partnership with any person. It may be child, father, mother, employee, anyone. And the other person does not know about this. A spiritual partnership there are different levels.
In a spiritual partnership needs to be two aspects. The first aspect to approach our relations from the standpoint of our spiritual awareness and use that awareness to take things to the next level. The second aspect is to approach from the other side: to use our relationship to the next level on our spiritual journey.
In this spiritual partnership partners raise each other to higher levels.
We will rely on a very ancient Tibetan doctrine, which is called Lo Jong (Lo Jong). "Lo" translated from Tibetan means "mind", "John" – "training, transformation, cleansing". All together: "the Practice that changes our minds and moves it to the next level."
For a long time the knowledge was passed on from teacher to student or group of students. For a long time the knowledge was not recorded, as the alphabet-it was not. It was transmitted orally in the form of short phrases that we had to memorize and train during the day.
Lo Jong teaches how to change our consciousness, how to open the heart become more soft. If we are going to practice Lo Jong, then that is what we will come.
People who practice Lo Jong, was called the Kadampa (Kadampa). Kadampa was more yogis, that is they are not so much interested in doctrine and philosophy as the practice. They were not tied to specific doctrines or views that we would have to defend. They just practiced.
This wisdom seems absolutely insane one, and perfectly normal to others. It helps to change the direction of our consciousness in which we are stuck, and which, according to yoga, we suffer.
There are many stories about these yogas. In those days there were no monasteries, they lived in the mountains and spent their lives in wandering. There are stories about how they came to somebody overnight, they received shelter, food, respect, and in the morning, before leaving, burned the house. This was their crazy wisdom. They saw that the owner is so attached to his home and to his property that can't move on. From the point of view of spirituality it is stuck in attachment, which will die. And then he did the biggest favor possible – liberated from this attachment. You and the house burn will not, but will do something in this spirit.
The purpose of this exercise is to burn some of our fuses and bring it to the surface, which we, without realizing it, do not move forward. In our culture, in our society there is huge number of failed relationships, so many tragedies connected with it, such a large number of afflicted children and partners that the situation could be corrected only something completely unexpected. Something that seems unusual and even crazy. Lo Jong it is so. It is great wisdom encased in short stanzas. Now we'll take from it what refers to spiritual partnership.
Verse one:
"Turn the situation to workout in the same moment,"
This means the following. When there is a traumatic situation when the partner says or does something that offends us, or hurts, or annoys, we immediately, in the same instant, turn it into a situation in our spiritual growth. We immediately use this opportunity.
What does it mean? Imagine that you go to lunch or dinner and your partner says or does something that you always annoyed or exasperated. For example, get up and don't clean up the dirty dishes. Or something else that you are always angry and you always react negatively.
Now you have only 5 seconds to make this situation something special.
About 5 seconds before you take effect your habitual reaction, you react to words or actions of your partners trained. We have 5 seconds to stay on the hard road, and turn the situation into a training opportunity. If we cut out these 5 seconds, the opportunity is missed. Then we react in a stereotyped way.
If in these 5 seconds, we see in the behavior of the partner issue, we begin to think in the following way: "It's not fair", "It's frustrating" or "She always does". And then begins the usual burst of such thoughts. Even if we opened the mouth, even if you were able to resist and nothing said, we have created hundreds of karmic seeds, because our every thought, our every word, our every action is left in our minds imprint. Even if we said nothing, but we have risen thoughts that judge the other person, or have a resistance of, or contain irritation, we have made the appropriate karmic records. Many such records.
Every second we make a 64 or 65 of the karmic records. If we are irritated at your partner for 5 seconds, how many seeds do we create? Right, 320 or 325. What happens next? If it wasn't something out of the ordinary, then after a couple of hours we certainly will forget about what happened, and the karmic seeds which we have laid to continue to rise in our consciousness, and will one day bear fruit. What are these fruits? They will be similar to the situation described above. These situations are the result of what is in our minds. So we create them. So we invite them.
If in 5 seconds we allow ourselves to react in the usual form of irritation or resentment, then create that future similar situation. They just have to occur.
Our partners simply have no choice but to continue to rattle us, even if they don't want.
They can't piss without being in our consciousness didn't exist for a reason. We have approximately 5 seconds to stop and break this cycle: I react – the situation repeats itself, I react – the situation repeats. To break the vicious circle, you need to stop planting the seeds of this problem. It is difficult, and we have to catch myself very quickly. Very, very quickly. We need to deeply understand how this mechanism works to make a sufficient effort to stop it.
The teaching says, "Without delay".
Immediately, as soon as it happened, we are looking: "Where have directed my thoughts? Where they pull the automatism of my reaction?" And now you have 5 seconds to not give thoughts to go in that direction. How can we begin to control our thoughts and not allow them to perpetuate himself in new problems? It's not easy, is not easy. And to be there is the greatest gift, is to be on the path of liberation from problems. In order for this to happen, we have to go the spiritual road, and constantly train, to the time of the inspection to be prepared to stop wheel problems and suffering.
If we understand that each situation carries for us, we can now turn it into this opportunity. Right now feel grateful to our partner. "You say things that get me off, fine. You drew my attention to the anger that is in me. How else can I get rid of anger, but to see it in himself. And for this to be someone who says or does things that cause my anger."
In our world there are many special people, such as yogi, which is going to burn the house where he was given a bed. These people know how to read the mind of another person, you know, what he needs, and doing the right things for him. We cannot know whether that person is our husband or wife. We can't know it because they don't open, but they know exactly what we need. Therefore, it is a pity to waste time on complaints, dissatisfaction and resentment.
Immediately use this situation to immediately turn it into a promotion on your way.
Immediately, without delay. "This has caused my anger. Well, I close my mouth and look what is happening to me". This is an opportunity to look inside themselves, because the change is there. The thought should be: "What can I learn in this situation? Frustrating means that it is possible to learn something". This is Lo Jong. The wisdom that makes unpleasant things to us to bring us to the question: "How can I turn this into a step lift to a higher level?"
And those who practice Lo Jong, literally thrown into such situations as an opportunity to practice, because he understands that very soon they will disappear from his life. And every person he creates such a situation, is worth its weight in gold.
When we begin to use this approach, life becomes a pleasure, a spiritual game in search of treasure that lifts us up to the next level. "Why did this happen? There is a reason why my partner said or did. And now my task is to find something that I need to learn. Now I have to solve this riddle, to know if there's something deeper".
At the table the problem occurred. There was something said, and there was a problem. But the difficulty of the situation does not exist by itself. We have just seen that it is possible. Situation itself empty. The problem is not a problem in itself, in its own nature. And the possibility is not a possibility in itself. In the present situation both equally. Absolutely equally. If we strive in the direction of problem, it will be a real problem if we go in the direction of the possibility will be the opportunity for you.
Situation itself empty. Situation itself contains neither problems nor opportunities. The difficulty we bring, and the opportunity to also bring to us. Of course, the wisdom is that in any situation to find the opportunity. And then it becomes fun, and then we already can not be upset, we always see the opportunity: "Yes, it is possible!" No need to wait 5 years to say: "Thanks to you, I...". You can do it now.
Yoga, which is practiced Lo Jong, went and looked for trouble to transform their consciousness, and it was not easy. We look for problems, will not, and will train those that appear in our life themselves.published by P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: planetaseminarov.ru/article/165336/