The main reason for failure
Why does one person succeed and another does not? Sometimes chronic. What is it? Fate, nature's joke, pattern?
Those who with life on "you" immediately answer that everything is simple here - one does and the other does not, one keeps the rhythm, the other throws. But if you look closely, this is only the tip of the iceberg, which, by the way, is well visible at the first signs of awareness, including those who do not succeed, but it does not change the meaning. What is the basis of this phenomenon?
There are situations that are even more interesting when both do. But again, one succeeds and the other does not. What's the point?
Just do not say that in the recipe, they say that someone does the right thing and the other does not. We live in an enchanting time where tasks without clear recipes no longer exist. Absolutely any question has a fixed and partially unfolded answer and not one, but painted under different people and situations: Google, Yandex, YouTube to help us all, not to mention the traditional ways of education, advice from friends and observing the world. So why are there so many people around who can not cope with trivial life issues in the form of putting their appearance in order, making money on their favorite business, communicating with people close in spirit, financial independence? And what are the differences between those who manage to solve the tasks set for themselves?
In the past, I’d say it’s about intention – that is, deep desire without lust or request, bordering on being willing to accept a new situation in your life.
But today I found a more accurate and succinct definition that is on the verge of real change on any of the issues:
A sincere spiritual effortHere every word plunges into the abyss of universal meaning:
A sincere, deep, real, lively, strong desire to change in the matter you are deciding. Not because others are jealous or because you are jealous. Not to stop feeling worthless, but to begin your ascent to the light and draw the power of this world through an endless process of development. Sincerely.
Spiritual understanding of the essence of change and the realization of certain goals in life, where the only way involves both contribution and return. The bestowal is also spiritual, as are the forces we exert in receiving it.
Effort is primary because it is our contribution from which returns grow. Any attempt to reverse the process - first to harvest, and only then to try on the beds is ridiculous and sad. No, just funny. Effort is the seed of change.
This is what one of my favorite authors, Paramahansa Yogananda, says:
A sincere spiritual effort (regardless of inner struggle) brings about positive spiritual vibrations.
The inner struggle with the serious opposition of bright goals and doubts, fears, demotivating thoughts and destructive habits will not prevent you and will not derail you, if at the same time, somewhere in the very depths, you will make a sincere spiritual effort to change the issue that you want to solve.
I went to my problems, which came out in all sorts of masks, almost blindly, with no idea whether I could stand it or not, armed only with a very, very, very strong desire to change and firmly determined that there was no going back.
I now know that my sword was called “sincere spiritual effort,” and it cuts through any ignorance, which is the pain of the soul, and the intention not to unfold under any circumstances is also long described as an axiom of spiritual physics and in fact, it is the only way forward in the spiral of growing up. When this effort from the very depths is not, and in fact only superficial “I want” and “give” a person remains in the role of an ignorant and can live like this all his life.
The very fact of being born into a physical body is a hint that a person is in mental ignorance. yogananda
We are all born unconscious, that is the rule of the game. But to begin your conscious ascent on the edges of being or not is a free choice of each person and at the same time a feature after which he ceases to be a child. He ceases to seek, ask and demand, and begins to create and apply to everything he makes a sincere spiritual effort.
How do you make sure you succeed?1. The foundation of the foundations is a sincere spiritual effort.
I have said many times, and I want to say again, that the people who have really changed and who have managed to achieve seemingly very difficult goals are no stronger, no smarter, and no more fearless than you are – what really sets them apart is the fact that they feared the absence of change more than the change itself. That is, they were so embarrassed by what is, that they overpowered the fear that appears when moving to any cardinal changes.
Most of the stories of entrepreneurs and authors of their projects begin in the same way:
Oh, I'm so sorry.
Words from a famous movie.
They wanted financial and work independence so much that they were willing to work 12 hours, not go on vacation for a couple of years, forget about the May, New Year and other gingerbread.
I started by being sick of being internally dissatisfied. I'm really sick. Of course, I also had questions about my work. I was pretty tired of making money to someone (and I always worked directly or indirectly in sales and directly influenced the company’s revenue), but it bothered me less than my constant misfortune, which was already coming out of my ears, even though I tried to shut it down with the help of travel, moving, updating companies with whom I communicated and regular romances.
My first decision was to be happy. From there I began to unwind this knot, to re-create myself as the only way to clear myself of ignorance and to many, many other things where my path illuminated and continues to illuminate the effort of moving forward to be who I want to be.
2. Meaningful action
Spiritual effort differs from dream and fantasy, which is transformed into action. Moreover, it is not an action in itself that is important, but a meaningful action – that is, the ability to adjust the route as much as necessary, and without losing track.
You don't know what to do? Find the answer. Is there a recipe that doesn't work? Take the next one. Learn the ingredients, try mixing yourself. In general, with recipes such a thing – they rarely work the first time in beginners, only those who are in the subject. It seems that sometimes it is useful for a person to get burned a couple of times, so that then everything goes like butter in this matter. Can this test the sincerity of his spiritual effort?
3. Ability to keep pace
The most important skill in any process is not to stop, for nature does not understand such language. A tree cannot stop developing, why would a man think he could?
One day, a heavy smoker with 30 years of experience, and part-time my mother, showed me an illustration of how to learn to keep a rhythm through his history of quitting cigarettes.
She decided to quit smoking, lasted a day, and the next day she went to the store for cigarettes, as many of us do, but she talked to the saleswoman. And she cuts it off:
- I won't. It lasted one day, so you can do another.
And this became the basis for moving on the path of abandoning such an abusive habit. Not to give up forever, but to stand for one day only today. The next day is the same, plus constantly noticing what good happens to your body, if you have not smoked for 3 days, 4 days and so on. And so step by step, so that after 30 days not even think about cigarettes.
When you start something, do not strive for “forever” and “forever,” do not make loud statements, do not rush into rapid change. Try doing that today. And so every day, because in fact there is no other state - we wake up every time in the same today. This is the quickest way to get what you have in mind.
Author: Olesya Novikova
Source: re-self.ru/osnovnaya-prichina-neudach-ili-pochemu-u-menya-ne-poluchaetsya.html
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