6 Golden rules for raising a lazy
At first glance it may seem that these rules, on the contrary, help to temper the child's best qualities such as: perseverance, persistence and determination. But it's not. And then we'll explain why.
In this article you will get detailed recommendations that will help to transform any child into a bummer. If you want your child poorly in school, skipping school, avoiding housework, and in adulthood became a weak-willed person who is not able to achieve your goals and control your life, then this guide is especially for you!
RULE # 1:
Every child is born lazy. If it is not forced to work, an initiative he never would. Encourage your child to do "don't want". He will get used to coercion and, ultimately, will become a hardworking and successful man. If the child is not to force, it will turn into parasite that is not ready for adult life.
RULE # 2.
The child must be obedient. If the child does not obey, you must do everything possible to secure his obedience. If told to do homework, clean the room or wash the dishes, it needs to obey the command immediately. The result of such training, the child will be industrious, economical and disciplined.
RULE # 3.
The best way to wean a child from unwanted behavior is punishment and deprivation. Take the computer and the child will begin to learn well. Forbidden to walk on the street, if he misbehaved, and then, in fear of punishment, he will be corrected.
RULE # 4.
With the vagaries of the child be considered impossible. If the child is naughty, going against your will, it is only because vrednichaet. What are the causes whims? No. It is still just a small and silly. Better to punish him without question or explanation. Then the child will cease vrednichat.
RULE # 5.
The task of parents to protect the child from error. If a child does something wrong, tell him about it in advance. Explain to your child that the way he wants to achieve his goal, is incorrect. Show your child the best option, which he saw immediately. Protect the child from such errors and then it will take from life much more than able to take you.
RULE # 6.
High requirements make the baby a real person. The child must be obedient, honest, clever, purposeful. Needs to do well in school, don't be selfish, must help around the house, to respect their elders, play sports and bring joy. Constantly compare the child with more successful children or provide him his faults. This motivates the child to become better and he will change.
All these rules are so powerful that the use of even one of them gives a stable and reliable result in the upbringing of lazy. They're seeds — plant them in fertile nursery soil and one small stem will grow into a mighty tree. Put all beans — and you get a beautiful garden.
Instill a reluctance to go to school
People like to do things that cause them to experience pleasant emotions. Conversely, the more negative associated with a particular action, the less desire to do it. Accordingly, negative experiences in relation to school also beat off desire to study.
First and foremost, parents should scold the child for poor grades. Got a d — bad, got an a — as it should be. For the lowest score a child needs to get more negative than positive for good performance. That is, the punishment should be more tangible and memorable than encouragement.
Here are some good examples of punishment: a slap, a belt, a ban to walk on the street, the ban on computer or TV. Punishment it is advisable to accompany the reading of notation, suppress the child. The worse he feels, the more he hates school.
The bad ratings must be associated with negative experiences. This gradually kills the interest in gaining knowledge. If the child got an f and, returning home, painfully thinking: “Parents for me to kill!”, so part of the educational tasks are performed. Those who have achieved a similar result, it is possible to congratulate on success!
For more tangible consequences, I recommend to force a child to do homework immediately after punishment. In this case, the subconscious quickly establish a connection between the lessons and emotions such as: depression, hopelessness, resentment and anger at parents, and hatred of school.
Now, as soon as the child thinks about homework, will automatically be negative feelings and discomfort in the body.
The following approach is called the method of the janitor. It is an approach in which parents say something like: “you Will not learn — not settled. Become a janitor or cleaner”. Negative motivation is a good help in the education of future lazy, because, in most cases, functions as an.
It is not necessary to tell the child about what will happen if he will study well. Positive motivation not help in the upbringing of lazy. Therefore, it is better to forget about it.
Finally, another technique — comparison with successful. Parents comparing the child with more successful children, achieving excellent results. They make it clear to your child that it is worse than others. Frequent comparison reinforces this belief.
Instill laziness in cleaning
An adult came into the nursery and saw the mess. A child plays with toys. What should a responsible parent who wants to raise a couch potato? Right. You need to give orders to the child immediately restored order. Of course, he will resist and Express their discontent, but to make him necessary.
You should not compromise, if the child asks to do them later. Also, parents should not wonder that the child is engaged in interesting business. Cleaning should be done immediately. In the case of resistance is to use any available means of coercion: to yell, to slap or spank on the ass.
Regular use of this approach gives very good results — the child will hate cleaning and at the first opportunity to avoid it.
In the subconscious of the child imprinted the pattern: I play — I wonder — come parents are forced to clean — criticized — I have no choice — I'm angry and depressed — I can't do what I want — I have to clean up. Cleaning is bad. Cleaning is an obstacle in front of a favorite pastime. As soon as parental control weakens, I will enjoy the opportunity to clean up!
In the same way in a child can be awaken too lazy to wash the dishes or walking to the store. The end phenomenon of this approach is internal sabotage and negative emotions at the thought that now have to add up the litter, sweep and wash the floor. When the child becomes an adult and starts to live separately, then it is likely that the mess in his apartment will become the norm: things on chairs, trash on the carpet, dust on the monitor and, of course, a mountain of dirty dishes.
And now a warning about a possible error!
Parents should not clean up and wash the dishes too often, as children absorb parental behavior like a sponge. If adults do not make, and do everything themselves, that children copy their behaviour. If the motivation to restore order becomes internal rather than external. That is, sooner or later, children begin to independently put things in order if you see that it's time to clean up.
It's not in our interests. Therefore divert the child from important Affairs and make. Alternatively, you can say: “We have a whole day to earn you money, and you have a half day sit at home and not even cleaned my apartment.” The more negativity will get child from parent lecture, the less his desire.
Instill doubt in the correctness of the chosen action
Little girl makes for a doll dress. Mom comes into the room, some time watching and sees that the dress can do much better. According to rule # 5, which States that parents must inform the child about his mistakes, the mother should say: “You do so and so, but will be much better if you do this.”
Here's another example. Son collects the designer. The father is watching and sees that the mechanism can be done differently. In this situation, the father should tell the son that his model is flawed and to put before him the new and correct goal. Alternatively, the father may take and make myself.
In such cases, the task of parents is to convey to the child that the implementation of his ideas are imperfect and show the best option. If the child still does it his own way and fails, parents should remind him that they were warned and told how to. Let the child be depressed.
On a subconscious level, is delayed for such a pattern: I set a goal — choose the means to achieve it — I doubt the correctness of his choice, because somewhere there exists a more efficient way of doing it, which I don't see — so I'll be doing wrong — so better not to do.
The people are so educated, often doubt the correctness of their actions. Fear that there is a more advanced way, becomes an obstacle to achieving goals. Sometimes such people can be heard something like: “I don't know how to do it” or “I don't know where to start”. And this is exactly what we need.
Undermine confidence in their own abilities
In order to undermine the child's confidence in their own abilities, there are a variety of effective techniques. I will list just some of them.
The first reception of the classical — as often as possible to inform the child that he is a dunce, lazy and his hands grow from one place. Parents, giving to understand, that not believe in him, always reap good fruit, because their credibility is very high for a child.
If the child can't do something and he turns to parents for advice, but they are busy at this time, it is best to say to him: “you're on your own, we're busy”. And no “later, we'll help you”! If the child is really in trouble and nobody's helping him, there is a chance that he still will give up. The more he surrenders, the less faith in their own strength.
High requirements set for the child, as very well undermine his confidence. Thus, motivation to achieve high requirements have to be negative. This works well comparing with other children: “James is a good student, and you're a dunce”.
Also, it helps to suppress the will and autonomy of the child. If during a walk in the Park, the child moves away from parents, should keep it close, restricting freedom of movement. If the child runs, we need to ban him, explaining that he might fall. The more such bans, the better.
Mummelsee and cicarija. Read all!
Yes, it is. Take it for granted
When a child is naughty, there's always known the reason. To find out the cause in any case impossible. In such cases you just need to punished to the subconscious mind of the child entrenched belief that his opinion nobody is considered.
This article I wrote in explanation of working with clients. The most common reasons why people suffer from laziness and unable to achieve their goals. Statistics on the incidence of such education is just depressing. One can only hope that the future generation will be able to break out of the stereotypical pattern of thinking, which directs the education of children.
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/club110798278?w=wall-110798278_468%2Fall
In this article you will get detailed recommendations that will help to transform any child into a bummer. If you want your child poorly in school, skipping school, avoiding housework, and in adulthood became a weak-willed person who is not able to achieve your goals and control your life, then this guide is especially for you!

RULE # 1:
Every child is born lazy. If it is not forced to work, an initiative he never would. Encourage your child to do "don't want". He will get used to coercion and, ultimately, will become a hardworking and successful man. If the child is not to force, it will turn into parasite that is not ready for adult life.
RULE # 2.
The child must be obedient. If the child does not obey, you must do everything possible to secure his obedience. If told to do homework, clean the room or wash the dishes, it needs to obey the command immediately. The result of such training, the child will be industrious, economical and disciplined.
RULE # 3.
The best way to wean a child from unwanted behavior is punishment and deprivation. Take the computer and the child will begin to learn well. Forbidden to walk on the street, if he misbehaved, and then, in fear of punishment, he will be corrected.
RULE # 4.
With the vagaries of the child be considered impossible. If the child is naughty, going against your will, it is only because vrednichaet. What are the causes whims? No. It is still just a small and silly. Better to punish him without question or explanation. Then the child will cease vrednichat.
RULE # 5.
The task of parents to protect the child from error. If a child does something wrong, tell him about it in advance. Explain to your child that the way he wants to achieve his goal, is incorrect. Show your child the best option, which he saw immediately. Protect the child from such errors and then it will take from life much more than able to take you.
RULE # 6.
High requirements make the baby a real person. The child must be obedient, honest, clever, purposeful. Needs to do well in school, don't be selfish, must help around the house, to respect their elders, play sports and bring joy. Constantly compare the child with more successful children or provide him his faults. This motivates the child to become better and he will change.
All these rules are so powerful that the use of even one of them gives a stable and reliable result in the upbringing of lazy. They're seeds — plant them in fertile nursery soil and one small stem will grow into a mighty tree. Put all beans — and you get a beautiful garden.

Instill a reluctance to go to school
People like to do things that cause them to experience pleasant emotions. Conversely, the more negative associated with a particular action, the less desire to do it. Accordingly, negative experiences in relation to school also beat off desire to study.
First and foremost, parents should scold the child for poor grades. Got a d — bad, got an a — as it should be. For the lowest score a child needs to get more negative than positive for good performance. That is, the punishment should be more tangible and memorable than encouragement.
Here are some good examples of punishment: a slap, a belt, a ban to walk on the street, the ban on computer or TV. Punishment it is advisable to accompany the reading of notation, suppress the child. The worse he feels, the more he hates school.
The bad ratings must be associated with negative experiences. This gradually kills the interest in gaining knowledge. If the child got an f and, returning home, painfully thinking: “Parents for me to kill!”, so part of the educational tasks are performed. Those who have achieved a similar result, it is possible to congratulate on success!
For more tangible consequences, I recommend to force a child to do homework immediately after punishment. In this case, the subconscious quickly establish a connection between the lessons and emotions such as: depression, hopelessness, resentment and anger at parents, and hatred of school.
Now, as soon as the child thinks about homework, will automatically be negative feelings and discomfort in the body.
The following approach is called the method of the janitor. It is an approach in which parents say something like: “you Will not learn — not settled. Become a janitor or cleaner”. Negative motivation is a good help in the education of future lazy, because, in most cases, functions as an.
It is not necessary to tell the child about what will happen if he will study well. Positive motivation not help in the upbringing of lazy. Therefore, it is better to forget about it.
Finally, another technique — comparison with successful. Parents comparing the child with more successful children, achieving excellent results. They make it clear to your child that it is worse than others. Frequent comparison reinforces this belief.
Instill laziness in cleaning
An adult came into the nursery and saw the mess. A child plays with toys. What should a responsible parent who wants to raise a couch potato? Right. You need to give orders to the child immediately restored order. Of course, he will resist and Express their discontent, but to make him necessary.
You should not compromise, if the child asks to do them later. Also, parents should not wonder that the child is engaged in interesting business. Cleaning should be done immediately. In the case of resistance is to use any available means of coercion: to yell, to slap or spank on the ass.
Regular use of this approach gives very good results — the child will hate cleaning and at the first opportunity to avoid it.
In the subconscious of the child imprinted the pattern: I play — I wonder — come parents are forced to clean — criticized — I have no choice — I'm angry and depressed — I can't do what I want — I have to clean up. Cleaning is bad. Cleaning is an obstacle in front of a favorite pastime. As soon as parental control weakens, I will enjoy the opportunity to clean up!
In the same way in a child can be awaken too lazy to wash the dishes or walking to the store. The end phenomenon of this approach is internal sabotage and negative emotions at the thought that now have to add up the litter, sweep and wash the floor. When the child becomes an adult and starts to live separately, then it is likely that the mess in his apartment will become the norm: things on chairs, trash on the carpet, dust on the monitor and, of course, a mountain of dirty dishes.
And now a warning about a possible error!
Parents should not clean up and wash the dishes too often, as children absorb parental behavior like a sponge. If adults do not make, and do everything themselves, that children copy their behaviour. If the motivation to restore order becomes internal rather than external. That is, sooner or later, children begin to independently put things in order if you see that it's time to clean up.
It's not in our interests. Therefore divert the child from important Affairs and make. Alternatively, you can say: “We have a whole day to earn you money, and you have a half day sit at home and not even cleaned my apartment.” The more negativity will get child from parent lecture, the less his desire.
Instill doubt in the correctness of the chosen action
Little girl makes for a doll dress. Mom comes into the room, some time watching and sees that the dress can do much better. According to rule # 5, which States that parents must inform the child about his mistakes, the mother should say: “You do so and so, but will be much better if you do this.”
Here's another example. Son collects the designer. The father is watching and sees that the mechanism can be done differently. In this situation, the father should tell the son that his model is flawed and to put before him the new and correct goal. Alternatively, the father may take and make myself.
In such cases, the task of parents is to convey to the child that the implementation of his ideas are imperfect and show the best option. If the child still does it his own way and fails, parents should remind him that they were warned and told how to. Let the child be depressed.
On a subconscious level, is delayed for such a pattern: I set a goal — choose the means to achieve it — I doubt the correctness of his choice, because somewhere there exists a more efficient way of doing it, which I don't see — so I'll be doing wrong — so better not to do.
The people are so educated, often doubt the correctness of their actions. Fear that there is a more advanced way, becomes an obstacle to achieving goals. Sometimes such people can be heard something like: “I don't know how to do it” or “I don't know where to start”. And this is exactly what we need.
Undermine confidence in their own abilities
In order to undermine the child's confidence in their own abilities, there are a variety of effective techniques. I will list just some of them.
The first reception of the classical — as often as possible to inform the child that he is a dunce, lazy and his hands grow from one place. Parents, giving to understand, that not believe in him, always reap good fruit, because their credibility is very high for a child.
If the child can't do something and he turns to parents for advice, but they are busy at this time, it is best to say to him: “you're on your own, we're busy”. And no “later, we'll help you”! If the child is really in trouble and nobody's helping him, there is a chance that he still will give up. The more he surrenders, the less faith in their own strength.
High requirements set for the child, as very well undermine his confidence. Thus, motivation to achieve high requirements have to be negative. This works well comparing with other children: “James is a good student, and you're a dunce”.
Also, it helps to suppress the will and autonomy of the child. If during a walk in the Park, the child moves away from parents, should keep it close, restricting freedom of movement. If the child runs, we need to ban him, explaining that he might fall. The more such bans, the better.
Mummelsee and cicarija. Read all!
Yes, it is. Take it for granted
When a child is naughty, there's always known the reason. To find out the cause in any case impossible. In such cases you just need to punished to the subconscious mind of the child entrenched belief that his opinion nobody is considered.
This article I wrote in explanation of working with clients. The most common reasons why people suffer from laziness and unable to achieve their goals. Statistics on the incidence of such education is just depressing. One can only hope that the future generation will be able to break out of the stereotypical pattern of thinking, which directs the education of children.
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/club110798278?w=wall-110798278_468%2Fall