Strange, but true facts about pregnancy. This you did not know exactly!
Any mother can attest that the gestation and birth of a child - not an easy job of work. Morning sickness, terrible pain in the back and sides - it's just the beginning!
During the first 9 months of pregnancy, women are transformed into superheroines due to the fact that they manage to survive. Of course, when a tiny an amazing face for the first time carefully stare at you, should these tests. Yet this does not change the fact that strange things are presented below, and those are:
1. Today, one in three pregnant women do Caesarian section. 10 years ago, the number was three times less. B>
2. During the second half of pregnancy the child per day emits more than a liter of urine, and then drink it. B>
3. Throughout the pregnancy the uterus is the size of a peach is stretched to the size of half a watermelon, that is increased by 500 times. B>
4. When the end of life is near, the placenta of a pregnant woman produces more estrogen per day than non-pregnant women the sex glands in three years! B>
5. Excess fluid and water retention in the body of a pregnant woman can cause the legs to increase the size of the whole. B>
6. It is possible to bear a child for a year. Record long term pregnancy lasted 375 days. B>
7. At high or obese women chances of having twins or triplets longer. B>
8. Pregnant women actually sharpen the sense of smell. It is a defense mechanism that does not allow them to eat something that will be harmful to the baby. B>
9. Slight discoloration of the skin during pregnancy, childbirth occurs in over 90% of cases. B>
10. Fingerprints formed a child during the first three months of pregnancy. B>
11. Every year the weight of children increased according to statistics. Babies born harder and harder. B>
12. During pregnancy, women increased blood flow, so sometimes nosebleeds and bleeding gums occur. B>
13. Studies have shown that the fetus can feel a taste of what the mother eats. Strong odors (such as garlic) can seep through the amniotic fluid. B>
14. Over the past two decades, more boys born than girls. Nevertheless, women continue to outnumber men. B>
15. The only scientifically proven method of induction of labor - it is a massage the nipples, known as "comfort electronics». B>
16. The old fable about the fact that pregnant women with heartburn in most birth of children with a full head of hair - the truth. B>
17. Babies cry in the womb, not because they are upset, and to better prepare for their big day. B>
18. The mammary glands of pregnant women and young mothers may allocate milk reflexively at the sound of crying every child. B>
That's all. Now you understand how difficult it was ?! After this, I think, to go and hug my mom. You agree? If so, tell your friends about it!
During the first 9 months of pregnancy, women are transformed into superheroines due to the fact that they manage to survive. Of course, when a tiny an amazing face for the first time carefully stare at you, should these tests. Yet this does not change the fact that strange things are presented below, and those are:
1. Today, one in three pregnant women do Caesarian section. 10 years ago, the number was three times less. B>

2. During the second half of pregnancy the child per day emits more than a liter of urine, and then drink it. B>

3. Throughout the pregnancy the uterus is the size of a peach is stretched to the size of half a watermelon, that is increased by 500 times. B>

4. When the end of life is near, the placenta of a pregnant woman produces more estrogen per day than non-pregnant women the sex glands in three years! B>

5. Excess fluid and water retention in the body of a pregnant woman can cause the legs to increase the size of the whole. B>

6. It is possible to bear a child for a year. Record long term pregnancy lasted 375 days. B>

7. At high or obese women chances of having twins or triplets longer. B>

8. Pregnant women actually sharpen the sense of smell. It is a defense mechanism that does not allow them to eat something that will be harmful to the baby. B>

9. Slight discoloration of the skin during pregnancy, childbirth occurs in over 90% of cases. B>

10. Fingerprints formed a child during the first three months of pregnancy. B>

11. Every year the weight of children increased according to statistics. Babies born harder and harder. B>

12. During pregnancy, women increased blood flow, so sometimes nosebleeds and bleeding gums occur. B>

13. Studies have shown that the fetus can feel a taste of what the mother eats. Strong odors (such as garlic) can seep through the amniotic fluid. B>

14. Over the past two decades, more boys born than girls. Nevertheless, women continue to outnumber men. B>

15. The only scientifically proven method of induction of labor - it is a massage the nipples, known as "comfort electronics». B>

16. The old fable about the fact that pregnant women with heartburn in most birth of children with a full head of hair - the truth. B>

17. Babies cry in the womb, not because they are upset, and to better prepare for their big day. B>

18. The mammary glands of pregnant women and young mothers may allocate milk reflexively at the sound of crying every child. B>

That's all. Now you understand how difficult it was ?! After this, I think, to go and hug my mom. You agree? If so, tell your friends about it!
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The boys took the stage and gave the audience what they were waiting for them. Fill annealed!