Dental problems during pregnancy
Even small inflammatory processes in the oral cavity of the future mother can cause infection in the body of the child, because in this period all the nutrition the baby receives from the mother. So she is very serious about the condition of their teeth.
During pregnancy often aktiviziruyutsya previously dormant inflammation, new – usually do not appear. Therefore, if before pregnancy you cure all the teeth, during pregnancy, with proper oral hygiene, dental problems you can avoid.
During pregnancy, preventive examination and professional oral hygiene should be done no less than 3 times in the early first and mid third trimesters. During the inspection make sure you consult your doctor about the choice of means of hygiene for the care of teeth and gums.
If the teeth require treatment, they need to be treated even during pregnancy. The most favorable period for this – the second trimester. Fear not, modern medicine makes the process painless and safe for mother and baby.
Source: /users/60
During pregnancy often aktiviziruyutsya previously dormant inflammation, new – usually do not appear. Therefore, if before pregnancy you cure all the teeth, during pregnancy, with proper oral hygiene, dental problems you can avoid.
During pregnancy, preventive examination and professional oral hygiene should be done no less than 3 times in the early first and mid third trimesters. During the inspection make sure you consult your doctor about the choice of means of hygiene for the care of teeth and gums.
If the teeth require treatment, they need to be treated even during pregnancy. The most favorable period for this – the second trimester. Fear not, modern medicine makes the process painless and safe for mother and baby.
Source: /users/60