The guy just wanted to mow his dog. But then he still had no idea what to expect!
Big dog - great care! Sam - big and beautiful Samoyed Dog with a chic white coat. This dog is the same as other dogs. But it is something essentially different from the rest chetyrehlapyh. The fact that his hair will be enough to cover several dogs entirely "with clutches to head". Look what turn a regular shag haircut charming this cute little dog. I wonder how much time is spent on a preening?
With its wool can be associated entire winter collection of hats , scarf, mittens, and maybe even more sweaters on the whole family! I am amazed at the patience of caring owner! But the dog - do not miss! Look how he was brought up. All this time, he did not move. I think this kid is extremely grateful to the personal barber. Share this funny video to your friends!
With its wool can be associated entire winter collection of hats , scarf, mittens, and maybe even more sweaters on the whole family! I am amazed at the patience of caring owner! But the dog - do not miss! Look how he was brought up. All this time, he did not move. I think this kid is extremely grateful to the personal barber. Share this funny video to your friends!
This video will allow you to feel the full force of an optical illusion! Amazing effects ...
Amazing historical findings: in Turkey have found the ancient Greek mosaics, which are more than 2000 years!