This fragile girl is not that what it seems ... So far, I can not deviate from what he saw!
Meet, this sweet girl with a doll looks Vince name is Julia. She lives in the town of Engels, Russia. About three years ago, Julia decided to seriously deal with very unusual for the ladies sport.
Julia year before sports.
But Julia combine incongruous. This fragile as it might seem at first glance, the girl with September 2012 is actively involved in powerlifting. It is because of this passion for sport Julia Vince is known in the press as "the girl with the face and body of Barbie Hulk" because it has a doll face and body muskulizirovannoe.
In this photo Julia Vince just 17 years.
With its tiny growth, which is 165 cm, she weighs about 65 kg and has a very decent power rates: squats - 202, 5 kg; deadlift - 165 kg bench press - 100 kg.
Julia Vince today is known not only in Russia, but also Internet users from around the world. Recently, it has also become popular in the west. She fell twice in the top 9GAG. However, reviews of the international community on the athlete are in most cases a negative character.
According to the girl, she did not use steroids, but in order to constantly keep fit, she uses only sports nutrition, which consists of the Animal Pak (Universal), Leuzea, amino acids, fat burners and Riboxin.
First look really sometimes deceptive. I never would have believed that in the guise of an angel girl hiding such a terrible power! Tell me more about this extraordinary athlete your friends.
via ofigenno ru

Julia year before sports.

But Julia combine incongruous. This fragile as it might seem at first glance, the girl with September 2012 is actively involved in powerlifting. It is because of this passion for sport Julia Vince is known in the press as "the girl with the face and body of Barbie Hulk" because it has a doll face and body muskulizirovannoe.

In this photo Julia Vince just 17 years.

With its tiny growth, which is 165 cm, she weighs about 65 kg and has a very decent power rates: squats - 202, 5 kg; deadlift - 165 kg bench press - 100 kg.

Julia Vince today is known not only in Russia, but also Internet users from around the world. Recently, it has also become popular in the west. She fell twice in the top 9GAG. However, reviews of the international community on the athlete are in most cases a negative character.

According to the girl, she did not use steroids, but in order to constantly keep fit, she uses only sports nutrition, which consists of the Animal Pak (Universal), Leuzea, amino acids, fat burners and Riboxin.

First look really sometimes deceptive. I never would have believed that in the guise of an angel girl hiding such a terrible power! Tell me more about this extraordinary athlete your friends.
via ofigenno ru
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