I could not get over it, when I learned that these girls - twins. I do not believe!
A man known to many cases where the nature has decided to make fun a little. And if people or animals with different color eyes - a phenomenon quite common, you see the twins who differ even skin color've obviously not for everyone.
I never cease to shock you. Today we'll show you the little sisters, the twins, who were born on the same day, from the same parents, and under one roof, but not a bit alike. They - like yin and yang, as black and white as ice and fire. But this is their characteristic and uniqueness. I am sure this phenomenon you have not seen!
When you have a twin sister are quite different, it is not surprising that no one believes that you - relatives. These girls of Gloucester (UK) more than once even had to bring their birth certificates to prove it.
Meet: This is Sister Lucy and Mary Aylmer. And they - the twins. Yes, you did not hear right! B>
These unique girls were born in January 1997. Their mother, Donna, with Jamaica, and his father - white, reported local newspapers. Lucy (left) said that their mother was in shock when they were born. B>
«When we were born, my mother was a shock. After all parameters such as color, are not determined by the results of ultrasound during pregnancy, i> - says the girl. - Our mother could not even imagine how different we will be when born. At the moment when the midwife handed us her hands, she had lost the power of speech ». I>
«No one believes that we are twins, because I am dark, but Lucy White, i> - Maria admits. - If we and dress the same way, it is still not like that that on twins, and even sisters! When we meet new people, they ask us to show a birth certificate to prove that we - twins ». I> The girls rather big family: They have two older brothers and sister. B>
Many refuse to believe that the girls are the same parents. When the sisters were young, people thought that they are just good friends, who invented the story for yourself. B>
Now the sisters grew up and study in different colleges: Maria studied law at Cheltenham, and Lucy taught fine arts in Gloucester. But despite the fact that they are quite different and diverse, the girls admit that the relationship between them really strong. «We are proud that we are twins» i>, - says Lucy.
What else is there to add? No matter what your skin color, eye shape, body structure. The main thing is that there are people close to you that you are loved. And especially - when you're with them the same blood.
If you are surprised by the phenomenon of twins, necessarily share this post with your friends. I bet they will be shocked!
I never cease to shock you. Today we'll show you the little sisters, the twins, who were born on the same day, from the same parents, and under one roof, but not a bit alike. They - like yin and yang, as black and white as ice and fire. But this is their characteristic and uniqueness. I am sure this phenomenon you have not seen!
When you have a twin sister are quite different, it is not surprising that no one believes that you - relatives. These girls of Gloucester (UK) more than once even had to bring their birth certificates to prove it.
Meet: This is Sister Lucy and Mary Aylmer. And they - the twins. Yes, you did not hear right! B>

These unique girls were born in January 1997. Their mother, Donna, with Jamaica, and his father - white, reported local newspapers. Lucy (left) said that their mother was in shock when they were born. B>

«When we were born, my mother was a shock. After all parameters such as color, are not determined by the results of ultrasound during pregnancy, i> - says the girl. - Our mother could not even imagine how different we will be when born. At the moment when the midwife handed us her hands, she had lost the power of speech ». I>

«No one believes that we are twins, because I am dark, but Lucy White, i> - Maria admits. - If we and dress the same way, it is still not like that that on twins, and even sisters! When we meet new people, they ask us to show a birth certificate to prove that we - twins ». I> The girls rather big family: They have two older brothers and sister. B>

Many refuse to believe that the girls are the same parents. When the sisters were young, people thought that they are just good friends, who invented the story for yourself. B>

Now the sisters grew up and study in different colleges: Maria studied law at Cheltenham, and Lucy taught fine arts in Gloucester. But despite the fact that they are quite different and diverse, the girls admit that the relationship between them really strong. «We are proud that we are twins» i>, - says Lucy.
What else is there to add? No matter what your skin color, eye shape, body structure. The main thing is that there are people close to you that you are loved. And especially - when you're with them the same blood.
If you are surprised by the phenomenon of twins, necessarily share this post with your friends. I bet they will be shocked!
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