This Hollywood star managed to invent something without which today can not do your phone.
No wonder the wise men said that talented people - talented in everything. Could you imagine that Hollywood diva, so his unmatched femme fatale, who fought on the spot, millions of men all over the planet, is, among other things, also the inventor of genius? I do not believe that a femme fatale, a talented actress, fashion icon at the same time can also be a genius in a skirt? Then today will tell you the incredible story of the famous Hedy Lamarr - clever and beautiful in one. And now everything is in order.
Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler (the real name of a Hollywood star) at one time made all the male half of humanity to sing odes of praise in his honor, starring in the film "Ecstasy." By the way, on this landmark career as an actress could have ended for Hedi, because her father, a respected banker in Vienna, could not allow her daughter to continue in the same spirit. B>
Her marriage sought eminent bankers, millionaires, aristocrats. Selecting Hedi fell on 33-year-old Fritz Mandla - arms baron and one of the most influential and wealthy people in Austria. Then she did not realize until the end, what a heap. «I thought it would be cool to wear a gold ring. And the waiters will call you Frau and Fraulein not » i>, - admitted later film star. B>
Young Mandl was a supporter of fascism, besides terribly jealous. He put his wife-beauty people who monitored her every move. Moreover, there are rumors that Fritz literally showered Hedi jewelry and even tried to buy up all the copies of the controversial film with her participation. B>
Soon Hedi luck: she divorced her first husband, paranoid, who was obsessed with the idea of total control. Needless to mention that this stunning woman no lack of men to the end: after the first failed marriage kinobogini had five husbands. Happiness is on its side: an impressive actress noticed the director of one of Hollywood studios Louis B. Mayer. Thus was born a rising star by the name of Hedy Lamarr, which began soon the whole world. B>
I think she would have remained in the memory of many people as a brilliant performer only role the golden era of Hollywood, if society is not accidentally learned about her brilliant invention patented even during the Second World War.
In the late 30 Hedi I met George Antheil composer, who was fond of science. He immediately realized that in the mind of this wonderful woman has a place not only for jewelry and new clothes, but for the truly great ideas. The fact is that in many laboratories Mandla (first husband Hedi) scientists are working to develop guided weapons. In memory Lamarr and then surfaced fragments of scientific debate leading experts, who often visited their home. B>
Hedi tried to remember everything I could, and to present it on a piece of paper. To do this, she did not even need special education: all the terms in the brilliant mind evolved by themselves in a clear mosaic. B>
Lamarr and Antheil were together day and night, working on a common project. As a result, they have submitted a patent for a public communication system allows you to control ... the torpedoes! It's crazy, because without the invention, the pair now would not fly military satellites would not work and mobile phones. Today, everyone understands the importance of this discovery, but at the time, the government had no idea how all this can be implemented. B>
enthusiasts have sought to introduce Hedi for its contribution to science to the medal of honor of the Congress and to the award IEEE, but to no avail. Only in 1997 she received an award fund of Electronic Frontier. «It's time» i>, - ironically said Hedy.
How ironic everything in our world. Now the public knows Hedy Lamarr as a great actress and elegant beauty, and only a few have heard that the woman ahead of its time. Most of us enjoy Wi-Fi, the concept of green without having to whom we owe this invention. Incidentally, the US actress birthday - November 9 - it was named the Day of the inventor. Here's a sudden turn of events.
I believe that this information is very useful and informative, so that it is not a sin to share with your friends! I am sure they are also pretty surprised.
via ofigenno ru
Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler (the real name of a Hollywood star) at one time made all the male half of humanity to sing odes of praise in his honor, starring in the film "Ecstasy." By the way, on this landmark career as an actress could have ended for Hedi, because her father, a respected banker in Vienna, could not allow her daughter to continue in the same spirit. B>

Her marriage sought eminent bankers, millionaires, aristocrats. Selecting Hedi fell on 33-year-old Fritz Mandla - arms baron and one of the most influential and wealthy people in Austria. Then she did not realize until the end, what a heap. «I thought it would be cool to wear a gold ring. And the waiters will call you Frau and Fraulein not » i>, - admitted later film star. B>

Young Mandl was a supporter of fascism, besides terribly jealous. He put his wife-beauty people who monitored her every move. Moreover, there are rumors that Fritz literally showered Hedi jewelry and even tried to buy up all the copies of the controversial film with her participation. B>

Soon Hedi luck: she divorced her first husband, paranoid, who was obsessed with the idea of total control. Needless to mention that this stunning woman no lack of men to the end: after the first failed marriage kinobogini had five husbands. Happiness is on its side: an impressive actress noticed the director of one of Hollywood studios Louis B. Mayer. Thus was born a rising star by the name of Hedy Lamarr, which began soon the whole world. B>

I think she would have remained in the memory of many people as a brilliant performer only role the golden era of Hollywood, if society is not accidentally learned about her brilliant invention patented even during the Second World War.

In the late 30 Hedi I met George Antheil composer, who was fond of science. He immediately realized that in the mind of this wonderful woman has a place not only for jewelry and new clothes, but for the truly great ideas. The fact is that in many laboratories Mandla (first husband Hedi) scientists are working to develop guided weapons. In memory Lamarr and then surfaced fragments of scientific debate leading experts, who often visited their home. B>

Hedi tried to remember everything I could, and to present it on a piece of paper. To do this, she did not even need special education: all the terms in the brilliant mind evolved by themselves in a clear mosaic. B>

Lamarr and Antheil were together day and night, working on a common project. As a result, they have submitted a patent for a public communication system allows you to control ... the torpedoes! It's crazy, because without the invention, the pair now would not fly military satellites would not work and mobile phones. Today, everyone understands the importance of this discovery, but at the time, the government had no idea how all this can be implemented. B>

enthusiasts have sought to introduce Hedi for its contribution to science to the medal of honor of the Congress and to the award IEEE, but to no avail. Only in 1997 she received an award fund of Electronic Frontier. «It's time» i>, - ironically said Hedy.

How ironic everything in our world. Now the public knows Hedy Lamarr as a great actress and elegant beauty, and only a few have heard that the woman ahead of its time. Most of us enjoy Wi-Fi, the concept of green without having to whom we owe this invention. Incidentally, the US actress birthday - November 9 - it was named the Day of the inventor. Here's a sudden turn of events.
I believe that this information is very useful and informative, so that it is not a sin to share with your friends! I am sure they are also pretty surprised.
via ofigenno ru
This little girl just over a year, but she already knows how to put his father's place. Incredibly cute quarrel!
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