They lived together for 75 years and died in each other's arms. An incredible love story!
Whether happened to you is that the romantic stories in movies seemed unreal to you? Recall at least the same melodrama "The Notebook", where lovers die in a single day. But love is powerful and its great strength and reality. Even touching and emotional moments are possible in real life. Which proves the 95-year-old Alexander and 96-year-old Jeanette. After living 75 years in a happy marriage, the couple point died in one day in each other's arms. Hard to believe that it was the last wish of the couple. I thought this only happens in a fairy tale ...
They met at age 8. Friendship gradually degenerated into a big love. Having played the wedding, Alexander went to serve in the US MBC, and having served successfully, started the promotional activities. Over the years, beloved mastered in San Diego, California, where Jeanette took up a career stylist in joint agencies.
At the age of Alexander appeared interesting hobby - golf. Everyday training paid dividends. But accidental fall and fracture a hip badly affected his health. Soon wife lost interest in life and weakened. So his wife were bedridden.
They dreamed to spend his last moments of life in each other's arms. And cozy family took care of hospice.
Alexander left the first light, lying near his beloved. «Look, whatever you want. You died in my arms, and I love you. Wait for me, I'll be right » i>, - whispered to Jeanette. Having learned from relatives that the calendar on June 29 it will be pleasantly surprised. On this day 75 years ago, held their wedding. Jeanette morning performed the promised husband.
The incredible story of a strong love of Alexander and Jeanette will melt the hearts of even the most notorious cynics. The pair proved that great sense can work wonders. Share with your friends - let them enchant such example!
via ofigenno ru

They met at age 8. Friendship gradually degenerated into a big love. Having played the wedding, Alexander went to serve in the US MBC, and having served successfully, started the promotional activities. Over the years, beloved mastered in San Diego, California, where Jeanette took up a career stylist in joint agencies.

At the age of Alexander appeared interesting hobby - golf. Everyday training paid dividends. But accidental fall and fracture a hip badly affected his health. Soon wife lost interest in life and weakened. So his wife were bedridden.

They dreamed to spend his last moments of life in each other's arms. And cozy family took care of hospice.

Alexander left the first light, lying near his beloved. «Look, whatever you want. You died in my arms, and I love you. Wait for me, I'll be right » i>, - whispered to Jeanette. Having learned from relatives that the calendar on June 29 it will be pleasantly surprised. On this day 75 years ago, held their wedding. Jeanette morning performed the promised husband.

The incredible story of a strong love of Alexander and Jeanette will melt the hearts of even the most notorious cynics. The pair proved that great sense can work wonders. Share with your friends - let them enchant such example!
via ofigenno ru
10 of the most fortunate people in the world. They are hard to catch the tail bird luck!
They lived together for 75 years and died in each other's arms. An incredible love story!