Only God knows what the dog survived. The history of salvation in the 15 photos ...
What could be worse than cruelty? Personally, I think that indifference. When a person passes when refuses help when he does not care ...
But today we want to talk about completely different people. Of those who help others, those whose heart bleeds at the sight of creatures who need help. This dog named Kelsey, and she was on the brink of having to repeat the fate of many homeless animals. But the world, as we know, not without good people ...
It is seen on the bridge. Then she was not Kelsey, while she was dying stray dogs. B>
The dog picked up and taken to a shelter. There she began to slowly fatten ...
There she found the name of good care and found the first friends.
To combat the parasites that covered the body Kelsey had to get rid of hair ...
But over time, Kelsey went to the amendment.
Now this is a dog that has all the right to health.
It is full of strength, it is surrounded by love, care and a new better life, which it undoubtedly deserves.
To all of the above mixed with only one sad sediment. One has only to imagine how such Kelsey die, and not waiting for help ... but our story is still a happy ending, so share it with your friends, let the world become a little more kindness, smiles and sympathy.
via ofigenno ru
But today we want to talk about completely different people. Of those who help others, those whose heart bleeds at the sight of creatures who need help. This dog named Kelsey, and she was on the brink of having to repeat the fate of many homeless animals. But the world, as we know, not without good people ...
It is seen on the bridge. Then she was not Kelsey, while she was dying stray dogs. B>

The dog picked up and taken to a shelter. There she began to slowly fatten ...

There she found the name of good care and found the first friends.

To combat the parasites that covered the body Kelsey had to get rid of hair ...

But over time, Kelsey went to the amendment.

Now this is a dog that has all the right to health.

It is full of strength, it is surrounded by love, care and a new better life, which it undoubtedly deserves.

To all of the above mixed with only one sad sediment. One has only to imagine how such Kelsey die, and not waiting for help ... but our story is still a happy ending, so share it with your friends, let the world become a little more kindness, smiles and sympathy.
via ofigenno ru
15 amazing animals that you probably have not seen. Wealth fauna are no borders!
15 amusing dialogues, which will not know whether to cry or laugh ...