The guided the people, when called these places? 13 signs, which are administered to a screeching halt!
Opening the new catering establishments, the main thing - as soon as possible to attract customers. A very important role in this is the name. Beautiful sign, which will show off the original title, is sure to provide a flow of customers. But sometimes in pursuit of those that stand out, the owners of establishments showing excessive creativity, which will certainly lead to amusing total.
And certainly appItitno ...
Cafe shmafe.
Be sure poydipokushay, atoms sovsemizgo Lod, probably!
All innocence there!
In this place every day sent to a huge number of people.
Somewhere close to the previous institution.
But once understood what to do!
This emblem not everyone will understand.
... and the feast of the body.
They probably served vegetarian dishes of veal.
Well, too bad ...
And here I can not understand anything!
As you can see, originality is important, but it is also necessary to use metered. If you agree with me and you will like this selection, you will certainly tell about it to their friends using social networks.
via ofigenno ru
And certainly appItitno ...
Cafe shmafe.
Be sure poydipokushay, atoms sovsemizgo Lod, probably!
All innocence there!
In this place every day sent to a huge number of people.
Somewhere close to the previous institution.
But once understood what to do!
This emblem not everyone will understand.
... and the feast of the body.
They probably served vegetarian dishes of veal.
Well, too bad ...
And here I can not understand anything!
As you can see, originality is important, but it is also necessary to use metered. If you agree with me and you will like this selection, you will certainly tell about it to their friends using social networks.
via ofigenno ru
German customs that seem strange to us. 9 original habits of people in Germany.
Incredibly true parable of the 5 levels ... so juicy Ponte could only Pelevin!