Psychologist Elena Gavrilova that the first step to recovery - an emotional cleansing.
Rubbish - human waste. Easy to undergo a process of rotting, contaminates soil, water, etc.
Emotional garbage - it's negative experiences that stay with us after the activity or interaction with people. Anger, resentment, fear, anger, shame, guilt. Very often, these negative experiences remain with us for many years. Why is that? After accumulating, they destroy us, not only psychologically, but also physically, start to hurt organs and systems of our body. Let's talk about this and that to do so they do not accumulate.
Moral Society translates us that angry, angry, offended - it's bad. Yes, these feelings can be harmful to man. But what to do if they occur?
Emotions and positive and negative are given to us from birth. It is our natural reaction to the events that occur. You get angry if you did hurt, or angry if violate your borders (psychological or real). And it's normal, healthy reaction.
For example, the girl told her what dress to wear, and it has a different opinion. Or the boy that he should do now, when he had his own plans. In these cases, children have a rage or anger. Someone once and emotionally react, while others keep silent and do as told parents while suppressing negative emotions.
Suppressed (do not be angry) or repressed (I will not pay attention to it) negative experiences still remain with us. And not only in mind but also in the body. Their chronic accumulation leads to the development of diseases that are called psychosomatic. These include migraine, asthma, heart attack, obesity, gastric and duodenal ulcers, diabetes, disorders, cancer, allergies, atopic dermatitis and others. Progressive doctors came to the conclusion that almost all diseases should be seen as, in some sense, psychosomatic, since in any case there are psychological factors. Peter Kutter. Modern psychoanalysis. Introduction to the psychology of the unconscious processes.
Bad for us is not the negative experiences (remember that these are normal reactions), and:
their number in life. If you are constantly angry or offended, then they accumulate and create a foundation for the development of disease. Think about why your life a lot of negative experiences and change. The appearance of pain or disease - it is a signal that you need to change something in your life.
their "storage". Many years consciously cherish the memory of long-standing grievances.
their suppression or repression. It is bad when people try to suppress or to forget negative experiences do not transform them.
All of this is destroying human health.
They say that the Old Believers live very long. When they start to hurt, then do the following. First, remember their bad deeds or feelings, and are working on them. Then they clean the body by fasting. And only then begin treatment - drinking herbal teas, and others. Note that the first step to recovery - an emotional cleansing.
So, it is important to know:
Testing negative experiences - normal.
If you are constantly experiencing negative emotions, it means chtov need to reconsider their views on what causes them.
Poor suppress and displace negative experiences. They remain in the psyche.
Their storage - energy-intensive process. Not by chance after a study of psychological conflicts, energy is released, which left their possession, and the person feels light and activity, the desire to do something.
The accumulation of negative feelings is the basis for the emergence and development of disease.
Terms of emotional health. They are easy - clean and not to accumulate.
If you have any negative feelings, it is important to learn to be aware of them and released them socially acceptable way.
Experiences with whom you can not cope, old conflicts, work out with a specialist - a psychologist or therapist.
To teach children the rules of emotional health.
Elena Gavrilova

Rubbish - human waste. Easy to undergo a process of rotting, contaminates soil, water, etc.
Emotional garbage - it's negative experiences that stay with us after the activity or interaction with people. Anger, resentment, fear, anger, shame, guilt. Very often, these negative experiences remain with us for many years. Why is that? After accumulating, they destroy us, not only psychologically, but also physically, start to hurt organs and systems of our body. Let's talk about this and that to do so they do not accumulate.
Moral Society translates us that angry, angry, offended - it's bad. Yes, these feelings can be harmful to man. But what to do if they occur?
Emotions and positive and negative are given to us from birth. It is our natural reaction to the events that occur. You get angry if you did hurt, or angry if violate your borders (psychological or real). And it's normal, healthy reaction.
For example, the girl told her what dress to wear, and it has a different opinion. Or the boy that he should do now, when he had his own plans. In these cases, children have a rage or anger. Someone once and emotionally react, while others keep silent and do as told parents while suppressing negative emotions.
Suppressed (do not be angry) or repressed (I will not pay attention to it) negative experiences still remain with us. And not only in mind but also in the body. Their chronic accumulation leads to the development of diseases that are called psychosomatic. These include migraine, asthma, heart attack, obesity, gastric and duodenal ulcers, diabetes, disorders, cancer, allergies, atopic dermatitis and others. Progressive doctors came to the conclusion that almost all diseases should be seen as, in some sense, psychosomatic, since in any case there are psychological factors. Peter Kutter. Modern psychoanalysis. Introduction to the psychology of the unconscious processes.
Bad for us is not the negative experiences (remember that these are normal reactions), and:
their number in life. If you are constantly angry or offended, then they accumulate and create a foundation for the development of disease. Think about why your life a lot of negative experiences and change. The appearance of pain or disease - it is a signal that you need to change something in your life.
their "storage". Many years consciously cherish the memory of long-standing grievances.
their suppression or repression. It is bad when people try to suppress or to forget negative experiences do not transform them.
All of this is destroying human health.
They say that the Old Believers live very long. When they start to hurt, then do the following. First, remember their bad deeds or feelings, and are working on them. Then they clean the body by fasting. And only then begin treatment - drinking herbal teas, and others. Note that the first step to recovery - an emotional cleansing.
So, it is important to know:
Testing negative experiences - normal.
If you are constantly experiencing negative emotions, it means chtov need to reconsider their views on what causes them.
Poor suppress and displace negative experiences. They remain in the psyche.
Their storage - energy-intensive process. Not by chance after a study of psychological conflicts, energy is released, which left their possession, and the person feels light and activity, the desire to do something.
The accumulation of negative feelings is the basis for the emergence and development of disease.
Terms of emotional health. They are easy - clean and not to accumulate.
If you have any negative feelings, it is important to learn to be aware of them and released them socially acceptable way.
Experiences with whom you can not cope, old conflicts, work out with a specialist - a psychologist or therapist.
To teach children the rules of emotional health.
Elena Gavrilova
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