16 HABITS a very sensitive person
Do you feel that your reactions to things more than others? Are you worried about what other people feel? Do you prefer quiet and not a chaotic environment?
Do you feel that your reactions to things more than others? Are you worried about what other people feel? Do you prefer quiet and not a chaotic environment?
If the above suits you, you can be very sensitive. Personality traits - which was first investigated by PhD A. Elaine Aron in the early 1990s - a relatively common, every fifth person. Aron has written many papers and books on the excessive sensitivity, including such as "very sensitive people", it has also developed a test (which you can walk here) to help you determine whether you are a very sensitive person.
Although in recent years the interest in introversion - due mainly to generalist publications on the subject, including a book by Susan Cain "Silence" - brought a greater interest in the personality traits, values less than stimulation and greater sensitivity, Aron noticed that people are very sensitive even as generally considered "minority».
But the "minority" does not mean that it is bad - in fact, a very sensitive person combines many positive characteristics. Here are some features common to all sensitive people.
1. Their feelings deeper
One of the distinguishing characteristics of very sensitive people - the ability to more deeply feel less sensitive than their peers. "They like to see things on a deep level," Ted Tseff, Ph.D., author of the "Handbook of survival for very sensitive people" and other books about the very sensitive people, says HaffPost. "They are very intuitive, and can go much further to understand the things».
2. They are more emotionally responsive
Very sensitive people are more responsive to the situation. For example, they will no longer empathize with and take care of the problems of others, says Aron. They can also be more concerned about other people who have been victims of negative actions.
3. They are accustomed to hearing, "Do not take everything so much to heart," or "Why are you so sensitive?»
Depending on the culture, the sensitivity can be perceived as a valuable contribution, or negative feature, explains Tseff. In some of its studies Tseff said it is very sensitive men from different countries, with whom he worked - such as Thailand and India - rarely or never teased, while the men from North America are often teased or always. "So many of them are very cultured - the same man who said," In certain cultures, it is considered a valuable contribution ».
4. They are used to working alone
Very sensitive people tend to avoid contact sports team, where there is a feeling that everyone is constantly monitoring the actions of another, says Tseff. In his research, the majority of respondents are very sensitive people prefer individual sports - cycling, running, hiking, and not the group. However, this is not the general rule - some very sensitive people had parents who instilled in them the understanding that it will be easier for them to become a member of a group sport, reports Tseff.
5. They take longer solutions
Very sensitive people are more aware of and detailed approach to decision-making, says Aron. Even if it is not a solution "right" or "wrong" - for example, you can not choose the "wrong" flavor ice cream - very sensitive people will be inclined to think that the longer choose, because they weighed each possible outcome. " Aaron advises: "Think as long as the situation permits, and ask for more time if you need it," she writes in a recent issue of the newsletter Comfort Zone. "At this time, try to qualify for a minute, hour, day or even a week to help you get back on track. What is this? Often, on the other side solutions things look different, and it gives a chance to more vividly imagine that you are already there. " One exception: Once a very sensitive person comes to the conclusion that in this situation the best solution would be that, as in other situations - is, in the future he or she will quickly make these decisions.
6. They are more disappointed if you take the "bad" or "wrong" decision
You can imagine the feeling when take the wrong decision? For very sensitive people, "these emotions are amplified because of their emotional activity is higher," explains Aron.
7. They are extremely attentive to detail
Very sensitive people - the first to notice the details in the room, new shoes, you have put, or changes in the weather.
8. Not all the people are very sensitive introverts
About 30 percent of very sensitive people are extroverts, referring to Aaron. He explains that many times is very sensitive people, who were more extroverted and grew up in the tight-knit community - whether it's a dead end, a small town or a parent who worked as a priest or rabbi - and so interact with more people.
9. They work well as a team
Since very sensitive people deep thinkers, they are valuable employees and team members, says Aron. However, they are well suited to those key positions where there is no need to take the final decision. For example, if a person is a very sensitive part of the medical team, he or she is valuable in analyzing the pros and cons of the operated patient is someone else, ultimately decides on whether there should be patient surgery.
10. They are more prone to anxiety or depression (but only if in the past there were a lot of negative experiences)
"If you have a sufficient number of bad experiences, especially in early life, you do not feel safe in this world or do not feel confident ... at home or at school, your nervous system is too" disturbing, "says Aron. But do not say that everything is very sensitive people will continue to worry - with a favorable environment can go a long way to protect against all of this. Parents are very sensitive children, especially the need to "understand what it's really great kids, but they need to keep on the right track," says Aron. "You can perezaschitit them, but should not nedozaschitit. You must be titrated in their youth, so that they feel confident, and they were well ».
11. annoying sound even more annoying is very sensitive person
It's hard to say that someone is a fan of the sound annoying, and very sensitive people even more vulnerable to the chaos and noise. That is why they tend to be more depressed because of too vigorous activity, says Aron.
12. Violent movies - the worst
Because it is very sensitive people even more sympathy and more quickly irritated. Violent movies or horror movies - not their strong point, says Aron.
13. It is easier to make cry
That's why for very sensitive people it is important to put yourself in a situation where they will not feel frustrated or something "wrong" to cry easily, says Tseff. If their friends and family are aware that this is just - that they can easily get to cry - and supports this form of expression, the "light mourning" not be seen as something shameful.
14. They have good manners
Very sensitive people are also very conscientious people, says Aron. Therefore, they are likely to have a careful and well-mannered - and always notice unscrupulous people. For example, very sensitive people may be more aware of where his truck in the store - not because he is afraid that someone might steal something from there, but because he did not want to prevent his truck to someone else .
15. For very sensitive people really amplified the effects of criticism
Very sensitive people have a reaction to the criticism that the more intense the less sensitive people. As a result, they can use certain tactics to avoid criticism, including flatterers (to nobody criticized), criticizing, first of all, yourself and avoiding sources of criticism, says Aron.
People may say something negative, [and] not ochch (very sensitive people) might say, "No matter," and not respond to them, says Tseff. But ochch get a feel for it very deeply.
16. Classrooms = good. Offices = bad
Since very sensitive people prefer to work alone, they also prefer a single working environment. Tseff says a lot of very sensitive people like to work at home or to be private entrepreneurs, because they can control the stimuli of his working environment. Those who do not have the luxury, create their own flexible work schedules (and the environment), Tseff notes that highly sensitive people can enjoy working in the office - which have more privacy and less noise - than in the public offices.
Amanda L. Chan

Do you feel that your reactions to things more than others? Are you worried about what other people feel? Do you prefer quiet and not a chaotic environment?
If the above suits you, you can be very sensitive. Personality traits - which was first investigated by PhD A. Elaine Aron in the early 1990s - a relatively common, every fifth person. Aron has written many papers and books on the excessive sensitivity, including such as "very sensitive people", it has also developed a test (which you can walk here) to help you determine whether you are a very sensitive person.
Although in recent years the interest in introversion - due mainly to generalist publications on the subject, including a book by Susan Cain "Silence" - brought a greater interest in the personality traits, values less than stimulation and greater sensitivity, Aron noticed that people are very sensitive even as generally considered "minority».
But the "minority" does not mean that it is bad - in fact, a very sensitive person combines many positive characteristics. Here are some features common to all sensitive people.
1. Their feelings deeper
One of the distinguishing characteristics of very sensitive people - the ability to more deeply feel less sensitive than their peers. "They like to see things on a deep level," Ted Tseff, Ph.D., author of the "Handbook of survival for very sensitive people" and other books about the very sensitive people, says HaffPost. "They are very intuitive, and can go much further to understand the things».
2. They are more emotionally responsive
Very sensitive people are more responsive to the situation. For example, they will no longer empathize with and take care of the problems of others, says Aron. They can also be more concerned about other people who have been victims of negative actions.
3. They are accustomed to hearing, "Do not take everything so much to heart," or "Why are you so sensitive?»
Depending on the culture, the sensitivity can be perceived as a valuable contribution, or negative feature, explains Tseff. In some of its studies Tseff said it is very sensitive men from different countries, with whom he worked - such as Thailand and India - rarely or never teased, while the men from North America are often teased or always. "So many of them are very cultured - the same man who said," In certain cultures, it is considered a valuable contribution ».
4. They are used to working alone
Very sensitive people tend to avoid contact sports team, where there is a feeling that everyone is constantly monitoring the actions of another, says Tseff. In his research, the majority of respondents are very sensitive people prefer individual sports - cycling, running, hiking, and not the group. However, this is not the general rule - some very sensitive people had parents who instilled in them the understanding that it will be easier for them to become a member of a group sport, reports Tseff.
5. They take longer solutions
Very sensitive people are more aware of and detailed approach to decision-making, says Aron. Even if it is not a solution "right" or "wrong" - for example, you can not choose the "wrong" flavor ice cream - very sensitive people will be inclined to think that the longer choose, because they weighed each possible outcome. " Aaron advises: "Think as long as the situation permits, and ask for more time if you need it," she writes in a recent issue of the newsletter Comfort Zone. "At this time, try to qualify for a minute, hour, day or even a week to help you get back on track. What is this? Often, on the other side solutions things look different, and it gives a chance to more vividly imagine that you are already there. " One exception: Once a very sensitive person comes to the conclusion that in this situation the best solution would be that, as in other situations - is, in the future he or she will quickly make these decisions.
6. They are more disappointed if you take the "bad" or "wrong" decision
You can imagine the feeling when take the wrong decision? For very sensitive people, "these emotions are amplified because of their emotional activity is higher," explains Aron.
7. They are extremely attentive to detail
Very sensitive people - the first to notice the details in the room, new shoes, you have put, or changes in the weather.
8. Not all the people are very sensitive introverts
About 30 percent of very sensitive people are extroverts, referring to Aaron. He explains that many times is very sensitive people, who were more extroverted and grew up in the tight-knit community - whether it's a dead end, a small town or a parent who worked as a priest or rabbi - and so interact with more people.
9. They work well as a team
Since very sensitive people deep thinkers, they are valuable employees and team members, says Aron. However, they are well suited to those key positions where there is no need to take the final decision. For example, if a person is a very sensitive part of the medical team, he or she is valuable in analyzing the pros and cons of the operated patient is someone else, ultimately decides on whether there should be patient surgery.
10. They are more prone to anxiety or depression (but only if in the past there were a lot of negative experiences)
"If you have a sufficient number of bad experiences, especially in early life, you do not feel safe in this world or do not feel confident ... at home or at school, your nervous system is too" disturbing, "says Aron. But do not say that everything is very sensitive people will continue to worry - with a favorable environment can go a long way to protect against all of this. Parents are very sensitive children, especially the need to "understand what it's really great kids, but they need to keep on the right track," says Aron. "You can perezaschitit them, but should not nedozaschitit. You must be titrated in their youth, so that they feel confident, and they were well ».
11. annoying sound even more annoying is very sensitive person
It's hard to say that someone is a fan of the sound annoying, and very sensitive people even more vulnerable to the chaos and noise. That is why they tend to be more depressed because of too vigorous activity, says Aron.
12. Violent movies - the worst
Because it is very sensitive people even more sympathy and more quickly irritated. Violent movies or horror movies - not their strong point, says Aron.
13. It is easier to make cry
That's why for very sensitive people it is important to put yourself in a situation where they will not feel frustrated or something "wrong" to cry easily, says Tseff. If their friends and family are aware that this is just - that they can easily get to cry - and supports this form of expression, the "light mourning" not be seen as something shameful.
14. They have good manners
Very sensitive people are also very conscientious people, says Aron. Therefore, they are likely to have a careful and well-mannered - and always notice unscrupulous people. For example, very sensitive people may be more aware of where his truck in the store - not because he is afraid that someone might steal something from there, but because he did not want to prevent his truck to someone else .
15. For very sensitive people really amplified the effects of criticism
Very sensitive people have a reaction to the criticism that the more intense the less sensitive people. As a result, they can use certain tactics to avoid criticism, including flatterers (to nobody criticized), criticizing, first of all, yourself and avoiding sources of criticism, says Aron.
People may say something negative, [and] not ochch (very sensitive people) might say, "No matter," and not respond to them, says Tseff. But ochch get a feel for it very deeply.
16. Classrooms = good. Offices = bad
Since very sensitive people prefer to work alone, they also prefer a single working environment. Tseff says a lot of very sensitive people like to work at home or to be private entrepreneurs, because they can control the stimuli of his working environment. Those who do not have the luxury, create their own flexible work schedules (and the environment), Tseff notes that highly sensitive people can enjoy working in the office - which have more privacy and less noise - than in the public offices.
Amanda L. Chan