Three Tips women how to tear a man from COMPUTER
If you have a beloved, if you live together, and if you're on a desert island with no phone, Internet, and other benefits of civilization, then most likely you are familiar state of anger and loneliness when you traded for your favorite computer. < br />
If you have a beloved, if you live together, and if you're on a desert island with no phone, Internet, and other benefits of civilization, then most likely you are familiar state of anger and loneliness when you traded for your favorite computer. < br />
Little did today all kinds of games, there are games for boys, interesting sites, exciting movies, and all sorts of other things, access to which is through a computer. Not surprisingly, men (still children by nature) can not break away from it, even for the woman he loved.
So what should be done to still attract the attention of a loved one? There are some universal tips that, in practice, never expire.
1. Show interest to engage your man
Firstly, you can always show a genuine interest in what makes your favorite. It is both flatter and make him feel important in your eyes. For example, he played in another computer game, you come and kindly ask what these tsiferki over the head of the hero, how to navigate on the map and what is the meaning of the game. I assure you, the man is honored that you, finally, for the first time genuinely interested in his hobby, and readily tell you about it. It is possible, so you will enjoy these games, that eventually you yourself addicted and will take away his beloved computer. But that's another story ...
2. Turn attention to yourself and borrowing something pleasant
Another effective way to draw attention to themselves - it's ... nothing prevents you to walk around the house ... or in the beautiful linen and accidentally drop something near the computer, which is sitting to your favorites. A man is always a man, and if next to him suddenly drew a beautiful woman, it is unlikely he will find the strength to resist it. Well, after ... you always have the legal right to lie down with him and to hear words of love.
3. Call friends
Finally, a third way to draw attention to themselves - to call someone from your friends and your best friends in common, and to agree on the evening entertainment. Even if you do not arrange a meeting with friends - your man retract into the discussion of the upcoming meeting.
In any case, you have to understand that this is all just a game and your partner really loves you and is willing to give you time. And if not, then there is up to you ...;)

If you have a beloved, if you live together, and if you're on a desert island with no phone, Internet, and other benefits of civilization, then most likely you are familiar state of anger and loneliness when you traded for your favorite computer. < br />
Little did today all kinds of games, there are games for boys, interesting sites, exciting movies, and all sorts of other things, access to which is through a computer. Not surprisingly, men (still children by nature) can not break away from it, even for the woman he loved.
So what should be done to still attract the attention of a loved one? There are some universal tips that, in practice, never expire.
1. Show interest to engage your man
Firstly, you can always show a genuine interest in what makes your favorite. It is both flatter and make him feel important in your eyes. For example, he played in another computer game, you come and kindly ask what these tsiferki over the head of the hero, how to navigate on the map and what is the meaning of the game. I assure you, the man is honored that you, finally, for the first time genuinely interested in his hobby, and readily tell you about it. It is possible, so you will enjoy these games, that eventually you yourself addicted and will take away his beloved computer. But that's another story ...
2. Turn attention to yourself and borrowing something pleasant
Another effective way to draw attention to themselves - it's ... nothing prevents you to walk around the house ... or in the beautiful linen and accidentally drop something near the computer, which is sitting to your favorites. A man is always a man, and if next to him suddenly drew a beautiful woman, it is unlikely he will find the strength to resist it. Well, after ... you always have the legal right to lie down with him and to hear words of love.
3. Call friends
Finally, a third way to draw attention to themselves - to call someone from your friends and your best friends in common, and to agree on the evening entertainment. Even if you do not arrange a meeting with friends - your man retract into the discussion of the upcoming meeting.
In any case, you have to understand that this is all just a game and your partner really loves you and is willing to give you time. And if not, then there is up to you ...;)