HISTORY OF BUSINESS UNUSUAL ideas or how to get rich
How can you protect yourself from poverty? And you know how many ways to help you get rich? As a rule, life for us - it is hard work, where we are trying to provide for his family, bring up children and put something in your old age.
How can you protect yourself from poverty? And you know how many ways to help you get rich? As a rule, life for us - it is hard work, where we are trying to provide for his family, bring up children and put something in your old age. But if we set aside all stereotypes, we see the world as a huge space for new ideas. All business ideas start with this. Earn one who comes up with something new and embodies his idea into practice.
What will help us to get rich today?
The main thing is to see how what we want can come in handy a lot of people to have received all of this some benefit.
And one of the most striking examples. One man who did not previously interested in the problem of environmental pollution (unless, of course, it has no effect on his health or the health of his family and friends), looked on the Internet various sociological studies in statistics. The result was that every speck of dust can be accounted for and identified. Can it cause an allergy or not, whether she carries the bacteria. After that, he made a few points.
Firstly, in a home area of fifty square meters 20 kilograms annually accumulate dust inside which live and reproduce approximately fifteen different tick species. And in each twelve grams of dust lives about forty-two thousand of dust mites.
Secondly, it was found that ninety percent of all infectious diseases spread indoors. It was found that the air in the existing offices and apartments dirtier than that from the outside five times. And we continue to complain about the fact that we live in dirty areas, and this has a negative impact on our health. In addition, at the end of XX-th in the beginning of XXI-st century there was a building boom, with the result that there was a lot of new building materials, such as linoleum, plastic or carpet. From them emanate toxic fumes that increase the percentage of disease among the population.
Therefore, if each home or office is the same problem, then it is possible to find some solution. For example, in Japan, I have special machines that sell fresh air. They just throw a coin and breathe them. We do this not close.
The technique, which promotes an integrated air purification, has appeared in the United States. Later, she began to take root in our country, but so far has not found wide acceptance, however still offers a great base for implementation. So everything is in your hands. Creative approach to the problem, and it will help you get rich.

How can you protect yourself from poverty? And you know how many ways to help you get rich? As a rule, life for us - it is hard work, where we are trying to provide for his family, bring up children and put something in your old age. But if we set aside all stereotypes, we see the world as a huge space for new ideas. All business ideas start with this. Earn one who comes up with something new and embodies his idea into practice.
What will help us to get rich today?
The main thing is to see how what we want can come in handy a lot of people to have received all of this some benefit.
And one of the most striking examples. One man who did not previously interested in the problem of environmental pollution (unless, of course, it has no effect on his health or the health of his family and friends), looked on the Internet various sociological studies in statistics. The result was that every speck of dust can be accounted for and identified. Can it cause an allergy or not, whether she carries the bacteria. After that, he made a few points.
Firstly, in a home area of fifty square meters 20 kilograms annually accumulate dust inside which live and reproduce approximately fifteen different tick species. And in each twelve grams of dust lives about forty-two thousand of dust mites.
Secondly, it was found that ninety percent of all infectious diseases spread indoors. It was found that the air in the existing offices and apartments dirtier than that from the outside five times. And we continue to complain about the fact that we live in dirty areas, and this has a negative impact on our health. In addition, at the end of XX-th in the beginning of XXI-st century there was a building boom, with the result that there was a lot of new building materials, such as linoleum, plastic or carpet. From them emanate toxic fumes that increase the percentage of disease among the population.
Therefore, if each home or office is the same problem, then it is possible to find some solution. For example, in Japan, I have special machines that sell fresh air. They just throw a coin and breathe them. We do this not close.
The technique, which promotes an integrated air purification, has appeared in the United States. Later, she began to take root in our country, but so far has not found wide acceptance, however still offers a great base for implementation. So everything is in your hands. Creative approach to the problem, and it will help you get rich.