5 things you can learn about a person by his appearance ONE
Physical person can extradite him certain personal characteristics and preferences! How?
We often hear that you should not judge a book by its cover. But against all the people is somewhat different. Physical person can extradite him certain personal characteristics and preferences.
All that is required is the ability to interpret them correctly. As in previous cases, the methods described below are not 100% accurate, and there is always a probability of error. Nevertheless ...
1. Shoes can reveal personality type person
Just note, we are not talking about the obvious, such as ready or metalworkers in black boots, sandals, or a hippie hipster in old curtains, wrapped around the legs. If you believe the science, men's shoes can tell us about his relationship with other people.
A study conducted in a couple of colleges, revealed certain patterns in how people choose shoes. On the political preferences of course she could not tell, but gave out a ton of other personal information, including the potential uncertainty and dependence in a relationship. Here are just some of the examples described by science:
Restless and dependent people prefer to wear a new and well-kept shoes to calm the nerves.
People who wear practical shoes tend to be relatively pleasant to talk to.
Calm and collected individual finds pleasure in seemingly uncomfortable shoes.
A aggressive personality inclined to wear uniforms with boots bertsami ankle.
If after reading this, you think that your shoes are nothing personal to tell you about can not, because you are guided when buying, say, its price and convenience, do not forget that your way of thinking is a natural for a certain type of personality. And that's the whole point. Regardless of how you follow the logic in the choice of various shoes, shoes or boots, you follow precisely the logic that corresponds to your type of personality. A purchase of this type reveals worldwide.
2. agreeable people often eat sweets
Imagine agreeable person. And pay close attention to the qualities that make this a pleasant person in the eyes of other people. Most likely he kindly and helpful. Definitely fun. Surely, honest and rather plastic to take the blows, until you yourself get away from the wrestler, who in a drunken stupor lit up his ass. All this is consistent with the image of a pleasant man. And maybe, if you're covered sentimental feelings, you would call it even "sweet».
Sweet. In this context, it is quite ironic word, if you think about it. The nice people there is nothing sweet, do you suddenly decide to coat them with caramel. And what has given rise to an association between "sweet" and "nice"? Obviously, their daily behavior: it seems that eating sweets can turn an ordinary person into a good Samaritan.
Just be clear that we are not talking about how a person donated chocolate can cheer him up and thus cause him a desire to do good things (by the way, one study has confirmed this fact, but it itself is pretty obvious). Scientists have conducted five different studies and found that sweet lovers - people are more and more pleasant to do good deeds, than those who eat during snack chips, for example.
And what is most surprising study participants knew in advance what will be the result. The experiment was conducted prior to the survey, they expressed the idea that the sweet lovers will be more selfless and kind than lovers solёnenkogo. The experience has only confirmed what people already knew and observed in everyday life, even in this, and there was no point.
3. If a woman cradles a baby with his right hand, then she depressed
The birth of a child in theory should be the happiest moment in the life of any mother, but according to statistics, one out of ten women suffers from depression postrodovoy. And perhaps this is not surprising, because it really feels a lot of stress, both physically and mentally, not to mention the fact that the small toddler constantly screaming when she tries to sleep.
So if you suddenly have a friend or relative who has recently given birth, and you want to know about her state of health, you can either ask her or look at a hand she holds the baby. No kidding.
Find your childhood photos and see what hand your mother lulls you. Or just imagine how you hold the baby. Which hand are you using? Rather, the left. The vast majority of the people use the left hand, regardless of whether right handed or left-handed, they are. This is one of those little quirks, which are incorporated in the human body.
When scientists began to study in greater detail this topic, they found that it could serve as a potential way to determine whether the newly formed mother is depressed or not. Mothers who experience stress and experiencing depression more often lull their babies right hand, rather than healthy and happy mother, happy mothers 14% to 32% of depressed. Although the reason for this, scientists still find it difficult to explain.
4. If a person looks like a bully, it is likely he a team player
The last time we mentioned that people with high cheekbones usually deserve less confidence. It looks like an unfair stereotype, but in reality it's just chemistry - the more testosterone, the larger entity. And the amount of testosterone directly determines the type of your personality.
Also, the classic image of pitching with a can of beer in his hand already managed to gain a foothold in society: a large broad-man with the eternal grin and coarse facial features. This type of person can be found in a variety of American youth films. He wears his jacket sports team, whips beer, speak slang and dull spud girls in school, making you feel like a loser, which will require several years to understand that in fact you they were not. But in certain situations this kind of cocky guy actually can be quite pleasant ... until he thinks you're with him on the same team.
Such people do what they do, not because they are cruel. Just have strong competitive spirit.
To determine this, the researchers divided the male volunteers into groups and asked them to play a team game. This one said that their results were compared with the results of other schools, while others play just for the sake of the game. As a result, the guys with the classic "hooligan" individuals often risk their health in order to take the first place among the teams ... but only when they were told that they compete with other schools. They were willing to be more altruistic when it was believed that it would help them win.
Other studies confirm this theory. As long as the sense of competition, the guy with the face of a teaser will be more productive, cooperative and more will be ready to sacrifice himself for the team, which he considers his. And by the way it applies to higher levels of life, from presidents of corporations to candidates for the presidency of these stupid, rude and broad facial features give their owners a strong desire to win, and all because of the amount of testosterone that they received in the womb.
If you are depressed drives the idea that the fate of man in such a large extent determined before he was born ... well, we've got news for you is worse.
5. People with symmetrical facial features - rich, with asymmetrical - the leaders
Science often likes to remind us of the superiority of symmetrical faces, but in reality it is even worse: people with symmetrical facial features not only look better, but the more they are likely to more and richer than those with asymmetrical features.
On the other hand, the latter are more developed leadership qualities.
Considerable influence, of course, in this regard have the genes, but they are only at the beginning of formation of facial symmetry. The decisive role played by the conditions of human development. Everything, including cigarette smoke, baby food, socioeconomic status and disease, have an impact on the formation of your face, so the easiest way to achieve a symmetrical beauty - it's wealthy parents.
The results of one of the survey show that people with symmetrical facial features, in most cases in childhood lived a privileged life, and thus had more chances to become the very wealthy.
But let's say that a person grew up a wealthy and developed into one of the common people with asymmetrical features. He does not have a trust fund or a perfect smile, so now he can rely only on their personal qualities. Moreover just because that person is not as attractive as Symmetrical, people expect less from him any achievement in life.
And by chance that's what makes it more successful leader.
That is, an endless string of minor problems and hardships, which, thanks to an angelic appearance and a thick wallet, never happen to survive the people with symmetrical facial features, make of this man truly effective leader. Of course, this does not mean that it automatically becomes Winston Churchill. It just means that he has predestined to becoming them. So if you happen to meet in a bar man with scars on his face, do not rush to put him in charge of your multinational company.
XJ Selman

We often hear that you should not judge a book by its cover. But against all the people is somewhat different. Physical person can extradite him certain personal characteristics and preferences.
All that is required is the ability to interpret them correctly. As in previous cases, the methods described below are not 100% accurate, and there is always a probability of error. Nevertheless ...
1. Shoes can reveal personality type person
Just note, we are not talking about the obvious, such as ready or metalworkers in black boots, sandals, or a hippie hipster in old curtains, wrapped around the legs. If you believe the science, men's shoes can tell us about his relationship with other people.
A study conducted in a couple of colleges, revealed certain patterns in how people choose shoes. On the political preferences of course she could not tell, but gave out a ton of other personal information, including the potential uncertainty and dependence in a relationship. Here are just some of the examples described by science:
Restless and dependent people prefer to wear a new and well-kept shoes to calm the nerves.
People who wear practical shoes tend to be relatively pleasant to talk to.
Calm and collected individual finds pleasure in seemingly uncomfortable shoes.
A aggressive personality inclined to wear uniforms with boots bertsami ankle.
If after reading this, you think that your shoes are nothing personal to tell you about can not, because you are guided when buying, say, its price and convenience, do not forget that your way of thinking is a natural for a certain type of personality. And that's the whole point. Regardless of how you follow the logic in the choice of various shoes, shoes or boots, you follow precisely the logic that corresponds to your type of personality. A purchase of this type reveals worldwide.
2. agreeable people often eat sweets
Imagine agreeable person. And pay close attention to the qualities that make this a pleasant person in the eyes of other people. Most likely he kindly and helpful. Definitely fun. Surely, honest and rather plastic to take the blows, until you yourself get away from the wrestler, who in a drunken stupor lit up his ass. All this is consistent with the image of a pleasant man. And maybe, if you're covered sentimental feelings, you would call it even "sweet».
Sweet. In this context, it is quite ironic word, if you think about it. The nice people there is nothing sweet, do you suddenly decide to coat them with caramel. And what has given rise to an association between "sweet" and "nice"? Obviously, their daily behavior: it seems that eating sweets can turn an ordinary person into a good Samaritan.
Just be clear that we are not talking about how a person donated chocolate can cheer him up and thus cause him a desire to do good things (by the way, one study has confirmed this fact, but it itself is pretty obvious). Scientists have conducted five different studies and found that sweet lovers - people are more and more pleasant to do good deeds, than those who eat during snack chips, for example.
And what is most surprising study participants knew in advance what will be the result. The experiment was conducted prior to the survey, they expressed the idea that the sweet lovers will be more selfless and kind than lovers solёnenkogo. The experience has only confirmed what people already knew and observed in everyday life, even in this, and there was no point.
3. If a woman cradles a baby with his right hand, then she depressed
The birth of a child in theory should be the happiest moment in the life of any mother, but according to statistics, one out of ten women suffers from depression postrodovoy. And perhaps this is not surprising, because it really feels a lot of stress, both physically and mentally, not to mention the fact that the small toddler constantly screaming when she tries to sleep.
So if you suddenly have a friend or relative who has recently given birth, and you want to know about her state of health, you can either ask her or look at a hand she holds the baby. No kidding.
Find your childhood photos and see what hand your mother lulls you. Or just imagine how you hold the baby. Which hand are you using? Rather, the left. The vast majority of the people use the left hand, regardless of whether right handed or left-handed, they are. This is one of those little quirks, which are incorporated in the human body.
When scientists began to study in greater detail this topic, they found that it could serve as a potential way to determine whether the newly formed mother is depressed or not. Mothers who experience stress and experiencing depression more often lull their babies right hand, rather than healthy and happy mother, happy mothers 14% to 32% of depressed. Although the reason for this, scientists still find it difficult to explain.
4. If a person looks like a bully, it is likely he a team player
The last time we mentioned that people with high cheekbones usually deserve less confidence. It looks like an unfair stereotype, but in reality it's just chemistry - the more testosterone, the larger entity. And the amount of testosterone directly determines the type of your personality.
Also, the classic image of pitching with a can of beer in his hand already managed to gain a foothold in society: a large broad-man with the eternal grin and coarse facial features. This type of person can be found in a variety of American youth films. He wears his jacket sports team, whips beer, speak slang and dull spud girls in school, making you feel like a loser, which will require several years to understand that in fact you they were not. But in certain situations this kind of cocky guy actually can be quite pleasant ... until he thinks you're with him on the same team.
Such people do what they do, not because they are cruel. Just have strong competitive spirit.
To determine this, the researchers divided the male volunteers into groups and asked them to play a team game. This one said that their results were compared with the results of other schools, while others play just for the sake of the game. As a result, the guys with the classic "hooligan" individuals often risk their health in order to take the first place among the teams ... but only when they were told that they compete with other schools. They were willing to be more altruistic when it was believed that it would help them win.
Other studies confirm this theory. As long as the sense of competition, the guy with the face of a teaser will be more productive, cooperative and more will be ready to sacrifice himself for the team, which he considers his. And by the way it applies to higher levels of life, from presidents of corporations to candidates for the presidency of these stupid, rude and broad facial features give their owners a strong desire to win, and all because of the amount of testosterone that they received in the womb.
If you are depressed drives the idea that the fate of man in such a large extent determined before he was born ... well, we've got news for you is worse.
5. People with symmetrical facial features - rich, with asymmetrical - the leaders
Science often likes to remind us of the superiority of symmetrical faces, but in reality it is even worse: people with symmetrical facial features not only look better, but the more they are likely to more and richer than those with asymmetrical features.
On the other hand, the latter are more developed leadership qualities.
Considerable influence, of course, in this regard have the genes, but they are only at the beginning of formation of facial symmetry. The decisive role played by the conditions of human development. Everything, including cigarette smoke, baby food, socioeconomic status and disease, have an impact on the formation of your face, so the easiest way to achieve a symmetrical beauty - it's wealthy parents.
The results of one of the survey show that people with symmetrical facial features, in most cases in childhood lived a privileged life, and thus had more chances to become the very wealthy.
But let's say that a person grew up a wealthy and developed into one of the common people with asymmetrical features. He does not have a trust fund or a perfect smile, so now he can rely only on their personal qualities. Moreover just because that person is not as attractive as Symmetrical, people expect less from him any achievement in life.
And by chance that's what makes it more successful leader.
That is, an endless string of minor problems and hardships, which, thanks to an angelic appearance and a thick wallet, never happen to survive the people with symmetrical facial features, make of this man truly effective leader. Of course, this does not mean that it automatically becomes Winston Churchill. It just means that he has predestined to becoming them. So if you happen to meet in a bar man with scars on his face, do not rush to put him in charge of your multinational company.
XJ Selman