10 Tips to fall in love with MAN
Psychologist Oksana Schmid how fall in love with a man little to change their behavior and using these simple tips
Who was the hunter who prey - not will deal!
The good news is to fall in love with a man you do not have to change dramatically. On the contrary - you should be yourself, live your life, to be a person. The only thing you need is a little change their behavior and follow these simple tips:
1. Try to look seductive
Men like eyes - we heard about it a thousand times and it sounds so corny! But the banality of it a thousand times confirmed by the truth! Remember that the first rule as the Lord's Prayer: to caring for you - you need to take care of themselves!
Tightened figure, shiny hair, stylish clothes, seductive perfume - you should look to you like all the men around! Suppose that you admire, if not take his eyes - it will only add appeal to you! He is proud that such beauty around, and he was able to win your attention from other potential Knights! Men like to feel like winners!
2. Be nice to communicate and smile!
Disarming smile - another platitude, which must be used in the process of seduction.
Men should be easy and pleasant to be in your community. He will love this state with you and strive for it. If you are interested in a man, he will try to make a lasting impression on you - show that he did it! Behave yourself freely, laugh at his jokes even if you've heard them before. Be a magnet for men.
Laughter, flirtatious smile, pleased appearance - all this will be a direct indication that you have fun spending time in his company. We fall in love with the people who make us believe that we are the best!
3. Be polite and cute
Cynicism, arrogance, rudeness - you do not like that! If you are rude to the waiter, a man will think that this is just the tip of the iceberg and that there will be more! Of course, the need to show his dignity and that you have principles, but not in the form of arrogance or you'll always be lonely!
4. Find out what he wants and interests of his enthusiasm
Cute and flirty, light conversation is fun, but sometimes it gets boring. Speak sometimes serious and interesting topics for him, o plans, ambitions, dreams.
They say that the scale of the individual is determined by the quality of his dreams and global. I believe in his dream - the inspiration for achievements! Even if it seems impossible today, a man will feel that you believe in his dreams, and thus it!
Try to make him love the intelligence in itself. If he is passionate about something, something makes him a passion - let him speak! Part of this state will forever be associated with you.
5. Look at him enchanted
It should feel irresistible in your presence. Studies have shown that lovers look at each other 80% of the time communication. Look him straight in the eye during conversation. Tries to be considered his soul, thought. As soon as your eyes meet - rip glance. And let it be meaningful and gives hope makes fantasize, to dream ... People fall in love with your illusions!
6. Gently touch Him
Accidentally touch it ... and again ... and with such tenderness, which only you can do. Take his ally sensory memory, his body will remember those light excitement in your presence.
Take his hand when crossing the road a little more tender embrace at a meeting, touch it when communicating, wear clothes made of soft-touch fabric: a sliding silk, fur. Tactile sensations are very important for us to confirm their own attractiveness.
And you already knew that man should feel terrific in your presence!
7. show their talents
If you want to know how to make a man fall in love with you, you must know how to surprise him with his talent: think of a way, be creative.
He may think that he knew you, but always leaves room for surprise. Men appreciate the novelty and everyone loves to explore, and let him know you do not get tired. If you're enthusiastic nature will be easier for you to carry away a man!
Give him a chance to see your talent and once again a delight! All the same, he was able to draw the attention of this extraordinary girl like you!
8. Be inaccessible
Of course not easy to be inaccessible when you're in love. But how people - we appreciate what goes hard!
As soon as you realize that aroused the interest of men, try to limit the time to communicate with him. Be friendly, nice, but at times the meeting is canceled due to circumstances, as if independent of you, go to the meeting a little earlier, "for". Be busy, that he was jealous of you for your hobbies, work, a friend and I wanted to win back your time.
Give the man time to realize how special you are and that he is bored with you!
9. Insist that suits you
Certainly to live in peace and harmony is good, but do not always have to match your opinions. You should not always go on about his desires. Sometimes a slight difference may surprise him, but it will make him respect you.
Remember, the man likes to flirt with a girl and fun at the same time to communicate with the person having an opinion and dignity.
Give him a feeling that you would be in harmony as the two women: a light-hearted and thoughtful Laughs intellectually developed person. And he wants to unravel as possible. And gradually fall in love with both of you!)
10. Do not let him know ahead of time that you're in love with him
Men are hunters: excites the spirit of their persecution. To fall in love with a man you will take time and it should not fade away interest. Do not show their feelings as long as you do not realize that he is deep in love with you.
Let him know that you like that you feel good with him, but he must understand that you do not lose your head because of it.
The longer the chase, the harder it will be to achieve your recognition in your feelings the more they will appreciate them!
In general, you do not really need too much strain to fall in love with a man, you need to relax more. Understand that flirting is a game, take some of its conditions, enjoy the process and not depend on the result. And where, "he go from a submarine»!
Oksana Schmid

Who was the hunter who prey - not will deal!
The good news is to fall in love with a man you do not have to change dramatically. On the contrary - you should be yourself, live your life, to be a person. The only thing you need is a little change their behavior and follow these simple tips:
1. Try to look seductive
Men like eyes - we heard about it a thousand times and it sounds so corny! But the banality of it a thousand times confirmed by the truth! Remember that the first rule as the Lord's Prayer: to caring for you - you need to take care of themselves!
Tightened figure, shiny hair, stylish clothes, seductive perfume - you should look to you like all the men around! Suppose that you admire, if not take his eyes - it will only add appeal to you! He is proud that such beauty around, and he was able to win your attention from other potential Knights! Men like to feel like winners!
2. Be nice to communicate and smile!
Disarming smile - another platitude, which must be used in the process of seduction.
Men should be easy and pleasant to be in your community. He will love this state with you and strive for it. If you are interested in a man, he will try to make a lasting impression on you - show that he did it! Behave yourself freely, laugh at his jokes even if you've heard them before. Be a magnet for men.
Laughter, flirtatious smile, pleased appearance - all this will be a direct indication that you have fun spending time in his company. We fall in love with the people who make us believe that we are the best!
3. Be polite and cute
Cynicism, arrogance, rudeness - you do not like that! If you are rude to the waiter, a man will think that this is just the tip of the iceberg and that there will be more! Of course, the need to show his dignity and that you have principles, but not in the form of arrogance or you'll always be lonely!
4. Find out what he wants and interests of his enthusiasm
Cute and flirty, light conversation is fun, but sometimes it gets boring. Speak sometimes serious and interesting topics for him, o plans, ambitions, dreams.
They say that the scale of the individual is determined by the quality of his dreams and global. I believe in his dream - the inspiration for achievements! Even if it seems impossible today, a man will feel that you believe in his dreams, and thus it!
Try to make him love the intelligence in itself. If he is passionate about something, something makes him a passion - let him speak! Part of this state will forever be associated with you.
5. Look at him enchanted
It should feel irresistible in your presence. Studies have shown that lovers look at each other 80% of the time communication. Look him straight in the eye during conversation. Tries to be considered his soul, thought. As soon as your eyes meet - rip glance. And let it be meaningful and gives hope makes fantasize, to dream ... People fall in love with your illusions!
6. Gently touch Him
Accidentally touch it ... and again ... and with such tenderness, which only you can do. Take his ally sensory memory, his body will remember those light excitement in your presence.
Take his hand when crossing the road a little more tender embrace at a meeting, touch it when communicating, wear clothes made of soft-touch fabric: a sliding silk, fur. Tactile sensations are very important for us to confirm their own attractiveness.
And you already knew that man should feel terrific in your presence!
7. show their talents
If you want to know how to make a man fall in love with you, you must know how to surprise him with his talent: think of a way, be creative.
He may think that he knew you, but always leaves room for surprise. Men appreciate the novelty and everyone loves to explore, and let him know you do not get tired. If you're enthusiastic nature will be easier for you to carry away a man!
Give him a chance to see your talent and once again a delight! All the same, he was able to draw the attention of this extraordinary girl like you!
8. Be inaccessible
Of course not easy to be inaccessible when you're in love. But how people - we appreciate what goes hard!
As soon as you realize that aroused the interest of men, try to limit the time to communicate with him. Be friendly, nice, but at times the meeting is canceled due to circumstances, as if independent of you, go to the meeting a little earlier, "for". Be busy, that he was jealous of you for your hobbies, work, a friend and I wanted to win back your time.
Give the man time to realize how special you are and that he is bored with you!
9. Insist that suits you
Certainly to live in peace and harmony is good, but do not always have to match your opinions. You should not always go on about his desires. Sometimes a slight difference may surprise him, but it will make him respect you.
Remember, the man likes to flirt with a girl and fun at the same time to communicate with the person having an opinion and dignity.
Give him a feeling that you would be in harmony as the two women: a light-hearted and thoughtful Laughs intellectually developed person. And he wants to unravel as possible. And gradually fall in love with both of you!)
10. Do not let him know ahead of time that you're in love with him
Men are hunters: excites the spirit of their persecution. To fall in love with a man you will take time and it should not fade away interest. Do not show their feelings as long as you do not realize that he is deep in love with you.
Let him know that you like that you feel good with him, but he must understand that you do not lose your head because of it.
The longer the chase, the harder it will be to achieve your recognition in your feelings the more they will appreciate them!
In general, you do not really need too much strain to fall in love with a man, you need to relax more. Understand that flirting is a game, take some of its conditions, enjoy the process and not depend on the result. And where, "he go from a submarine»!
Oksana Schmid