Google will determine the "calorie" photos

Google is developing a unique application called deep learning Im2Calories, which combines elements of pattern recognition and statistical analysis. If you implement the ideas laid down, the application will be able to evaluate the composition of photos and calorie meals.
"Food Porn" in instagramme became a mass phenomenon. Now, from this will be at least some sense.
On his project Google engineers told the summit Rework Deep Learning Summit in Boston (May 26-27, 2015).
A company representative Kevin Murphy (Kevin P Murphy) said that Im2Calories pixel by pixel analyzes your photo and uses complex algorithms in-depth training to determine the size and shape of dishes.
In one example, the program analyzed the photograph, which recognizes two eggs, two pancakes and three strips of bacon. Since she did not have a single coordinate system, it is estimated the size of each ingredient relative to the size of saucers.
As reported by magazine Popular Science, the company recently filed for a patent that protects this technology.
"For me it is obvious that people really want to get this technology, and that it is really useful, - сказал Murphy Summit Rework Deep Learning. - Okay, maybe we will be mistaken with an estimate of the number of calories an individual dishes by 20%. It does not matter. All the same, the error averaged over a week or month, or year. Now we can, in theory, to combine information from many people and start to collect statistics for the entire population. I have colleagues among epidemiologists and health care, and they really need such a thing ».
Result calculation program can be adjusted in the dropdown menu. "If it works, even 30% of the time, this is enough to get people started to use it. We will collect data, and over time it will get better, "- said Murphy.
He can accept. It is easy to assume that such an application would be very popular among users.
At the same time, the company Google выражала desire to enter the health care market and start indexing medical information to save lives thanks to data mining.
The комментарии for Cnet Google spokesman Jason Freydenfelds (Jason Freidenfelds) said that algorithms Im2Calories still in development, but at the moment there is no definite plan about this technology.
It should be noted that the program According to the calculations of calories, diet and healthy eating are popular as under iOS, and for Android. Quite unexpectedly the food was a hit on the social networks. There are even accounts that are very popular, dedicated only pictures of food.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/251462/
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