Google wants to get ahead of patent trolls
Today Google объявила that for two weeks launches special program for owners of patents IT titled Patent Purchase Promotion . Its meaning is that patent holders could, if they so wish, to sell their patents are not parasitic on other people's development of the company, and to the search giant. Google promises to take care and to the patents themselves, and to their owners.
Offer to buy patents will operate for a limited time - from the 8th to the 22th of May. During this time, on a specially designed website will offer to sell his patent to enclose a relevant documents. After the end of the initiative all applications will be reviewed in the near future and, if the offer is interested in a company that until June 26, with the owners of these patents will be contacted lawyers Google. The company promises to close all financial and legal issues related to the purchase, to the end of August.
Google warns that before applying for the sale of its patent there is a need to consult with a lawyer to avoid surprises. Another interesting hint that patent trolls, having obtained a document rarely bring the original owners of patents significant benefit. It is likely that Google intends to be more generous than that of parasites.
In 2011, the total losses from the actions of patent troll made astounding sum of $ 500 billion. The researchers found that the average expense of market capitalization for the company, subjected to legal action troll is $ 20, 4 million. It is interesting to note that patents in the software industry accounted for 62% of all claims of patent trolls in the past 20 years, while patents on "tangible" design made up a much smaller percentage. 2% of the sample claims of patents that have trolls, are within the scope of pharmacological or chemical patents, 6% - patents for mechanical devices.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/249642/
Offer to buy patents will operate for a limited time - from the 8th to the 22th of May. During this time, on a specially designed website will offer to sell his patent to enclose a relevant documents. After the end of the initiative all applications will be reviewed in the near future and, if the offer is interested in a company that until June 26, with the owners of these patents will be contacted lawyers Google. The company promises to close all financial and legal issues related to the purchase, to the end of August.
Google warns that before applying for the sale of its patent there is a need to consult with a lawyer to avoid surprises. Another interesting hint that patent trolls, having obtained a document rarely bring the original owners of patents significant benefit. It is likely that Google intends to be more generous than that of parasites.
In 2011, the total losses from the actions of patent troll made astounding sum of $ 500 billion. The researchers found that the average expense of market capitalization for the company, subjected to legal action troll is $ 20, 4 million. It is interesting to note that patents in the software industry accounted for 62% of all claims of patent trolls in the past 20 years, while patents on "tangible" design made up a much smaller percentage. 2% of the sample claims of patents that have trolls, are within the scope of pharmacological or chemical patents, 6% - patents for mechanical devices.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/249642/
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